He denied accusations of interference by Moscow in Moldova elections

He denied accusations of interference by Moscow in Moldova elections The President of the Republic of Moldova (RM) Igor Dodon commented on the statement by the Prime Minister Pavel Filip of Moscow’s attempts to influence parliamentary elections in the country in February 2019. He told “Izvestiya” that Russia’s actions — a gesture of goodwill, based on an agreement between him and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Upstairs During the October visit of the Moldavian leader to Moscow the parties agreed that from 1 January to 23 February 2019 the citizens of the Republic who have violated immigration laws of Russia, will be able to return home, so will be able to participate in parliamentary elections. However, the Prime Minister has regarded it as attempt of Moscow’s interference in the internal Affairs of Moldova. Dodon noted that Moscow has just refused to punish people who came to Russia to work and violated

The congressmen called for the introduction of sanctions against “Northern stream — 2”

The congressmen called for the introduction of sanctions against “Northern stream — 2” The house of representatives of the U.S. Congress approved a resolution that MPs favour the introduction of sanctions against the Russian gas pipeline “Nord stream — 2” and call on European countries to withdraw from the project, reports Bloomberg. Upstairs The document says that the Russian pipeline would be a “radical step backwards for European energy security and US interests”. Parliamentarians call on President Donald trump to “use all available means to support European energy security” through diversification of energy supplies to reduce dependence of the European market from Russia. The resolution is not binding, however, emphasizes the growing opposition to the “Nord stream — 2” from Congress, said Bloomberg. The US has the ability to impose sanctions against Russian export pipelines and associated construction of European companies according to the law “On countering enemy of America”

The first time Putin has commented on the charges Butinai links with the secret services

The first time Putin has commented on the charges Butinai links with the secret services Russian President Vladimir Putin today for the first time commented on the accusations arrested in USA’s Butinai in ties with Russian secret services. Upstairs “This is unfortunate, our Butina, sitting, she faces 15 years in prison. For what? I’ve heard that everything around her is happening (we have a public event, but there is nothing to hide), to get started just interviewed all the leaders of our intelligence agencies: who is this? None of it does not know anything. The only place that knows about it — in the Federation Council, she was somebody’s Deputy that Lee worked. All” — said Putin at a meeting of the Council for human rights. “To her for 15 years can be appointed? Don’t know what’s up, and she’d wind on these 15 years”, — stated the President. NewsOrganized

The policy of deterioration: the members of the HRC told the President about the violation of the rights of Russians abroad

The policy of deterioration: the members of the HRC told the President about the violation of the rights of Russians abroad MOSCOW, Dec 11 — RAPSI. Members of the Council for development of civil society and human rights on Tuesday at a meeting in the Kremlin reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin about the situation with the violations of the rights of Russians abroad, told RAPSI Alexander Brod. Upstairs “Issues were raised today, a variety of. My colleagues have addressed the issue of improving justice, spoke about the suppression of torture, protection of the environment — were the order of ten planned performances. I talked about the legal protection of Russians and compatriots abroad. The situation with the violation of the rights of our citizens has deteriorated significantly. I did a review of resonance situations is a limitation in the work of our journalists and diplomats, the restriction of teaching

Putin made amendments to the law on rallies and processions

Putin made amendments to the law on rallies and processions MOSCOW, December 11. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin did not rule out amendments to the law on rallies and marches. Upstairs “Regarding possible changes to the law on rallies, processions. Why not? You just have to think and weighed decision”, — said the head of state on the meeting of the Council for civil society development and human rights. The newsof a Pardon for victims So Putin reacted to the proposal of the head of the Council on human rights Mikhail Fedotov. The President was advised to pay attention to the example of the late human rights activist Lyudmila Alexeyeva, who “was able to find a compromise.” “So, in terms of the current law and can these find a compromise, if you want to look for them,” said the head of state. However, he believes that “to look at the

