Ukraine called exceptional cases, which will allow the entry of men from Russia

Ukraine called exceptional cases, which will allow the entry of men from Russia Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — citizens of the Russian Federation may enter the territory of Ukraine, if you enter on a diplomatic passport, have a temporary or permanent residence or travel because of illness or the death of loved ones, said the head of the press service of the State border service of Ukraine Andrey Demchenko. Upstairs “At the moment I can talk about those foreigners, including the Russians, who have a diplomatic passport, diplomatic status in Ukraine and service of vehicles, and if the citizens have, for example, a temporary or permanent residence in Ukraine. Or is it the humanitarian nature of the trip, for example, due to the death or illness of loved ones, then this will be allowed to enter Ukraine”, — he said in comments to the Agency “Interfax-Ukraine”. Demchenko also said that

Putin ordered to stop the theft of hydrocarbons in Dagestan

Putin ordered to stop the theft of hydrocarbons in Dagestan Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia Vladimir Putin instructed the government and the Prosecutor General to take immediate measures to detect and prevent unauthorized connections to distribution networks and the theft of hydrocarbons in the Republic of Dagestan. Upstairs “The government of the Russian Federation jointly with the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation to take immediate measures to detect, deter and prevent theft of gas, oil and petroleum products, unauthorized connections to distribution networks, illegal trafficking of petroleum products and illegal use of trademarks on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan”, — stated in the list of the President’s instructions on development of fuel and energy complex of Dagestan. In addition, the government is requested to provide inventory and distribution electric grids on the territory of Dagestan, including to identify ownerless power facilities and to

Parades and the feud with China: the good life latest God of Africa

Parades and the feud with China: the good life latest God of Africa The small African nation of Eswatini — latest the state of Africa, not inferior to the pressure of a powerful China. It holds the recognition of Taiwan as one of the basic concepts of its foreign policy. The reason is not powerful ideological principles of the secret, as it often is in the sphere of the financial interests of the king-screwball. Upstairs “” understood how to live the last absolute monarchy of Africa. Dressed in a traditional outfit, Eswatini king Mswati III, surrounded by a retinue slowly comes up to the center podium, standing in front of an open field. Jubilant tribune welcomes the rampant monarchs. All the light asiatische society and the diplomatic corps are already waiting for the king. Slowly climbing and sitting comfortably on the podium, Mswati waved his hand, the procession can begin.

She urged the United States to understand their role in the situation in Ukraine

She urged the United States to understand their role in the situation in Ukraine Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova called “paper” adopted by the United States Senate resolution condemning the “provocative actions of Russia against Ukraine”, and urged Washington to understand their role in the Ukrainian crisis. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Under the dictation of American diplomats, officials, representatives of power structures were drawn the future of Ukraine. Formed the government, was formed information policy, and, of course, policy in particular the Donbass. So instead of taking a regular piece of paper, it seems to recognise the role of their country and their officials in the Ukrainian tragedy and make some other statement. For example, about the role of the US state Department in 2013-2014 events in Ukraine,” Zakharova said at a briefing on Friday.

The defense Ministry confirmed the military’s involvement in the incident in the Kerch Strait

The defense Ministry confirmed the military’s involvement in the incident in the Kerch Strait Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Russian military were attracted to prevent the provocations of the Ukrainian Navy ships in the Kerch Strait on November 25, said the head of the National control centre defense of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mezentsev. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “Thanks to good cooperation between the border service of the FSB of Russia, Rosmorrechflot, and the forces of the southern military district on November 25 stopped provocative actions of the naval forces of Ukraine, illegally intruded into the territorial sea of the Russian Federation. Violators apprehended,” said the little fingers of the conference on interagency cooperation. The day of the incident, on 25 November, a source in Crimea told “Interfax” that in connection with the attempt of three Ukrainian ships to pass the Strait of Kerch for patrol district sent several Russian combat aircraft. The

