Post in social network will take 25 days

Post in social network will take 25 days The presidential Council of the Russian Federation on human rights (HRC) criticized the decision on Wednesday, the decision of the Tver district court of Moscow about the arrest of a 25 day 77-year-old Chairman of the human rights movement “For human rights” Lev Ponomarev. Mr. Ponomarev was found guilty of a second violation of order of holding mass events before action “For our and your children” October 28, at the Lubyanka. The head of the HRC Mikhail Fedotov expressed hope that the Moscow city court on appeal will change the decision. Upstairs The head of the HRC Mikhail Fedotov, on behalf of the Council expressed outrage at the court’s decision to send 77-year-old human rights activist Lev Ponomarev for 25 days under arrest. “We in the Council hope that the Minister will reconsider this inexplicable decision,” said Mr. Fedotov. He noted that

UK changes rules for filing documents for visa

UK changes rules for filing documents for visa MOSCOW, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. At the beginning of 2019 to apply for a visa to Britain will become easier, according to VisitBritain. Upstairs In early 2019 the travelers, applying online can use the new service visa application center TLS Connect. It will be possible to book the feeding time in a convenient visa application centre to remotely scan and upload all documents and arrange any additional services that are needed. Upload documents at any time prior to the day of the visit the visa application centre. In addition, in the coming months in all countries will be suspended the functioning of the website Visa4UK, all applications for a visa can be issued here. This applies to visas for education, work and tourism or transit. In Russia, the functioning of the website Visa4UK suspended.

Kiev will pay to the detained Ukrainian sailors $3500

Kiev will pay to the detained Ukrainian sailors $3500 The Ukrainian government adopted the decision on payment of financial assistance to the arrested Russian sailors, each of them will receive 100 000 hryvnia (about $3500). About it reports “Interfax-Ukraine”. Наверх8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий Now, the Ukrainian defense Ministry should provide a list of the sailors, then find their relatives or legal representatives, who will receive financial assistance, said the Agency. These funds should be used to protect the Ukrainian sailors said the Minister of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine Vadym Chernysh. For example, legal assistance, postal delivery, and more, he explained. Russian border guards detained three military ships of Ukraine in the Kerch Strait on November 25. The Ukrainian authorities have stated that they have made a planned transition from the port of Odessa to Mariupol, as reported in advance. According to the FSB, reports about the movement of ships was not,

Volodin said that Europe is no place for such dictators as Poroshenko

Volodin said that Europe is no place for such dictators as Poroshenko Moscow. 5 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said that the current Ukrainian President in the pursuit of the preservation of personal power puts the world on the brink of war. Upstairs “These dictators (Poroshenko) has no place in Europe, such methods can not fight for power,” Volodin told journalists, commenting on the situation in Ukraine on the background of the events in the Kerch Strait. “In pursuit of the preservation of personal power he (Poroshenko — if), in fact, puts the world on the brink of war, but whether it is the Europeans, whether it is Europe, it is necessary to discuss” — said the speaker of the state Duma. Answering the question of foreign journalists about the relation of the incident in the Kerch Strait and to calls to release the detained

“The rhetoric of patient doctor”

“The rhetoric of patient doctor” The Russian foreign Ministry responded to the threat of the US state Department in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait. Upstairs The US state Department has accused Russia of meddling in Ukraine’s presidential election, and has threatened “consequences and pain” if she doesn’t release those detained during the incident in the Kerch Strait sailors. As punishment, Moscow, the state Department urged the EU to abandon the project “Nord stream-2”. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova compared the threat to the United States with the rhetoric of the “mad doctor”. “We see significant growth already at a very high level of Russian intervention in Ukraine… As you know, the State Department has provided extensive practical support to the Ukrainians. Our office is very active there, we also target a great help for improving the cyber security of Ukraine”, — quotes “RIA

Putin said no evidence of Russia’s violations of the INF Treaty

Putin said no evidence of Russia’s violations of the INF Treaty USA not provided evidence of alleged violations by Russia of the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty), said today the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Upstairs So he responded to the statement of US state Secretary Michael Pompeo on Washington to suspend obligations under the contract in 60 days if Moscow does not return to compliance. “The statement of Mr. Pompeo belatedly, first, still, the American side has declared that it intends to withdraw from the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles, and then began to look for justification, why they should do it”, — quotes Putin “Interfax”. The main justification is that we have something broken. This normally is no evidence of violations on our part is not available.Mr Putinprime of the Russian Federation Putin said that in the case of medium-range missiles from the United

Putin explained the failure of communication with Poroshenko

Putin explained the failure of communication with Poroshenko MOSCOW, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin said that he does not respond to attempts Petro Poroshenko to talk on the phone because he didn’t want to participate in its “simple combinations”. Upstairs So the Russian leader responded to the journalists ‘ question why Moscow agreed to talk with the Ukrainian President. “It’s not that I just shy away and not want Peter to speak . The fact that I don’t want to take part in its election campaign,” — said Putin. According to him, Poroshenko artfully provocative and creates a crisis situation and immediately shifts the responsibility on Russia, after which “wants to demonstrate that it successfully solve the problem.” On the morning of 25 November, the ships of naval forces of Ukraine “Berdyansk”, “Nikopol” and “Yana Kapu” violated the state border of Russia for several hours performing dangerous maneuvers,

The authorities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous district will develop a new emblem of the region without the “man in shorts”

The authorities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous district will develop a new emblem of the region without the “man in shorts” In the KHMAO authorities decided to develop a new emblem for the region, after the previous prototype did not survive public criticism, writes URA.RU citing a source in the Ugra government. Upstairs The publication notes that the prototype of the emblem of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous district was submitted in may 2017, it was a picture of a man dressed only in a loincloth with a club and a bandage on his head. The people called him “man in shorts”. For the first sketch, the artist was paid 300 thousand rubles is connected to the work of the scientific editorial Board of “Ugra centuries”, in parallel is the option of attracting new authors and artists, too, from the heraldic Council, this may significantly increase the cost of the work. New version

Slovakia expelled a Russian diplomat on suspicion of involvement in espionage

Slovakia expelled a Russian diplomat on suspicion of involvement in espionage TASS, 5 Dec. Slovakia expelled a Russian diplomat. This was reported on Wednesday to journalists the Prime Minister-the Minister of Republic Peter Pellegrini. The briefing was broadcast Bratislava the network channels. Upstairs “Based on information received from military intelligence, 22 November 2018 was expelled a diplomat from the office of the military attache of the Russian Embassy in Slovakia. He was declared persona non grata, as was engaged in intelligence activities against Slovakia and NATO”, — said the Prime Minister. Spy scandal in Австрии14 nabradia of espionage will not improve relations between the EU and Russia, said the Chancellor Австрии14 nabrezje, come forth!13 nearrealtime the court decided not to arrest the suspect Colonel The Russian diplomat left the Slovak territory within 48 hours after it was declared a persona non grata. “With Russia we have established a standard of

“He knew what the price of war.” What would you remember Bush senior

“He knew what the price of war.” What would you remember Bush senior In Washington held a farewell ceremony with George H. W. Bush. The 41st President of the United States led the country into an era of change. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin wall made him President, ended the cold war. At the same time, Bush launched military operations in Panama and in the Persian Gulf — the latter was one of the reasons for the war in Iraq. Upstairs What Bush will remain in the memory of Americans, and what he could teach Donald trump? Russian service Bi-bi-si has asked that those who came to say goodbye to him in the Capitol. During the download an error has occurred.