The head of the CIA told about the new scale of information gathering about Russia

The head of the CIA told about the new scale of information gathering about Russia The Director of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) Gina Haspel told about plans of the Department to expand the scope of collecting information about Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. She stated in the University of Louisville in its first public statement on 24 September. Upstairs She promised “to invest more in gathering information on the most complex issues.” As noted by the NBC, the expression “complex issues” is code for intelligence activities directed against these four countries. Our efforts are aimed at filling gaps in intelligence information concerning these difficult countries, was in recent years sidelined as a result of efforts to combat terrorism.Gina Hyperdirect Central intelligence Agency The President of the United States Donald trump haspel was appointed CIA Director in may. She became the first country in the history of the woman

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia arrested in Norway Russian works in the office of the Council of Federation

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia arrested in Norway Russian works in the office of the Council of Federation A Russian who was detained in Norway on suspicion of espionage, is a member of the Federation Council. This is stated in the message of 24 September was published on the website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. Upstairs In connection with the detention Bochkarev, the Russian foreign Ministry summoned the Ambassador of Norway in Russia rune Resaland, which was “declared a strong protest.” The foreign Ministry demanded an “immediate” withdrawal of Russian “absurd accusations” and release it. “It seems that the wave campaign “spy” against Russia acquires in Norway odious forms. Of course, such steps will not remain without consequences,” — said in the press release of the Russian authorities. The TV channel “Rain” notes that the faculty of computational mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow state University mentioned Michael

The Russian foreign Ministry expressed protest to the Norwegian Ambassador over the detention of Russian in the Oslo airport

The Russian foreign Ministry expressed protest to the Norwegian Ambassador over the detention of Russian in the Oslo airport The Russian foreign Ministry summoned the Ambassador of Norway rune Resaland and said a strong protest over the detention in the Oslo airport the citizen of Russia M. A. Bochkarev, said in the statement. Upstairs The Russian foreign Ministry summoned the Ambassador of Norway rune Resaland and said a strong protest over the detention in the Oslo airport the citizen of Russia M. A. Bochkarev, said in the statement. “On 24 September, the Russian foreign Ministry was caused by extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in the Russian Federation R. Resaland, which has been declared a decisive protest in connection with detention at the airport in Oslo and placing under arrest of a Russian citizen M. A. Bochkareva on false charges of intelligence activities”, — stated in the

The defense Ministry said there was evidence of guilt of Israel in the crash of the Il-20

The defense Ministry said there was evidence of guilt of Israel in the crash of the Il-20 Data radar air defense missile system s-400 prove that Israeli F-16 fighter jets stayed with the Russian plane Il-20 to the time of the crash, announced on Monday the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov. Upstairs “A stamp from the Russian Il-20 was gone from the screen. However, I want to draw your attention that the Israeli F-16 are still in the area, and one of them is in close proximity to the site of the tragedy,” said Mr Konashenkov, showing briefing slides with new evidence (quoted by TASS). According to the Agency, these data suggest that the F-16 “hid” for a Russian plane. The missile air defense of Syria, approaching the fighter, dramatically changed the direction of flight to Il-20. September 17, Il-20 was shot down by

The press service of the Netanyahu commented on his conversation with Putin on the theme of s-300

The press service of the Netanyahu commented on his conversation with Putin on the theme of s-300 Moscow. September 24. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the impending transfer of Syria s-300 will increase tensions in the region, said Monday the press service of the Prime Minister. Upstairs According to Netanyahu, the supply of anti-aircraft missile system s-300 to Syria “in the hands of irresponsible persons will increase tensions in the region.” The Israeli Prime Minister said that his country will continue to protect their interests. In addition, Netanyahu again stressed that the responsibility for the fact that Russian Il-20 aircraft was shot down, lies with Syria. He added that responsibility for the tragedy with Il-20 also lies on Iran, as Tehran, in his opinion, destabilizie the situation in the region. In the message a press-services of the Israeli Prime

