Participant of “Battle of psychics” denounced the show and called the price of reaching the final

Participant of “Battle of psychics” denounced the show and called the price of reaching the final A former participant of the show on TNT “Battle of psychics” on condition of anonymity, said the amount that ensures reaching the final stage of casting. He told about it in interview to TV channel “360”. Upstairs According to him, he offered to buy the part and “doing” in the project immediately after signing a non-disclosure agreement information. In the fourth season, the cost of reaching the final was 450 thousand rubles. A psychic suggested that now the sum for the service is likely to have increased. Participant of the fourth season, explained that the money invested pays off later, because getting into the show guarantees a good income in the future. He stressed that the organizers of the show realized how much money psychics for the fans of the show. The source admitted

Two regions are preparing for the resignations

Two regions are preparing for the resignations Sergey Morozov and Yevgeny Savchenko can go ahead. Upstairs In the near future in resignation can leave a few of the heads of regions. According to sources, “b”, among the potential retirees governors of Ulyanovsk and Belgorod region Sergey Morozov and Yevgeny Savchenko. The first manages the region’s 14 years old, the second 24 years, with the term of office of the two is far from over: 2021 and 2022, respectively. Political analyst Rostislav Turovsky said “Kommersant” that the situation in Belgorod and Ulyanovsk regions differ dramatically. Sergey Morozov is one of the old-timers of the governors who participated in the elections until their cancellation in 2005 and after returning in 2012. He leads Ulyanovsk oblast since 2004, when he first won the election. Prior to that, Mr. Morozov held a post of the mayor of Dimitrovgrad. In 2006 and 2011 by Sergey

Biometrics was covered by the state secrets

Biometrics was covered by the state secrets Technology banks do not meet the requirements of the FSB. Upstairs The Central Bank has indicated the FSB on the impossibility to fully perform the service’s requirements for the protection of the banks collect biometric personal data of citizens. We are talking about cryptographic protection at the level of state secrets, and the necessary Russian equipment for this. Bankers confirm the existence of problems, but the FSB to mitigate the requirements of the plan. However, sanctions from the security forces market participants do not threaten to contact the FSB will have the regulator, otherwise the data collection would just stop. Held on November 27-28, the SOC-forum first Deputy head of information security Department of the Central Bank Artem Sychev said that there is no necessary market of the domestic cryptographic equipment that can provide protection collected from citizens biometric data by class of

Eliminates Rosreestr cadastral Commission assessment

Eliminates Rosreestr cadastral Commission assessment The head of Rosreestr Victoria Abramchenko in an interview with “Izvestiya” told about the plans of service on the simplification of the activities related to the cadastral evaluation. According to her, the office dissatisfied with existing practice, when the market value of objects is determined by the Commission from officials and one representative of the professional community. Upstairs “Citizens often complain: “I Have one value, and similar land across the road is another.” This is because in some cases not taken into account, for example, the presence of guard zones. One neighbor fixed cost through the Commission under the Federal registration service or through the court, the second did not. We propose to eliminate” — said Abramchenko. In Rosreestr intend to refuse from services and commissions to consider treatment of the owners individually. For this purpose already prepared a draft law providing for the compilation

Putin signed a decree on awarding airports names of prominent figures

Putin signed a decree on awarding airports names of prominent figures MOSCOW, November 28. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Wednesday a decree on the assignment of names of outstanding figures of individual geographical objects, including airports, sea ports and train stations, with the aim of perpetuating the memory. The document is published on the official Internet portal of legal information. Upstairs “To establish that certain geographical features (airports, railway stations, sea and river ports) can be assigned the names of prominent government, military and public figures, representatives of science, art, culture, sports, and other persons who have special merits before the Fatherland (hereinafter — the names of prominent scientists),” — said in the document. The purpose is to perpetuate the memory of prominent statesmen, military and public figures, representatives of science, art, culture, sports, and other persons who have special merits before Fatherland. It is determined that the assignment

The speech of Vladimir Putin at the forum “Russia calling”

The speech of Vladimir Putin at the forum “Russia calling” The most important thing. Upstairs About the incident in the Kerch Strait: “This is a provocation, of course, which is organized by the current government, including the current President, on the eve of presidential elections in Ukraine in March of next year.” “(Ukrainian warships.— “B”) did not respond at all to requests of our border service. Began to move straight towards the bridge. On the offer to get to the Parking lot did not react. The offer to take the pilot — even after violating our borders they still offered to take the pilot’s silence, did not answer.” The impression that what they (the Ukrainian authorities.— “B”) neither do they get away with it. If they require today babies for Breakfast, they probably will be served and babies. And what, say they want to eat, there’s nothing you can do

The Kremlin said the topics of the talks between Putin and trump at the G20 summit

The Kremlin said the topics of the talks between Putin and trump at the G20 summit Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald trump at a meeting in Buenos Aires at the summit of “Big twenty” will discuss key regional problems, and perhaps the incident in the Kerch Strait, reported today in the Kremlin. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “We are confident that the presidents touched upon the Syrian conflict, Iranian nuclear program, the Korean issue, it is possible that recent developments in the area of the Kerch Strait,” reported “Interfax” the words of presidential aide Yuri Ushakov. In addition, presidents can discuss bilateral issues — “what will the two parties be done to bring these relations out of the impasse and to seek ways to improve them.” According to Ushakov, Putin’s meeting with trump on the G20 is scheduled on December 1, and its content and duration will depend only on the

Putin promised to increase pensions in Russia

Putin promised to increase pensions in Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at an investment forum “VTB Capital” “Russia calls!”, said that pensions in the country will grow. He called this issue “solved”. Upstairs “It’s a topic that we always discuss. We are not closing the topic itself of accumulative pension funds — both private and public. We believe that these funds, their work should be organized so that these advantages are obviously felt by those people who allocate their funds in these pension funds”, — said the President of the Russian Federation. He added that inflation should not affect the pension savings. The President of the Russian Federation said that questions about the storage system, you can discuss with members of the Russian government and the Central Bank. Earlier Putin during his televised address in September, said that in the next six years pensions for unemployed pensioners will increase

Call trump collapses in oil prices

Call trump collapses in oil prices The US President Donald trump said in an interview with The Washington Post, which specifically agreed with the authorities of Saudi Arabia to reduce oil prices. Upstairs According to trump, the sharp drop in oil prices — the result of his hard telephone negotiations with Riyadh. “Prices have reached 82 [dollars] per barrel, and had to go up to one hundred dollars. It was like a massive tax increase. I didn’t mean to,” said the American leader. According to the President, he’s in the conversation could agree to increase oil production, so that prices fell to $ 52 per barrel. “We have a very important ally in Saudi Arabia. We have an ally with huge oil reserves, which, frankly, could raise prices, and I want to keep,” added trump. The US President has already expressed gratitude for the cheap oil himself in his microblog

Putin responded to a question about Russia after his departure

Putin responded to a question about Russia after his departure The President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the forum “Russia calling!” said that “while not going anywhere”, answering the question of what Russia will be like the next day after his resignation. Upstairs The President added that Russia now feels confident, self-sufficient, but it is open to cooperation with all partners, including the USA. According to Putin, the country will change for the better with the successful implementation of national projects. “As for how Russia should develop, I just talked about this… we Have a number of national projects, I hope that they will all be implemented in a smaller, to a greater extent, but it’s ambitious, very ambitious goals. If we steadily follow the path of their solution, the country will change, change for the better,” he added. See also: The first time Putin has commented on the incident