Zakharov commented on the situation around the elections of the head of Interpol

Zakharov commented on the situation around the elections of the head of Interpol MOSCOW, 22 Nov — RIA Novosti. Moscow regrets that a filing with the US around the election of the head of Interpol was waged a dirty campaign, said the official representative of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova. Upstairs The representative of South Korea Kim Chung Yang on Wednesday elected as the new President of Interpol. Besides him, the post claimed the General-the major of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Alexander Prokopchuk, Vice President of Interpol for Europe. Voting took place at the 87th session of the General Assembly of the organization in Dubai. The pre-election period was accompanied by an unprecedented campaign of disinformation, pressure, slander. She, unfortunately, was deployed by the USA against the candidate from Russia. “Anti-Russian frenzy even Washington moved away from their principled approaches to disclose preferences on

Vladimir Tokarev was appointed Deputy head of the Ministry of transport

Vladimir Tokarev was appointed Deputy head of the Ministry of transport MOSCOW, 22 Nov — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has appointed Vladimir Tokarev, Deputy head of the transport Ministry, the corresponding order published on the government website. Upstairs “To appoint Tokarev Vladimir Alexandrovich Deputy Minister of transport of the Russian Federation”, — the document says. The representative of the Ministry of transport said RIA Novosti that the Tokarev will be in charge of the railway sector. Previously this was done Alan Lushnikov. Tokarev in 2004-2006 worked in the “Vagonremmash”, subsidiary of Russian Railways, was then Deputy head of Federal Agency of railway transport. In late 2008 he moved to the post of Deputy Minister of regional development, from December 2013 to April 2014 he held the position of Deputy Minister of construction and housing.

61% of Russians named President responsible for problems of the Russian Federation

61% of Russians named President responsible for problems of the Russian Federation Moscow. 22 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Majority of Russians believe the President is responsible for the problems facing the country, according to a survey of “Levada-center”. Upstairs According to the study, published Thursday on the website of the sociological center, as of October 2018, 61% of Russians believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin is fully responsible for the problems facing the country. Another 22% of respondents believe that his responsibility is only partial. In turn, 16% of respondents believe that the President is not responsible for the problem. 10% of respondents believe that they are guilty of “careless and corrupt” officials, 6% are blamed on external circumstances, including the legacy of the 90-ies and the impact of the global economic crisis, stressing that the President is doing everything right. To the question about who of the current politicians,

The foreign Ministry commented on the statement by Mogherini on the Azov sea

The foreign Ministry commented on the statement by Mogherini on the Azov sea MOSCOW, 22 Nov — RIA Novosti. Moscow does not understand why the EU claim of Russia in connection with the situation in the Azov sea, but on the provocative steps of Kiev do not pay attention, he said at a briefing the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Upstairs Earlier, the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini stated that the EU may soon consider “specific measures” in connection with the situation in the Azov sea. According to her, Brussels expects from Russia that the border inspections of vessels will stop. We drew attention to the statement by the high representative of the Union for foreign Affairs and security policy MS Federica Mogherini on the Azov plot. We absolutely do not understand the logic of selective extension EU partners claims to the legitimate actions of the

Named the new chief of the GRU

Named the new chief of the GRU The acting chief of the General staff (GSH GU, better known as GRU) of the armed forces appointed Vice-Admiral Igor Kostyukov. On Thursday, November 22, three sources close to the defense Ministry, told RBC. Upstairs Kostyukov previously held the position of first Deputy chief of GRU. The post of head of intelligence was released after the death 21 Nov of Igor Korobov. NewsPutin proposed to restore the name for a GRU military intelligence of Russia “Kostyukov was acting on the basis of the order of the Minister of defense during disease Korobov. The question of appointing his successor Korobov by his decree the President decides,” — said the interlocutor of the edition close to the leadership of the General staff. Close to the Central apparatus of the defense Ministry source confirmed this and said that Kostyukov is considered the most likely candidate for

