Poroshenko was accused of secret meetings with the godfather of Putin

Poroshenko was accused of secret meetings with the godfather of Putin The Ukrainian President at home secretly met with Putin’s godfather Victor Medvedchuk on the eve of the introduction of Russia’s anti-Ukrainian sanctions. The employees of the state tried to hide the facts of meetings with politicians from journalists. The level of influence Medvedchuk correspondents described as an “informal Ambassador of Russia in Ukraine”. Upstairs The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko holds regular secret meetings with the godfather of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the leader of the public movement “the Ukrainian choice” Viktor Medvedchuk. This is stated in the investigation of journalists of the program “Schemes”, a joint project of Radio Liberty and “UA:First.” During the four months observation of visitors President, the journalists noticed that Medvedchuk regularly comes to the Poroshenko administration. “On the eve of the introduction of Russia’s sanctions against the Ukrainian citizens and companies (1

Military intelligence is determined by prospects

Military intelligence is determined by prospects What tasks have to be solved to the new head of the Department. Upstairs GRU new boss. And now the question arises — what is waiting for military intelligence, survived the series of scandals? Vice-Admiral Igor Kostyukov while appointed temporarily fulfilling duties of the head of the Main Directorate of the General staff. But, according to the newspaper “Kommersant”, it is likely that he will remain head of the intelligence service. Thus, Kostyukov will take the place of former head Igor Korobov, who passed away. About what happens in military intelligence, and will it work with the arrival of a new leader at Aleksandra Rassokhina. The head of the Main Directorate of the General staff Igor Korobov died Wednesday at 62 years old. This is the second death of the current head of military intelligence for the last three years. But the defense Ministry

The rating of politicians: the secret of the popularity of Putin and XI

The rating of politicians: the secret of the popularity of Putin and XI Why Putin ahead of trump in the global ranking of trust in politicians. Upstairs To gain wide public support within the country, policymakers must abandon the desire to please the world and to think about their own people — this is the conclusion reached by researchers of the Italian Institute Milton Friedman. Leaders in this respect, of steel XI Jinping (China) and Vladimir Putin (Russia), while politicians such as Angela Merkel and Emmanuel macron, in an attempt to build a positive image at the international level, all quickly lose their own voters. The leaders of the countries adhering to the globalist world view, receive a high level of approval in the international arena, however, are rapidly losing the support of its own people. And the government officials who abandon the desire to please the world and acting

Ukraine’s Ambassador responded to the request of the German foreign Ministry to close the site “Peacemaker”

Ukraine’s Ambassador responded to the request of the German foreign Ministry to close the site “Peacemaker” MOSCOW, November 23 — RIA Novosti. Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany Andrew Miller, commenting on the request of the German foreign Ministry to close the portal “Peacemaker” in his article for the newspaper Die Welt said that Kiev is not responsible for this website, which has “private” in origin. Upstairs Earlier German foreign Ministry condemned the inclusion of the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder at the base of the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker”. Schroeder was in the “black list” for “violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine” and “anti-Ukrainian propaganda.” The diplomat noted that in this case “raised the issue of freedom of speech,” and that because of this “legal freedom of action of the Ukrainian authorities is limited.” Thus, according to Miller, the inclusion of former German Chancellor in a “list of enemies of Ukraine”

Russia urged to exclude from Interpol

Russia urged to exclude from Interpol The founder of Hermitage Capital William Browder appealed to the canadian authorities with a request to initiate the suspension of Russia’s membership in Interpol. This he told the TV station CBC. Upstairs Convicted in absentia in Russia, Browder explained that the founding documents of the Interpol there is a clause allowing you to suspend the membership of countries the organization’s Charter. According to Browder, the requests of Moscow for his arrest are “politically motivated”, and, therefore, violate the rules of Interpol. On 19 November the Prosecutor General’s office has stated that it is highly probable the fact that the auditor Sergei Magnitsky was killed on the orders of Browder. “Magnitsky and other accomplices of the crimes Browder could sabotage poison chemical substances with aluminium connections”, — said the Agency. On the same day, the official representative of the Prosecutor General of Russia Alexander Kurennoy