Zakharov: trump canceled the meeting with Putin not because of the incident in the Black sea

Zakharov: trump canceled the meeting with Putin not because of the incident in the Black sea MOSCOW, 30 Nov — RIA Novosti. Trump canceled the meeting with Putin rather because of the political situation in the US, not in connection with the incident in the Black sea, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Upstairs Earlier, trump wrote on Twitter that after reviewing a report about the incident in the Kerch Strait, where the ships of the Ukrainian Navy, was detained for violation of border of the Russian Federation, cancels meeting with Putin in Argentina in the framework of the G20 summit and expressed hope that “the content summit” after resolution of the situation. Is the provocation, which was organized by Kiev in the area, the real reason for the cancellation? Publicly we heard exactly this explanation, we took note. Is this a reality? I think we

Russia will not mirror to answer Kiev on the prohibition of entry to avoid insanity

Russia will not mirror to answer Kiev on the prohibition of entry to avoid insanity Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Russia will not meet the mirror constraint on the part of Ukraine on the entry of citizens of the Russian Federation males aged from 16 to 60 years, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Upstairs “As for Ukraine, not countries, namely the regime, which now stands at the levers of governance, to talk about the reflectivity just scared, because if anyone will try to repeat the mirror, mirror what is happening now in Kiev, it can lead to madness. And speaking on a national scale, just to collapse,” she said at a briefing on Friday. The somersaults that we see today in Kiev and in General, unfortunately, in Ukraine, it is completely dysfunction of the state apparatus, which is a consequence wild, not to say that

Familiar with Butinai the Chairman of the Central Bank retires

Familiar with Butinai the Chairman of the Central Bank retires State Secretary, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Alexander Torshin is leaving his post in connection with the retirement, stated in the press release of the regulator. When Torshin will leave from the Central Bank and who will take this position instead of him, is not specified. Upstairs Torshin has worked in the Central Bank since January 2015 prior To this, 2001-2015 years.. he was a member of the Federation Council. In early April, Torshin was included in the sanctions list of the United States for freezing the assets of defendants in the U.S. and other restrictions. His name also figured in investigations by the Western media about the arrest in the United States to Russian Maria Butunoi and possible intervention of Russia in election USA. Russiagate14:50 (GMT)trump called witch hunt article on the construction of “trump tower” in России11:16

Kerch or investigation Muller: what was the reason for the cancellation of the meeting between Putin and trump?

Kerch or investigation Muller: what was the reason for the cancellation of the meeting between Putin and trump? The meeting in Argentina will not. Trump announced the cancellation of talks with Putin as “ships and sailors were not returned to Ukraine from Russia.” However, experts attribute this to the new testimony in the trial of his former lawyer, Cohen. Upstairs Right before flying to Argentina the US President Donald trump said that negotiations with Vladimir Putin will not take place. Quote from trump’s Twitter: “Based on the fact that ships and sailors had not returned to Ukraine from Russia, I decided that for all concerned it would be better to cancel the meeting in Argentina. I’ll look forward to the important summit, as soon as this situation will be resolved!”. Based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia, I have decided

In Argentina, met Him on arrival at the G20

In Argentina, met Him on arrival at the G20 MOSCOW, 30 Nov — RIA Novosti. The President of France Emmanuel Makron and his wife Brigitte on arrival in Buenos Aires at the G20 summit because of a misunderstanding is not met at the ramp by the officials of Argentina, informs television channel Todo Noticias. Upstairs The President and first lady of France arrived in Argentina on Wednesday evening. As reports TV channel, they had to meet the Vice-President of Argentina Gabriela Michetti. “We had to wait until we say “Now!”, to go to the red carpet to meet them. Everything was planned out to the minute and coordinated with the Protocol officers (President — ed.) of France, until they told us “now.” When they gave us, we realized that the President (macron — ed.) already sits in the car”, — quotes the channel of Michetti. During the download an error