Turchak called game the idea of United Russia to allow hunting of endangered animals

Turchak called game the idea of United Russia to allow hunting of endangered animals The Secretary General Council of “United Russia” Andrey Turchak opposed United Russia deputies Vladislav Reznik allow hunting of rare animals from the red book in exchange for financing the restoration of their population. Upstairs “The proposal Reznik, who is a member of the “Club of mountain hunters”, it is not that other, as attempt to legitimize my own hobby of “VIP-hunting”. The proposal to kill in order to Finance the rescue of animals is some kind of game”, — Turchak (quoted by “Interfax”). According to Turchak, “United Russia” holds a strong and principled position on this issue. We believe that the proposals on the resolution of shooting endangered animals is unacceptable and impossible. If the hunters have a desire to help protect animals from the red book, it does not give them the right to lobby

The Russian Ambassador was summoned to the foreign Ministry of Finland

The Russian Ambassador was summoned to the foreign Ministry of Finland HELSINKI, Nov 19 — RIA Novosti. The Russian Ambassador in Helsinki Pavel Kuznetsov expressed concern due to the disruption of satellite navigation systems GPS and security threats to aircraft, said on Monday the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Finland. Upstairs “The message was conveyed to the Russian Ambassador in the Ministry of foreign Affairs today. We expect Russia responsible behavior, and further information on this issue”, — reads the statement of the Finnish foreign Ministry. Problem with GPS Earlier media reported that from October 16 to November 7, we observed various crashes during NATO exercises. Last week the Prime Minister of Finland, Juha Sipilä made that it may be involved in Russia, and urged to investigate the incident. He was supported in Oslo. According to the Norwegian military, the problems could be associated with the actions of the Russian

Clemency for victims

Clemency for victims The Council on human rights thinking about Amnesty for the Day of the Constitution. Upstairs In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution, the presidential Council on human rights and development of civil society (HRC) offer to hold an Amnesty in respect of persons who smooth the damage from their crimes. The proposal was made by a member of the HRC Andrei Babushkin, referring to the fact that the first Duma declared Amnesty in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Basic law. Council members want to discuss the project with President Vladimir Putin at the meeting that is traditionally held at the end of the year. You can get to it may have the new Board. The head of the HRC Mikhail Fedotov called “a decent reason” for the Amnesty of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution (to be celebrated December 12). “Andrei Babushkin offers

“Yellow jackets” against the government of France

“Yellow jackets” against the government of France Movement that emerged in the social networks went offline. Upstairs Weekend regular life of France blew up a storm of protest, which was attended by about 288 thousand people, 2 thousand settlements across the country. Citizens protesting against the increase in taxes on fuel and other unpopular measures of the government. Summary of the Sabbath — one dead and 408 injured, including 14 seriously wounded. On Sunday, the tension has somewhat decreased, but many roads were still blocked by protesters. With details — the correspondent of “Kommersant” Alexei Tarkhanov. On Saturday morning, thousands of protesters gathered in the center of Paris, on the Concorde and on the Champs Elysees. The capital of France feared pogroms, which willingly surrender to the demonstrators and joined them members of extremist groups. The more that the audience had no plan of manifestation, nor an agreed time. The

China said that the US had ruined the atmosphere at the APEC summit

China said that the US had ruined the atmosphere at the APEC summit BEIJING, 19 Nov — RIA Novosti. His statements during the summit of APEC leaders has created an artificial controversy, ruined the atmosphere and did not contribute to reaching consensus, said on Monday foreign Ministry spokesman China Geng Shuang. Upstairs The APEC summit in 2018 was held in the capital of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, 17-18 Nov. For the first time since 1993, the summit ended without a joint Declaration of the leaders. The meeting took place against the backdrop of a trade war between China and the United States — the world’s largest economies, and a number of Western media reported about the tensions with the Chinese delegation in the preparation of the outcome document. “The statements of the Chinese party was not directed against anyone and did not provoke anyone. However, all saw the performance

In the state Duma has proposed to allow trophy hunting for animals from the red book

In the state Duma has proposed to allow trophy hunting for animals from the red book State Duma Deputy Vladislav Reznik wrote the Deputy head of the Ministry Ivan Valentik letter to assess whether it is possible to allow in Russia, trophy hunting for endangered species in exchange for that, the hunters began to Finance the protection of these species, found “Kommersant”. Upstairs According to the Deputy, authorities taken measures to preserve rare species of animals “in conditions of hard budget constraints cannot be considered sufficient”. Mr. Resnick proposes to introduce a special programme for the conservation of rare and endangered animals. Under these programs, as the Deputy told, is the removal of individuals who “represent the lowest value for the population”, by trophy hunting. Received from hunters offered money to conduct research and “protection measures” in relation to endangered species. The Ministry of the environment, “Kommersant” reported that consider

Peskov called the unsuccessful application of Poland about the threat of war after starting the “Nord stream-2”

Peskov called the unsuccessful application of Poland about the threat of war after starting the “Nord stream-2” Moscow. 19 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov called an unfortunate statement by the Prime Minister of Poland that, to complete the gas pipeline “Nord stream-2”, Russia could attack Ukraine. Upstairs “It’s an unfortunate statement,” said Sands, answering the question of Interfax. As stressed by the representative of the Kremlin, the attacks on the project “Nord stream-2” — “it is not that other, as a manifestation of unfair competition and attempt to force Europeans to buy unprofitable, more expensive American gas.” Everything here is absolutely no cover, not even trying to cover up such acts of unfair competition.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation On the question of whether Russia really attack Ukraine, Peskov said: “I have already said that this is a bad statement in

The Kremlin announced a big press conference Putin in December

The Kremlin announced a big press conference Putin in December Moscow. 19 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Big press conference of Vladimir Putin will be held in December, reported on Monday the press-Secretary of President Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “This traditional format will continue,” he said. Peskov also said the President’s speech with a message to the Federal Assembly will probably take place next year. “The timing of the message yet, they will soon be identified. With no standard to hold it until the New year. It can take place later. And I would say that most likely it will be next year,” explained Sands.

In the UAE accused the Turkish media of fabricating news about the Gulf countries

In the UAE accused the Turkish media of fabricating news about the Gulf countries Moscow. 19 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — IN particular, about the country’s involvement in the murder of journalist Hackage. Upstairs Minister of state for foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Anwar Gargash accused some Turkish media of fabricating news about the Persian Gulf, particularly the UAE, in response to the statements of the Turkish Newspapers about the involvement of the UAE to conceal the murder of a Saudi journalist Jamal Casucci. “Part of the influential Turkish Newspapers engaged in fabricating news about the Gulf countries and the Arab countries, including the UAE,” Gargash wrote in his Twitter. This experience has shown us that rumors and false information were never the result of logical or critical reasoning, and they damage the very source and cause loss of confidence. Sunday newspaper Yeni Safir said that arrived in Istanbul a

Trump has done a decent job as President on “five with plus”

Trump has done a decent job as President on “five with plus” WASHINGTON, 18 Nov. /TASS/ — as an example, the American President cited the dramatic growth of the economy and the progress in the settlement of the situation around the Korean Peninsula. Upstairs The President of the United States Donald trump put the “great plus” for its activity on a post of the head of state for almost two years stay in power. The American leader shared this opinion in an interview with Fox News, a fragment of which was shown on Sunday. The journalist asked trump to measure their performance and compare themselves with the US presidents who played an important role for the well-being of the country. “Look, I hate to do it, but I’ll do it, I would put myself “excellent plus”. Is that enough? Can I go even higher?” — said the head of the