WSJ: Soros Fund called for the supervision of Congress over Facebook in attempts to discredit

WSJ: Soros Fund called for the supervision of Congress over Facebook in attempts to discredit NEW YORK, November 23. /TASS/. The Fund “open society” the financier George Soros has proposed to the U.S. Congress established oversight of the Corporation Facebook for hiring consulting firm Definers Public Affairs, attempted to discredit critics of the Corporation, including the billionaire. Upstairs This was reported on Thursday on its website, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal. The publication asked the official representative of the “Open society” Patrick Gaspard to comment on the decision by the outgoing Vice-President of Facebook for public communications Elliot Shrage to take responsibility for hiring Definers Public Affairs. CHRAJ admitted that the Corporation had asked the company “to do the work associated with competitors,” noting, however, that a request to create or distribute false news Corporation to it is not treated. “So, Facebook decides to ruin thanksgiving, recognizing that the

The investigation Skripal remaining “Newcomer” could poison thousands of people

The investigation Skripal remaining “Newcomer” could poison thousands of people Nerve substances remaining in the bottle in Salisbury, would be enough to poison several thousand people, said Bi-bi-si, the police officer Dean Haydon, leading the investigation into the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal. Upstairs In an interview for the program bi-Bi-si “Panorama” Haydon showed an exact copy of the bottle with poison gas. It is the counterfeit bottle with label Nina Ricci, which the British Charlie Rowley picked up in the Park in Salisbury in June 2018. He then gave it to his friend don Sturgess, believing that there are spirits. Both were hospitalized on 30 June from their home in the nearby town of Amesbury but doctors were unable to save the woman. Rowley has now discharged from the hospital. “As you can see, the size of the bottle is very small. She had a sealed cap,

Named justification for the inspection of ships in the sea of Azov

Named justification for the inspection of ships in the sea of Azov Inspections of ships in the sea of Azov legitimate, their intensity proportionate to the level of threats from extremists against Russia. About it in interview to the newspaper “Kommersant” said Russian Deputy foreign Minister Grigory Karasin. Upstairs According to him, Russian border guards stepped up security of navigation in the Kerch Strait due to public appeals the leaders of the “Crimean Tatar Mejlis” (an organization banned in Russia), Ukrainian nationalists and politicians to the terrorist attacks on the Crimean bridge. “To the sea of Azov is not applicable to the provisions of the UN Convention on the law of the sea 1982, including freedom of navigation, therefore, the allegation that our audits and inspections are contrary to international Maritime law, not baseless,” he said. The diplomat said that the allegations of the ships have been delayed for many

The Insider and Bellingcat said the name behind the coup attempt in Montenegro “GRU officer”

The Insider and Bellingcat said the name behind the coup attempt in Montenegro “GRU officer” The Insider and called Bellingcat one of the organizers of the failed coup in Montenegro in 2016, “GRU officer” Vladimir Moiseyev. According to them, it had to do with the conflicts in Moldova, and has also worked in Poland, Ukraine and Bulgaria, with “unclear goals”. Upstairs According to the media, Vladimir Moiseev was born in the village Pivkino beneath the Mound, he studied at a local school, served in the army and entered the Tyumen higher military engineering command school, where he received the rank of Lieutenant. From 2006 to 2009 he moved to Moscow, where he received training in military unit № 488427 related to the GRU. How do you think The Insider and Bellingcat, his middle name “Vladimir Popov” he received in 2009. Until 2015, he and his family lived in a military

The Commissioner called a major threat for the EU

The Commissioner called a major threat for the EU BRUSSELS, 22 Nov — RIA Novosti. The main internal threat to the EU are currently the European politicians who believe that liberal values are gone, said Thursday the Vice-President of the EC Jyrki Katainen. Upstairs “The rule of law and liberal democracy is now under threat. This is the biggest threat for Europe at the moment. Fundamental values and liberal democracy has never after the collapse of the Soviet Union not been such a call,” he said Thursday at an event in Brussels. Katainen anticipates that this will be “the main topic during the election campaign to the European Parliament”. The EP elections will be held in may 2019. “This is the biggest internal threat, although there are external threats. The core values on which to build European integration, are now under attack by some of our leaders, and some of