Theresa may cannot get out of the car at the talks in Berlin

Theresa may cannot get out of the car at the talks in Berlin Theresa may has arrived in Berlin to discuss with German Chancellor Angela Merkel the terms of the agreement to withdraw Britain from the European Union. But I couldn’t get out of the car. Upstairs The British government has postponed a crucial vote on the country’s withdrawal from the European Union. The vote, scheduled for Tuesday, members of the Parliament had to Express its attitude to the agreement reached Teresa may and Brussels during months of negotiations. During the download an error has occurred. Theresa may admitted that if the vote was held, a significant majority of the members of the house of Commons would vote against. Therefore, the British Prime Minister decided to tour the countries of the European Union and try to negotiate with their leaders about how to make a contract the necessary changes. According

Putin will instruct the attorney General to verify the case of human rights activist Ponomarev

Putin will instruct the attorney General to verify the case of human rights activist Ponomarev President Vladimir Putin promised to instruct the public Prosecutor Yury Chaika to check the case of 77-year-old human rights activist Lev Ponomarev, who is under arrest. Upstairs “Of course, I’ll ask Yury Chaika to look closely (on the case),” — said Putin at a meeting of the Council for development of civil society and human rights (HRC). At the same time, according to the President, to call into question the validity of the court’s decision “very difficult, just impossible.” There the court, he made the decision, then the second solution. I, of course, came from the fact that this topic comes up (at the meeting). But what I saw from the reference, which read, — it was about the calls for unauthorized rallies, marches. We don’t want to have a event in Paris, where apart

Skiing and certificates for household appliances: what else in the New year, banks will spend more than a hundred million rubles

Skiing and certificates for household appliances: what else in the New year, banks will spend more than a hundred million rubles Banks with state participation on a large scale plan to meet the coming holidays. Upstairs State-owned banks will spend in the New year and Epiphany holidays more than a hundred million rubles. Daily Storm studied their purchases over the past two months and found out contracts for going to the theater, skiing, public and children’s gifts. Corporate events, hiding under the code names “event” and “organization of activities”, their dates are transferred to the Orthodox holidays, and in some cases a technical specification is hidden from prying journalists ‘ agreements not to disclose confidential information. NewsJeopardy paid An example of the transfer date may serve as PJSC VTB. Corporate the company will spend in the New year and not even during the new year holidays. January 19, employees of

The source reported on the supply of combat vehicles “Terminator” in Africa

The source reported on the supply of combat vehicles “Terminator” in Africa Moscow. 11 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Russia has begun the delivery of one of the African countries new battle machine tank support (BMPT) “Terminator”, reported “Interfax” on Tuesday informed source. Upstairs “Started realization of the contract for the supply of “Terminator” in one of the countries of Africa,” the source said. NewsSources RBC: Russia has sent military personnel in Eastern Libya According to him, under this contract “the Terminator” are delivered to the units and assemblies of the T-90 — as in the Russian army. In FSMTC of Russia does not comment. Party BMPT previous versions (based on the T-72) in 2011, Russia bought of Kazakhstan. Also, “Terminator” was used by the Russian military in operations in Syria. BMPT is a multipurpose heavy tracked fighting machine fire support with powerful weapons, modern fire control instruments and high maneuverability. “Terminator”

In Dagestan corrupt officials found Moscow curators

In Dagestan corrupt officials found Moscow curators Corruption in Dagestan oversaw from Moscow, from the Republic years the money taken out. This was stated in an interview with RBC, the former head of Dagestan Ramazan abdullatipov, who today holds the post of special presidential representative for the Caspian sea. Upstairs There is a whole class of people who spent years siphoning funds from Dagestan in the suburbs, building their houses, said Abdulatipov. According to officials, when he was at the head of Dagestan began to restore order, enrolling in Moscow decreased. This factor Abdulatipov believes one of the reasons for his resignation. I fired four Ministers for corruption cases. Took 22 heads of cities and districts for corruption. As a result of what struggled on that and ran. Blamed for everything that happened there, the whole mess that from the time of Peter the Great.Ramazan, Abdulatipova head DagestanskoiPosner: the rampant