USA told about the evidence of the presence of Russian military in the Donbass

USA told about the evidence of the presence of Russian military in the Donbass The United States has evidence of the presence of Russian Armed forces on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine. About it in interview of radio station “Echo of Moscow”, said the special representative of the US state Department on Ukraine Kurt Volker. Upstairs “We have very good information about the commanders, chain of command, troop types, their funding, the number of regular soldiers of the Russian army, the number of specialized units, and most of the forces are contract soldiers,” he said. According to him, the US has a rich experience in the production of such information. “I’ll be very Frank: the US acted in the same way in other places where we used contractors to Supplement the military operations of the United States, and in this case it was exactly the same

Kiev has approved a plan for the establishment of naval bases in the sea of Azov

Kiev has approved a plan for the establishment of naval bases in the sea of Azov The General staff of the Armed forces of Ukraine approved the plans for establishing naval bases in the sea of Azov. About this channel “112 Ukraine” on Monday, 24 September, said the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, member of the parliamentary Committee on national security and defence Ivan Vinnik, reports “Interfax”. Upstairs “Appropriate deployment plans already approved by the General staff, the database will be created quickly, given the availability of operational-tactical formations”, — he said. “As for infrastructure, yet will use the infrastructure of commercial ports, in the future it will develop in the direction of military applications for the construction of additional berths,” — said winnick. The MP also spoke about the right of States to strengthen its borders, especially on problem areas. “We now have several such plots — admingranitsa with

Seven battalions of s-300 can close the sky over Syria, said the expert

Seven battalions of s-300 can close the sky over Syria, said the expert MOSCOW, 24 Sep — RIA Novosti. Just to close Syrian airspace to seven battalions of s-300, Moscow could put Damascus at least five such systems, said to RIA Novosti on Monday, the Professor of the Russian Academy of military Sciences Sergey Sudakov. Upstairs “I believe that we could deliver to Syria a maximum of seven battalions of s-300 is a lot, but we would be able to solve the problem of the closure of the sky over Syria. Such large-scale supply is unlikely, but three to five of the divisions would control a very large area — all areas of the country where Russia carries out anti-terrorist operation”, — he said. The expert explained that with the s-300 to Syria will operate a system of suppression of radio signals in areas which are not able to enter

Putin told Netanyahu that Russia will supply Syria With s-300

Putin told Netanyahu that Russia will supply Syria With s-300 Moscow. September 24. INTERFAX.RU At the initiative of the Israeli side had a telephone conversation with President of Russia Vladimir Putin with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, reported the press service of the Kremlin. Upstairs “The Prime Minister of Israel once again expressed condolences in connection with death of the soldiers on Board shot down on 17 December in Syria of Russian aircraft Il-20”, — stated in the message. It notes that “continued discussion of the circumstances of the incident given the fact that the Israeli military presented information about the operation of their aircraft over Syrian territory at odds with the conclusions of the Ministry of defense of Russia”. “The Russian side proceeds from the fact that it is the actions of the Israeli air force were the main cause of the tragedy”, — underlined in the message.

Reuters: EU agrees on a new mechanism of imposing sanctions for chemical weapons

Reuters: EU agrees on a new mechanism of imposing sanctions for chemical weapons The Committee of permanent representatives of EU member States at the meeting on 26 September approved the new mechanism of imposing sanctions for the use of chemical weapons, according to Reuters. According to sources, the Agency, the updated rules will be adopted without any debate and by 15 October, they will consider the EU Council at the level of Ministers of foreign Affairs. Upstairs The new order will impose restrictive measures against individuals and companies no matter what nationalities they are and where they live. Also, the EU will be able to freeze accounts of members of the sanctions list and deny them entry into the country’s enterprises. In addition, the new mechanism is faster: sanctions will be imposed immediately if they vote for all countries-EU members. “We will be able to uphold certain rights, not just