Netanyahu assumed the position of Minister of defense of Israel

Netanyahu assumed the position of Minister of defense of Israel TEL AVIV, November 18. /TASS/ — the Post of defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman left on 14 November. Upstairs The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, joined Sunday in the post of Minister of defence of the Jewish state. The first time I assume office as the Minister of defence and I know I do it when there is a lot of criticism of the state policy in the field of security. “The security of the country is beyond politics and personal interests,” — said the Prime Minister during a televised address from the building of the defense Ministry in tel Aviv, which was broadcast on the main Israeli TV channels. Netanyahu added that now is not the time for early elections in the country because of the situation in the field of security. “We are now in one of the

In Belgium appears female special forces

In Belgium appears female special forces In Belgium, by the beginning of 2020 will be division of the special forces, composed of only women, according to RTBF. Upstairs It is specified that the proportion of women in the Belgian army is 7.8%. Women are mostly present in the composition of land forces (863 people) and air force (601 people). In Belgium, women were first recruited into the army in 1975. They could be called upon only in the period of mobilization.

Macron said the threat to Europe from the major powers

Macron said the threat to Europe from the major powers PARIS, November 18. /TASS/. Some of the big powers pose a threat to the European Union and the Franco-German tandem. The President of France Emmanuel macron said on Sunday, speaking in the Bundestag during his visit to Germany where he takes part in activities under the celebrated German Day of national mourning. Upstairs “Europe and the part of her Franco-German tandem are required to prevent the world plunged into chaos, and must therefore accompany the planet in its path to peace. For this, Europe needs to be stronger and more confident. She won’t be able to play its proper role if they become a toy in the hands of some big powers, don’t take more responsibility for their defense and security, and agree to a secondary role on the international stage,” said macron. He stressed that “too many powers now

Times: the British military is developing an emergency plan in case of a Brexit no deal

Times: the British military is developing an emergency plan in case of a Brexit no deal LONDON, November 18. /TASS/. British experts on military planning to enact emergency measures in the event of withdrawal from the EU without an agreement for Brexit. On Sunday the newspaper reported The Sunday Times citing a source in the British army. Upstairs According to the newspaper, around 20 officers, who usually control the operation Temperer, in which the soldiers assisted the police in case of terrorist attacks, have orders to speed up preparations for a possible Brexit scenario without transaction. The group will focus on how the military could help the police to maintain public order, as hospitals are supplied with medicines and how to avoid traffic jams in Kent, where there is a ferry, connecting Britain with the continent. A total of 10 thousand troops in the shortest possible time can be involved

Peskov ruled out the automatic transfer of the Kuril Islands of Japan

Peskov ruled out the automatic transfer of the Kuril Islands of Japan Moscow. 18 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that there was no separate contract for the transfer to Japan of the Kurile Islands may not be an automatic transfer of the territories is impossible. Upstairs “These days we have seen a very large number of different arguments, of political speculation that, say, some separate deal to transfer Islands and so forth,” he said in the program “Moscow. Russia. Putin” on TV channel “Russia 1” (VGTRK). “It is not. And so can not be”, — stressed in this regard the Sands. He explained that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took as a basis for negotiations on the issue of Soviet-Japanese Declaration of 1956. Can you talk about what this means automatic transfer of some territories? Absolutely not.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the

Ishchenko handed over to the electoral Commission the documents for participation in elections of the head of Primorye

Ishchenko handed over to the electoral Commission the documents for participation in elections of the head of Primorye VLADIVOSTOK, November 18 — RIA Novosti. Communist Andrey Ishchenko, who in the September elections of the Governor of Primorye went to the second round, gave the electoral Commission the documents and collected signatures for registration as a candidate in the new elections, said RIA Novosti the representative of the regional electoral Commission. Upstairs “Ishchenko gave the documents to the statutory deadlines,” — said RIA Novosti representative of the regional electoral Commission. Earlier the documents for registration was filed by the independent candidate, acting Governor of Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako, Chairman of the Committee on local government, law and order and legality of the Duma of Vladivostok rose Chemerys, nominated by the party “For women of Russia”, Igor Stepanenko from “Patriots of Russia” Alexey Timchenko from the Party of growth, Duma Deputy Andrei

According to the results of the APEC summit will release a written statement

According to the results of the APEC summit will release a written statement At the summit of the Asia-Pacific economic cooperation (APEC) in Papua New Guinea will be issued a written statement, said at a press conference presiding at a meeting the Prime host of the Peter O’neill. Upstairs “Later today we will release a statement” — quoted by “RIA Novosti”. A final Declaration was adopted minus the controversial points, it made a statement the Chairman of the meeting. “Adopted the Declaration of the less controversial items — Buharskie goal, the WTO trade practices. It is a statement of the President”, — said the source Agency. Earlier, AFP and Reuters reported that the final Declaration of the APEC summit in Papua New Guinea was unable to accept because of disagreements of the delegates. A Chinese official told Reuters that she was not accepted because of the trade war between China

France called the conditions of participation of Russia in the G7 summit

France called the conditions of participation of Russia in the G7 summit PARIS, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. France will be happy to see Russia at the G7 summit in Biarritz, if the conditions that were set at the time of the suspension of Russian membership in the organization will be performed, told RIA Novosti Ambassador at the preparation of the presidency of the G7 in France, Jean-Pierre, tebo. Upstairs The presidency in the G7 came to France from 1 January 2019. The summit “the Big seven” will take place in late August in the French Biarritz. “Russia was never expelled from the G8. Russia’s participation was only suspended when the settlement of a number of questions that are absolutely specific terms… Part of Russia (G7 summit — ed.) is encouraged, provided that these will be resolved certain issues in terms discussed,” said tebo. “I think the President of the

Merkel acknowledged the error of migration policy

Merkel acknowledged the error of migration policy German Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged the error of migration policy, reports Deutsche Welle. The corresponding statement she made during the meeting with residents of the city of Chemnitz, where in August was killed by a local resident. Upstairs According to media reports, the Chancellor stated that the errors are not that migrants were provided short-term assistance, and that the government did not care about recognition of several countries and regions of the world “safe”. It would, she said, would reduce the influx of refugees. In Chemnitz at the end of August from stab wounds has died 35-the summer local. According to investigators, they paid him two migrant from Syria and Iraq, who were subsequently arrested. Two more people were injured. In addition, during the riots affected a citizen of Russia. After the murder in the centre of Berlin to protest against crime among

Zakharov made fun of “new investigation” Bellingcat in the case Skrobala

Zakharov made fun of “new investigation” Bellingcat in the case Skrobala The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova made fun of the “investigation” of the project Bellingcat about Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirova, and noted that the British “are brought itself to clean the water.” Upstairs Published November 16, material Bellingcat said that FSB officers allegedly helped arrange without checking UK visa Petrov and Bashirova, exerting “influence” to the visa center of great Britain. “I knew this day would come! And he came. Bellingcat himself brought clean water,” wrote Zakharova in Facebook. The diplomat called an anecdote the situation described in the article, noting that Petrov and Bashirova in Britain think staff Main intelligence Directorate (GRU), while they “help you get visa” the FSB.