Trump: Washington will provide assistance only to the friends of the United States

Trump: Washington will provide assistance only to the friends of the United States UN, September 25. /TASS/. Washington now intends to provide assistance only to those countries who are friends of the United States. This was stated by the President of the United States Donald trump, speaking on Tuesday at the political debate 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. Upstairs The White house argued that, when it comes to foreign aid the U.S. provides to its greatest extent. “But hardly anyone gives something to us,” he said. According to trump, the United States intends to find out whether they match with American interests in those countries, which helps Washington. “From now on we will provide foreign aid only to those who respects us and is our friend” — said the American leader. He also once again noted that, as expected, the United States, other States will make fair contributions

Oleg Deripaska shortened a helping hand

Oleg Deripaska shortened a helping hand Anticyclonic support the automakers will last only a year. Upstairs As found “Kommersant”, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak instructed to revise a radical approach Ministry of industry and trade on issuance of “Russian machines” and the GAZ group of Oleg Deripaska indefinite preferences in public procurement. Now it is about securing support for 2019, as well as the clarification of the terms involving the absolute priority of the structures of Mr. Deripaska. Might be mitigated and ideas of industry and trade in the sudden changing of the rules for industry to support other asset of the businessman, OK “RUSAL” — this issue will be discussed at the meeting of Vice Prime Minister with the automakers 29 September. According to “Kommersant”, the idea of the Ministry to give the benefits of the participation in regional and municipal government purchases the holding company Russian machines and

Sipyagin was not expelled from the Orlov region, said the liberal democratic party

Sipyagin was not expelled from the Orlov region, said the liberal democratic party The words chosen Governor of the Vladimir region Vladimir Sipyagin about the ex-Governor of the region Svetlana Orlova misinterpreted: she needs to leave the region if she wants to work in the government, if no — let her stay, said the Vice-speaker of the state Duma from LDPR Igor Lebedev. Upstairs MOSCOW, September 25 — RIA Novosti. Earlier Sipyagin said he did not intend to offer ex-Governor of the region Svetlana Orlova’s work in their team. In comments to RBC, he recalled that Orlov is a native of another region, and said that, in his opinion, it will be useful for the good of the country to another region. The media interpreted this as a recommendation of the eagles to leave the area. “I do not see in this statement nothing to worry about. Orlov we where

Swiss police suspected Roman Abramovich’s links with the crime and called dangerous to stay in the country

Swiss police suspected Roman Abramovich’s links with the crime and called dangerous to stay in the country The Federal criminal police office Switzerland (Fedpol) says stay in the country of Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich threat to society and reputation. On 25 September, wrote the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper. Upstairs Fedpol suspect Abramovich of having links with criminal organizations and money laundering. Police did not specify the evidence to suspect Russian billionaire. In July 2016 Abramovich has submitted an application for a residence permit in the Canton of Valais in Switzerland. Immigration authorities have requested the opinion of Fedpol. Then the Federal Agency and stated that the Russian billionaire could cause reputational damage for Switzerland. Abramovich didn’t want the press to publish these details, so he filed a lawsuit against holding Tamedia and, in particular, editions of the Tages-Anzeiger and Der Bund. The trial took several months and reached the Federal court in

The participants of the UN General Assembly was greeted with the laughter it trump

The participants of the UN General Assembly was greeted with the laughter it trump UN, September 25 — RIA Novosti. Hall met with laughter the beginning of the speech of the President of the United States Donald trump at the UN General Assembly, trump admitted that he “did not expect such a reaction.” Upstairs The US leader began his speech with a story about how things work in the USA after his arrival in the White house. Traditionally it is said that “less than two years” has achieved more than his predecessors in the same time. Hall met his words with laughter. “I did not expect such a reaction, but it’s okay,” a little embarrassed trump continuing to talk about the growth of the economy, reducing unemployment and other successes. While trump was late for his own speech — he was supposed to speak second after the President of Brazil,

Not palaces, and offices. The head of the FIU told MPs on the question of the buildings of the Foundation

