Smolensk city Council has appointed date of consideration of the issue about resignation of the mayor

Smolensk city Council has appointed date of consideration of the issue about resignation of the mayor Smolensk city Council is scheduled to consider on Monday, December 10, the question of the resignation of the mayor of Vladimir, Soforenko, reports local news “talking About Smolensk”. Upstairs On Tuesday, December 4, the Governor of Smolensk region Alexey Ostrovskiy will meet with parliamentarians and explain why he handed the mayor of Smolensk notice of resignation. “In the second half of the day will meet with deputies of the Smolensk city Council and explain to them the reasons for its decision on the initiative of the need for removal of the head of Smolensk from office,” — said the head of the region on his page in Facebook. Earlier it was reported that the Smolensk regional court has appointed the head of the city Vladimir, Soforenko penalty for administrative violations in the spending of

The Deputy of the state Duma said that television “distorts the soul and heart” of children and the elderly

The Deputy of the state Duma said that television “distorts the soul and heart” of children and the elderly Member of the state Duma Committee for security and combating corruption Nikolai Ryzhak urged to protect Russians from the influence of TV. Upstairs To protect children and elderly people from the influence of Russian television suggested the state Duma by the Deputy from “Fair Russia” Nikolay Ryzhak. The MP made during the discussion of the bill on blocking information on the Internet, entice minors to activities dangerous to life or health. The bill was then passed in the third and final reading. Let’s turn our attention to our television. That’s where disfigure the souls and hearts of our young generation. And not only the younger generation. They do not give our veterans safely meet his old age.Nikolai Rejectauth of the state Duma, quote, the Agency urban news “Moscow” The Deputy noticed

The Duma passed the law Spring on the fight against “the Columbine community”

The Duma passed the law Spring on the fight against “the Columbine community” Moscow. 4 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the state Duma on Tuesday adopted in the third final reading the law on the measures against websites inciting children to suicide or crimes. Upstairs The law expands the list of information prohibited for distribution among children, include information encouraging children to commit acts posing threat to life and health of other persons or aimed at inducement or other children engaging in such acts. The newsThat changed our life 1 July: social networks keep the correspondence, prices will rise According to the law, the basis for inclusion of information in the register of banned sites will be the decision of the authorized body of Executive power in relation to distributed online information. The act reduces the period within which the owner of the website received from the hosting provider information to include

Poland was a Bastion of protection from Russia

Poland was a Bastion of protection from Russia Poland is strategically crucial for the global strategy of American President Donald trump. About it the Ambassador of the USA in Warsaw Georgette, Mosbacher said in an interview with Rzeczpospolita. Upstairs According to her, “Poland in this region is a kind of Bastion of protection against Russian aggression.” The diplomat pointed out that Warsaw should remain the Foundation of stability, because Moscow will not refuse from various kinds of provocations. “We should be wary expansive, aggressive States (…). And because we are in NATO, a strong Poland is also a more secure United States,” said Mosbacher. The Ambassador also said that Washington intends to support the initiative of “Creemore” — the Union of countries located at the shores of the Baltic, Black and Adriatic seas. In her words, “the stronger project, the better it will be able to confront threats in the

Prime Minister of France is going to impose a moratorium on raising taxes on gasoline

Prime Minister of France is going to impose a moratorium on raising taxes on gasoline MOSCOW, 4 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Prime Minister of France Edouard Philippe is going to announce a moratorium on raising taxes on gasoline amid protests of “yellow jackets,” according to Agence France-Presse, citing a source. Наверх19фотографий19фотографий19фотографий Mass protests of the movement “yellow jackets” which are, in particular, against the increase in gasoline prices that began in France on November 17. During the download an error has occurred. Saturday’s protest in Paris was accompanied by significant clashes of protesters with the police, pogroms and arsons of cars. In the course of sweeping the French capital the riots were arrested 412 persons, 133 were injured, including 23 security men. It is expected that Philip will announce the decisions of the Executive authorities deputies of the party “Forward, the Republic” on Tuesday morning. The moratorium will last