The state Duma adopted the law on the extension of the “freezing” of pension

The state Duma adopted the law on the extension of the “freezing” of pension MOSCOW, 22 Nov — RIA Novosti. The state Duma adopted the government’s legislation to extend the freeze of the pension until 2021. Upstairs The pension Fund will be obliged to take into account the contributions for compulsory pension insurance on the basis that they are fully financed pension insurance. However, as said the head of the Duma Committee Yaroslav Nilov, the document applies only to those who are younger in 1967 and has voluntarily applied to the pension Fund on the formation of a funded pension. He also noted that the next freeze is only postponing the problem. In 2014, contributions to the funded part of the pension in the amount of six percent of salaries go to pay current retirees. Prior to that, citizens could dispose of them yourself: to guide the formation of private

The interior Ministry has proposed to reduce the issuance of passports

The interior Ministry has proposed to reduce the issuance of passports The Russian interior Ministry has proposed to reduce by one month the deadline for the registration of foreign passports to citizens who do this at the place of stay. The draft order published on the official portal of projects of normative legal acts on Wednesday, November 21. Upstairs Now the maximum term of registration of the passport at the place of stay is four months, and the place of registration is one month. As noted in the explanatory note to the document, the implementation of initiatives will require an increase in the number of structural units of the interior Ministry, as well as their additional funding. August 3, increased the fee for obtaining a biometric passport from 3.5 thousand to 5 thousand rubles. For citizens under the age of 14 years — from 1.5 thousand to 2.5 thousand rubles.

In the Federation Council proposed SB to update the terms of Russia’s use of nuclear weapons

In the Federation Council proposed SB to update the terms of Russia’s use of nuclear weapons MOSCOW, Nov 21 — RIA Novosti. In the Federation Council suggest to the security Council of the Russian Federation to prepare a new edition of “fundamentals of Russian Federation policy in the field of nuclear deterrence”, where you define the terms of Russia’s use of nuclear weapons. Upstairs This proposal is contained in draft recommendations of the environment as a result of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security “round table” on regulatory-legal support of construction and development of the armed forces in the conditions of transformation of forms and methods of warfare. “The interdepartmental Commission of security Council of the Russian Federation on military security (recommended) to consider: prepare a new edition of “fundamentals of Russian Federation policy in the field of nuclear deterrence”, including the definition of conditions of transition of

The state Duma approved the draft document on the revision of the political assessments of the war in Afghanistan

The state Duma approved the draft document on the revision of the political assessments of the war in Afghanistan Moscow. 21 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — on the 30th anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan planned in the state Duma statement and the resolution on revised estimates of Afghan events, made in 1989 Congress of people’s deputies; the draft document was approved on Wednesday at a hearing with the participation of deputies of all factions. Upstairs “In December’ 89 the eve of the decade of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Congress of people’s deputies of the USSR adopted a decree signed by Mikhail Gorbachev with inappropriate and, in my opinion, incorrect formulation,” — said MP from the Communist Nikolai Kharitonov, representing the draft statement of the state Duma. The MP read out the resolution: “the Congress of people’s deputies of the USSR supported a political assessment of the Committee of

Trump called the chic a decline in oil prices and expressed gratitude for Saudi Arabia

Trump called the chic a decline in oil prices and expressed gratitude for Saudi Arabia Moscow. 21 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said Wednesday that the decline in oil prices is a positive phenomenon, and thanked for this trend, the government of Saudi Arabia. Upstairs “Oil prices go down, great! Like tax cuts for America and for the world. Enjoy! $54 and $82. Thank you Saudi Arabia, but let’s reduce them (the price — if) again!” — he wrote on his page on Twitter. On Wednesday, oil prices reference marks are trying to win back losses the day before, caused by uncertainty about the plans of OPEC to reduce production. NewsReveals the consequences for Russia from the collapse in oil prices A negative factor for the oil market began earlier trump statements that Saudi Arabia “reacts” to his calls to keep oil prices low. Such statements have raised