Not palaces, and offices. The head of the FIU told MPs on the question of the buildings of the Foundation Anton Drozdov said that all buildings are constructed and repaired according to standards, and is spent on them just a little less than a billion rubles. Earlier, President Putin said that the FIU “swung apartment”. Upstairs Not palaces, and the usual offices. The head of the Pension Fund of Russia Anton Drozdov has answered the deputies of the state Duma on the question of buildings in which are located the offices of the Fund. According to officials, these objects are transferred to the offices of the Pension Fund and used only to serve the citizens. Earlier, the “palaces” of the FIU criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin who has noticed the discontent of the population. During his speech, Drozdov in the state Duma, the Deputy from LDPR Vitaly Pashin said, “Why

The United States announced sanctions against 12 Russian organizations

The United States announced sanctions against 12 Russian organizations They are connected with the Russian military programs and hackers, according to us Department of Commerce. Upstairs The US Commerce Department will impose sanctions against 12 Russian organizations and organizations from Iran, Belarus, the United Arab Emirates and Singapore, reported on the website of the Federal register (Federal Register) — the official magazine of the American government, which publishes the regulations. It is planned that the document will be officially unveiled on 26 September and will come into force. Under the restrictions were, in particular, the company “AeroComposite” (Ulyanovsk), “Dayvtekhnoservis” (St.-Petersburg), scientific-production enterprise “Gamma” (Moscow), research Institute “Vector” (Saint Petersburg), Obninsk scientific production enterprise “Technology” scientific production enterprise “Okeanos” (St.-Petersburg), the company Aviadvigatel (Perm), the group of companies “infoteks” (Moscow), the company Syrus Systems (Moscow), research and production Corporation “Systems precision instrument” (Moscow), Voronezh scientific research Institute “VEGA”. As noted in

The Israeli army will continue operations in Syria

The Israeli army will continue operations in Syria TEL AVIV, September 25 — RIA Novosti. Military-political Cabinet of Israel has ordered the army to continue operations against Iranian forces in Syria, while maintaining coordination with Russian colleagues, said in a statement following the meeting of the forum of key Ministers. Upstairs The Cabinet discussed the situation in connection with the complication of relations with Russia following the crash of Il-20 videoconferencing, which was last week shot down by Syrian air defense in repelling Israeli airstrike on target near Latakia. In the fall of 2015 between Russia and Israel, which operates a communication mechanism, which is designed to protect them from accidental collisions and other dangerous incidents during the operations in Syria, where the Israelis regularly attack the objects of the military presence of Iran and its satellites. The incident with the Il-20 Russian Il-20 was shot down on 17 September,

Lock and skeleton key. Israel is ready to counter the s-300 in Syria

Lock and skeleton key. Israel is ready to counter the s-300 in Syria With the emergence in Syria of “Triumph” risks for the participants of the conflict and the conflict itself has features of a real war. Upstairs In early October, Russia will give the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) anti-aircraft missile system s-300. This was stated by the Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu. According to him, this step “cool hot heads” in the region and deter them from “rash actions”. The Minister did not specify who he meant, but the full list of measures that will be taken after the death of the reconnaissance aircraft Il-20, worried anyone. For example, in neighboring Syria the Mediterranean sea by systems of radio-electronic struggle (REB) will be suppressed satellite navigation, radar systems and communications. A failed compromise Russian anti-aircraft missiles were supposed to be in Syria at the beginning of the

Reports of “punishment” of the Communist party and the liberal democratic party for the election results called provocation

Reports of “punishment” of the Communist party and the liberal democratic party for the election results called provocation Earlier, Vedomosti wrote that the party, from the point of view of the President’s administration, crossed the red line and can share the fate of non-systemic opposition. Upstairs Moscow. September 25. INTERFAX.RU — Reports that the Communist party and the liberal democratic party will be “punished” for the results of the gubernatorial elections are fake and provocative, said “Interfax” a source close to the political unit of the presidential administration. “We can agree with the estimates of the CPRF leader Gennady Zyuganov about the fact that this kind of fakes can spread only provocateurs,” said a source close to the presidential administration. According to him, the candidates of the CPRF and the LDPR belong to the opposition system and strictly adhere to all rules of conducting pre-election campaigns. “LDPR and the Communist