Haley: trump from the podium of the UN General Assembly will explain who are willing to help US

Haley: trump from the podium of the UN General Assembly will explain who are willing to help US UN, September 21. /TASS/. The President of the United States Donald trump during a speech during the General discussion at the 73rd General Assembly of the UN will understand that Washington will help only those States which are willing to cooperate where shared American values. Upstairs This was stated on Thursday to journalists the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley. “On Tuesday [25 September], the President will deliver a speech from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly. He wants to tell about the successes in foreign policy, which was the United States during the past year. And what will our future course,” said Haley. She added: “He will also talk about protecting the sovereignty of the USA and what other countries expect of such protection”. “He will speak about

Political violence in Russia is growing every year

Political violence in Russia is growing every year From September 2014 to September 2018, fixed 209 attacks on civil society activists, politicians and journalists, the report says International human rights group “Agora”. The most dangerous regions for civic engagement, according to the monitoring data were Moscow (52 cases), Saint Petersburg (23) and Krasnodar Krai (15). Upstairs At least five cases of violence recorded in Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Kemerovo oblasts and Stavropol Krai. The number of attacks and threats is growing every year: in 2015 was 21 this fact, and in 2016 — 35 2017 — 77, and in less than 2018 — more than 80 (including beatings of participants of mass protests in several Russian cities). Violence against activists has become the norm, the legitimacy of the attacks give the statements of individual politicians and officials, the report said. Informal groups like the Cossacks, SERB NOD and

The EU did not agree on the “brakcet”, Theresa may

The EU did not agree on the “brakcet”, Theresa may Plan Theresa may on the UK exit from the European Union may not be adopted by EU countries: it undermines the unity of the European market. This was stated by the head of the European Council Donald Tusk. Upstairs Sep 20 the leaders of the 27 EU countries met in Salzburg to discuss the plan for the withdrawal of Britain from the Union. After the meeting, Donald Tusk summed up the results of the summit. According to him, the proposal of the Prime Minister of Britain Theresa may, formulated at a meeting of the British government in her country residence at Chequers in July 2018, impossible. The main provisions of the plan Theresa may is the achievement of a common trade rules between the EU and the UK after the “breccia”. According to Tusk, the proposal may not suit the

The UN security Council extended the agreement Putin and Erdogan’s Idlib

The UN security Council extended the agreement Putin and Erdogan’s Idlib UN, September 20 — RIA Novosti. The agreement on the stabilization of the situation in the zone of de-escalation of Idlib in Syria, reached by Russian President Vladimir Putin and President of Turkey Tayyip Erdogan, circulated as an official document of the UN security Council, told RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the permanent mission of the Russian Federation at the world organization Fedor Strzygowski. Upstairs “Memorandum on the stabilization of the situation in the zone of de-escalation of Idlib was distributed on September 18, an official document of the UN security Council,” said Strzyzewski. Putin and Erdogan on Monday in Sochi agreed to establish by October 15 demilitarized zone along the contact line of the armed opposition and government forces in the Syrian province of Idlib, and the defense Ministers of the two countries signed a Memorandum on stabilization of

Trump has approved a new cyber security strategy of the United States

Trump has approved a new cyber security strategy of the United States NEW YORK, September 20. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump on Thursday has signed and approved the new strategy of the United States in the field of cybersecurity, in which attention is paid to retaliatory steps in the alleged actions in this area of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. Upstairs This was announced on Thursday at a briefing for journalists assistant to the President for national security John Bolton. “The President today signed a new cybersecurity strategy of the country, which is the first for the last 15 years a clear strategy in this area,” said Bolton. “This strategy comes into force today,” he added, noting that the text of the document will be issued shortly.

