The General staff spoke about Russia’s response in case of cancellation of the INF Treaty

The General staff spoke about Russia’s response in case of cancellation of the INF Treaty MOSCOW, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. In case of cancellation of the Treaty on the limitation of intermediate-and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) countries to host American missiles, will become potential targets of retaliation of Russia, said Wednesday the foreign military attaches chief of the General staff army General Valery Gerasimov. Upstairs The steps of Washington will not remain unanswered, he added. According to him, activities of the American authorities is destructive and aimed to “maintain its dominant role in the world and the exclusion of other countries from the competition”. As a result, Washington and its allies are taking measures to contain Russia and discredit its role in international Affairs, said Gerasimov. NewsMilitary analyst Alexander Goltz: no INF Treaty we are somewhere on the eve of the Cuban missile crisis In addition, the General reiterated

Poroshenko called the Unifying Council of Ukrainian churches

Poroshenko called the Unifying Council of Ukrainian churches Unification Council of the Ukrainian Orthodox churches scheduled for 15 December of the current year, said President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Upstairs “The unification Council, which is to proclaim the establishment of the Autocephalous local Orthodox Church in Ukraine, approve its Charter and elect a Chairperson, will be held on December 15, 2018 (the Kiev Cathedral. — RNS) Sophia, which for centuries was the center of Ukrainian religious life”, — said in Twitter the Ukrainian President. According to Poroshenko, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has signed invitation letters to the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) of the Kyiv Patriarchate and the hierarchs of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate. The newsmedia reported that Constantinople will not give the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church The Ukrainian President added that “the Moscow Patriarchate will not dictate the terms” Ukraine and to determine what is

“We should not engage in censorship”: state Duma proposed to allow the Mat at concerts

“We should not engage in censorship”: state Duma proposed to allow the Mat at concerts Andrei Svintsov said that if the “creative personality” I consider it necessary to use a Mat, it is not necessary for them to prohibit this. He noted, however, that refers only to solo performances. Upstairs Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications, Andrei Svintsov (LDPR) has declared that it is impossible to deny musicians to use in his work Mat. The MP told in interview to Agency “Moscow”. If musicians, artists and all creative personalities, being in the creative process, I believe that the Mat is required for the expression of their talent, the creative impulse, then they should apply it.Andrew Wincounter Chairman of the Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications As an example, he cited the leader of group “Leningrad” Sergei Shnurov, calling him a

Zakharova accused Ukraine of preparing provocations in Donbas

Zakharova accused Ukraine of preparing provocations in Donbas The military situation in Ukraine poses a threat to large-scale military operations on Donbass, the Russian foreign Ministry has information about preparing provocations of the Ukrainian security forces, said at a briefing on Wednesday the official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Upstairs “Introduced at the initiative of [Ukrainian President Petro] Poroshenko from November 28, martial law in ten regions of Ukraine, including the Donbass, is not only contrary to the letter and spirit of the package of measures, but also poses a serious threat of a resumption of hostilities” — quoted Zakharov “Interfax”. In her estimation, “shock troops of the armed forces of Ukraine is able at any moment to unleash large-scale fighting along the line of contact.” Foreign Ministry spokesman drew attention that the Ministry received information “about the possibility of Ukrainian security forces of provocations with use, including

Michael Flynn told investigators details of the talks with the Russian Ambassador

Michael Flynn told investigators details of the talks with the Russian Ambassador Robert Mueller recommended the release from detention of former assistant to the President for homeland security. Upstairs The former assistant to the President for national security Michael Flynn gave the result of “significant” information about the team contact Donald trump with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. In this regard, the special Prosecutor Robert Muller recommended Mr. Flynn’s release from custody and to elect for him the minimum possible punishment. The petition sent to the court two weeks prior to the scheduled sentencing. Spectacular on the “Russian intervention” Robert Mueller recommended on Tuesday to release from-under guards Michael Flynn for his cooperation with the investigation, the petition of spectracolor filed Tuesday in the court of the capital of the district of Columbia. The document, which quoted the news Agency says that the Prosecutor recommends to Mr. Flynn “a more lenient