The Kremlin confirmed the meeting of Putin and Maduro in Moscow

The Kremlin confirmed the meeting of Putin and Maduro in Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday will meet in Moscow with President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro, confirmed today to “Interfax”, Putin’s press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. The leaders of the planned talks, said the representative of the Kremlin. Upstairs Tonight Maduro announced that serving on a visit to Russia. “We now fly to the Russian Federation to expand and strengthen diplomatic relations and friendly ties between the two brotherly countries,” he wrote on Twitter. The President of Venezuela announced that “intensive and very important meeting with President Putin,” which will be treated as bilateral issues and topics concerning the “construction of a multipolar world”. Two weeks earlier in the Venezuelan capital Caracas was visited by CEO of Rosneft Igor Sechin. He discussed with Maduro delays in deliveries of oil in repayment of the loan, Reuters reported. This non-public visit, the

“Yellow jackets” made with France

“Yellow jackets” made with France Mass protests in France paralyzed the movement, led to looting, vandalism, and death of at least four people. Nevertheless, people continue to take to the streets to speak out against raising taxes on motor fuels and the resignation of President Emmanuel Macron, and the current government. In the next few days in the French National Assembly and the Senate will discuss the issue of exit from a crisis situation. Наверх18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий 80-year-old woman died in Marseilles after protesting in her face came a tear gas grenade. It is reported by channel BFMTV, citing sources. The local resident died on Sunday. She closed the shutters of his apartment when she was hit by a grenade. According to the Prosecutor of Marseille Xavier Taraba, the woman died due to “operating shock”. Informed as a result of mass riots killed three more people. During the download an error has

Director Sokurov, the analyst Shulman, a lawyer Reznik and 14 new faces joined the HRC

Director Sokurov, the analyst Shulman, a lawyer Reznik and 14 new faces joined the HRC MOSCOW, December 3. /TASS/. Vladimir Putin approved the new composition of the Council under RF President on development of civil society and human rights (HRC). The corresponding presidential decree published Monday on the website of the HRC. Upstairs “On approval of the composition of the Council under RF President on development of civil society and human rights”, — stated in the document dated 3 Dec. Mikhail Fedotov has kept a post of the Chairman of the Board. In accordance with the decree, the HRC has left 16 people 17 new members were included, now the Board consists of 51 people. Thus, the composition of the HRC in accordance with the new decree was renewed by one third. Among the new members of the Council, particularly the Director Alexander Sokurov, Vice-President of Lawyer chamber of Moscow

Kiriyenko: the Number of volunteers has doubled

Kiriyenko: the Number of volunteers has doubled During the year, the Russian volunteers found more than 10 thousand persons. Just in volunteer activities in 2018 participated more than 14 million Russians. On Monday the first Deputy of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kirienko has summed up year of the volunteer, speaking at the International forum of volunteers, which is held in Moscow on 2-5 December. Upstairs He said that the number of volunteers this year has increased two times. “Probably one of the main outcomes of the volunteer and the volunteer, declared by presidential decree that nothing will end this year. Look at us in December last year, in 2017, 7 million people said that participated in some volunteer, volunteer activities. Now, the year is not over yet — more than 14 million people. In two times,” — said the representative of the Kremlin. Interest in the

Intelligence services of the Czech Republic said about the revitalization of the Russian and Chinese intelligence in the country

Intelligence services of the Czech Republic said about the revitalization of the Russian and Chinese intelligence in the country Moscow. 3 Dec. INTERFAX.RU Service of security and information (BIS) of the Czech Republic announced on Monday the annual report, which notes that in 2017 Russia and China have stepped up intelligence activities in the country, misleading Western media. Upstairs “The size of the Russian diplomatic mission and a large number of working individuals associated with the Russian intelligence services, increases the risk of disclosure of secrets of Czech citizens, namely politicians and civil servants” — are contained in the publications of extracts from the report. According to the report, espionage Russia uses sites that distribute misinformation, as well as the purchase of Czech companies to Russian investors. According to Czech analysts, Russia’s goal is to undermine NATO and the EU due to the weakening of individual members of these unions.