Fighters and Il-20 lit in time

Fighters and Il-20 lit in time On Thursday in Moscow hosted talks between representatives of the defense Ministry and the Israeli military delegation headed by commander of the Israeli air force major General Amikam Norkina. The Israelis brought a 40-page report designed to shed light on the incident with the downed Monday over the Mediterranean sea Russian reconnaissance aircraft Il-20. In their opinion, the materials indicate the non-participation of Israel to the tragedy. In particular, according to the Israeli version, a Syrian missile shot down the plane, was released almost an hour after F-16 fighter jets left the base. However, the Russian military claimed earlier that the Il-20 was shot down during the attack by Israeli aircraft, their accusations against Israel is not removed, at least publicly. However, the military of the two countries agreed to continue coordinating actions in Syria. Upstairs The meeting of military The commander of the

The US imposed sanctions against Russians and 27 six legal entities for the intervention in the elections

The US imposed sanctions against Russians and 27 six legal entities for the intervention in the elections Moscow. September 20. INTERFAX.RU Washington on Thursday announced the inclusion in the sanctions list of 27 individuals and six legal entities from Russia, connected with the intelligence services and defense agencies. Upstairs The list published Thursday on the website of the US state Department. According to the state Department, in the framework of the law CAATSA these people added to the list of persons who are related or act in the interests of the defense and intelligence sectors of the Russian Federation. So, three legal entities were in the list of persons associated with the defense sector of the Russian Federation. This “PMC Wagner”, “Oboroncertifica”, Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft plant named after Yuri Gagarin. In the list associated with the intelligence agencies, three legal entities and 27 individuals, including the head of the GRU Igor

The U.S. added to the sanctions list of defendants in “intervention in election”

The U.S. added to the sanctions list of defendants in “intervention in election” WASHINGTON, September 20 — RIA Novosti. Intelligence officials, including those against whom the United States charged in connection with “interference in the elections”, was in new sanctions list of the Russians, said Thursday a senior representative of the US administration. Upstairs On Thursday, the US administration announced that adds to the sanctions list of 33 individuals and companies from Russia, supposedly associated with “the defense and intelligence sector.” “Some of these names correspond with those individuals against whom charges were filed for Russian intervention in the elections (in the US),” stated at the briefing the representative of the administration. He said that in the sanctions sector included people associated with the exploration of the Russian Federation and the defence sector. Secretary of State Pompeo authorizes adding 33 Russian defense intelligence officials to sanctions list – official pic.twitter.com/QfM7TGrb8p

Matviyenko said that Russia is “Mature decision” to withdraw from the Council of Europe

Matviyenko said that Russia is “Mature decision” to withdraw from the Council of Europe The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko said that Russia is considering the possibility of leaving the Council of Europe. At the meeting with President of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Liliane Maury Pasquier in St. Petersburg, she noted that the reason for this is the contradictions that have arisen between Moscow and Strasbourg. Upstairs “We’re tired of being boys and girls whipping. We have matured an internal decision to withdraw from the Council of Europe. I tell you this sincerely”, — quotes “Interfax” the words of Mrs. Matvienko. She stressed that Russia “forced to make this choice.” Recall, Russia was deprived of voting rights and the opportunity to work in the governing bodies of the Assembly and to participate in missions of observers in 2014 in connection with the annexation

Trump has signed the decree about the instruments for the maintenance of the sanctions regime against Russia

Trump has signed the decree about the instruments for the maintenance of the sanctions regime against Russia Moscow. September 20. INTERFAX.RU — the Decree gives additional powers to the Minister of Finance and provides further implementation of sanctions against Russia. Upstairs The US President Donald trump on Thursday notified Congress about the signing of the decree, which gives additional opportunities for the implementation of the acting against Russia restrictive measures. “Signed by me today, the decree will allow for further implementation of sanctions, granting in the framework of the law IEEPA (the law “On the international emergency economic powers” — if) additional powers to the Minister of Finance. The decree also allows the US government to take the necessary measures to ensure full implementation of these restrictive measures”, — stated in the published White house statement of trump. “These sanctions may include a ban on some financial transactions, confiscation of