Andriy Parubiy, the letter asked the US government to impose sanctions against Russia

Andriy Parubiy, the letter asked the US government to impose sanctions against Russia The head of the Verkhovna Rada Andrew Parubiy sent a letter to the Vice-President of the United States Michael Pence, which was asked to impose new sanctions against Russia, reported on the website of the Ukrainian Parliament. In particular, he was asked to apply the “energy and financial sanctions.” Upstairs “Andrew paruby on behalf of the Ukrainian Parliament called on the Senate to take decisive action, in particular, full implementation of existing and introduction of new sanctions against the Russian Federation”, — stated in the message. In addition, Mr. Parubiy informed the Vice-President of the USA on introduction of martial law in several regions of the country as a response to Russian aggression. We will remind, on November 25, Russian border guards detained in the Kerch Strait Ukrainian ship with 24 crew members. The FSB said that

Poroshenko said: “Putin’s victory” the postponement of elections of the President of Ukraine

Poroshenko said: “Putin’s victory” the postponement of elections of the President of Ukraine MOSCOW, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. The postponement of elections of the President of Ukraine to win to Vladimir Putin, Petro Poroshenko in an interview with Bloomberg. Upstairs According to Poroshenko, the introduction of martial law in Ukraine has not led to the restriction “not the slightest constitutional rights of the Ukrainian people”. He added that the military situation is necessary to “increase the defense capability of the army”. NewsPutin told about the Ukrainian “party of war” and promised to help Ukrainians Martial law took effect in ten regions of Ukraine from November 29. The reason for its introduction was the detention of the Russian border Ukrainian military ships, have violated the state border of Russia in the Black sea. Originally it was intended to impose martial law for 60 days across the country, but then Poroshenko

Military commentator Alexander Golts: no INF Treaty we are somewhere on the eve of the Cuban missile crisis

Military commentator Alexander Golts: no INF Treaty we are somewhere on the eve of the Cuban missile crisis Without an Agreement on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF) “by itself” dies and the Contract on reduction of strategic offensive arms (start). Without them we find ourselves in a situation similar to the Cuban missile crisis. This opinion 4 Dec broadcast RTVI stated military commentator Alexander Golts. Upstairs According to experts, if the U.S. withdraws from the INF Treaty, the consequences will be very severe. “First of all, under attack is the main thing Russian-the American agreement in the field of arms control start Treaty,” — said Goltz. He recalled that the contract on reduction of strategic offensive arms already expires in 2021, but the leadership of the United States and Russia are conducting negotiations over a new contract. Browser said: the chances that the contract simply ends,

The state Department urged the EU to abandon the “Nord stream — 2”

The state Department urged the EU to abandon the “Nord stream — 2” WASHINGTON, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. A senior official of the US state Department said that the incident with the detention of military ships of Ukraine in the Kerch Strait at the border violation of the Russian Federation should force the EU to abandon the “Nord stream-2”. Earlier, the German foreign Minister has stated that the incident in the Black sea did not change the relationship of Berlin to the construction of this pipeline. Upstairs “The incident in Kerch should be a reminder to all European allies that “Nord stream-2” is a bad idea. And this incident provides more clarity in this. I would say that the incident in Kerch — the reminder that the more gas you have the infrastructure to bypass Ukraine thanks to the “Nord stream-2″, the weaker the deterrent and deter Russian military

NATO condemns Azov

NATO condemns Azov Relations between Russia and Ukraine is back in the spotlight of the Alliance. Upstairs “Destabilizing behavior of Russia” has once again become a Central theme of the Ministerial meeting of NATO. The foreign Ministers of the Alliance adopted a statement in which he accused Russia of violating the agreements it has with the United States in 1987 Treaty on intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF). According to Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, Moscow given 60 days to respond to the allegations. The Ministers discussed the recent incident in the Kerch Strait. We will remind, shortly before it the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko urged to send in the Black and Azov sea NATO ships and in General to strengthen the support of Kiev. Being in the headquarters of NATO, the correspondent of “Kommersant” Pavel Tarasenko caught every word in the speech of the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, who