Andrei Ravkov: location of the US base in Poland — a military threat

Andrei Ravkov: location of the US base in Poland — a military threat The Minister of defense of Belarus Andrei Ravkov told in an interview to RIA Novosti on the supply of Russian aircraft to the Republic, that could undermine the unity of NATO and how Russia and Belarus would work together to fight the sources of a military threat. — Has asked Russia to Belarus on the question of extending the terms of the lease two military bases on the territory of the Republic? When it is expected to reach a final solution to this issue? According to the intergovernmental agreements concluded by the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on 6 January 1995, in the territory of Belarus there are two Russian military companies: the radio station “Baranavichy” and radio “Kazan”. It is worth noting that these objects are not endowed with the status of military bases.

Medvedev has expanded the list of sanctions on Ukraine

Medvedev has expanded the list of sanctions on Ukraine MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/ — the Prime Minister noted that the decision was dictated by the protection of the interests of the Russian state, companies and citizens of Russia. The Prime Minister noted that the extension of the list made “to protect the interests of the Russian state, companies and citizens of Russia”. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on expansion of the list of natural and legal persons of Ukraine in respect of which introduced counter-sanctions. “List of individuals and legal entities of Ukraine, in which to apply special restrictive measures expanded. I signed the corresponding decree,” — said the head of government on his Twitter page. The list of natural and legal persons of Ukraine, in which to apply special restrictive measures expanded. I signed the corresponding decree. This is done to protect the interests of

More than a billion users of social networks interested in the big press conference Putin

More than a billion users of social networks interested in the big press conference Putin MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/ — According to “Medialogia”, with only 20 to 22 December users have left 584 thousand related press conference. More than 1.1 billion users of social networks interested in the big press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin, which took place on 20 December. On Tuesday according to a press release of the company “Medialogia”. Only from 20 to 22 December, the users of social networks have left 584 thousand related to the press conference of the head of state. “The total coverage amounted to more than 1.1 billion users. These indicators significantly exceeded the indices of 2017, broadly in line with the General growth of users in social networks,” the company said. Most social networks were interested in Putin’s response to the question about his marriage (38% of the total audience),

Bloomberg: trump trying Mnuchin resignation from the post of Minister of Finance

Bloomberg: trump trying Mnuchin resignation from the post of Minister of Finance TASS, 25 December. The President of the United States Donald trump is considering the resignation of Finance Minister Stephen Mnuchin. On Tuesday the Agency Bloomberg, citing sources. According to one of them, to stay Mnuchin in this position may partially depend on how much will be reduced the major indexes in us markets. Earlier, Bloomberg had reported that trump is considering the resignation of the Chairman of the fed Jerome Powell, as not satisfied with the decision of the Central Bank for the fourth time this year to raise interest rates and keep the rate reduction bonds, and other securities, which are currently estimated at $4.1 trillion. The white house denied the allegations of the dismissal of Powell’s, and the trump, according to the head of the office of White house staff, Malvani Mika believes that it’s not

On horseback poklonskaya congratulated Russians with the New year

On horseback poklonskaya congratulated Russians with the New year The Deputy of the state Duma Natalia Polonskaya has published on Twitter a video with new year’s greetings to the Russians. To congratulate the Deputy was filmed on horseback and with a glass of champagne. She thanked the Russians for its confidence and support. Congratulations to all a happy Christmas and new year holidays! Natalia Poklonskaya (@PoklonskayaNV) 25 Dec 2018 “From the New year everyone is waiting for change, change for the better. But before all the changes depend on us, our choice, daily, and sometimes very difficult,” said Poklonski. She also wished that next year in the life of the Russians came the tale. “And let the new year of the horse is one who is noble and brings justice and goodness” — said the Deputy.

Siluanov explained the postponement of the debate on the reform of the pension

Siluanov explained the postponement of the debate on the reform of the pension The decision is a reaction to the increase in the retirement age, he said. Presentation and public discussion of the new funded pension system, individual pension capital (IPK) — had to be postponed due to the reaction to increase the retirement age, said the first Vice Premier, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. “The issue with IPK is also put on hold due to the fact that it is very hard was the pension change. I hope that now the passions subside, the situation is now undecided, we’ve made many steps forward on the pension changes and softened in many ways, the proposals that were initially formulated by the government”, — he said (quoted by “Interfax”). The plan to launch of the CRP in 2020 is realistic, the Minister said: It seems to me that the sooner we get

Trump noted the progress in the denuclearization of North Korea

Trump noted the progress in the denuclearization of North Korea Moscow. 25 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said the progress in the issue of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, noting that waiting for a new meeting with the DPRK leader. “On Christmas eve, held a briefing with my team, dealing with North Korea. Progress has been made”, — wrote President in his Twitter. He added: “looking Forward to his next summit with Chairman Kim (North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN — if)”. The first meeting between Donald trump and Kim Jong-UN was held in June in Singapore, according to its results, the North Korean leader agreed to the abandonment of the DPRK nuclear program in exchange for security guarantees, lifting of sanctions and signing a peace Treaty with the United States. Christmas Eve briefing with my team working on North Korea – Progress being made. Looking forward to my

The outcome of the vote found technical problems

The outcome of the vote found technical problems On elections of the head of Primorye reports on part of the areas equipped by complexes of processing of ballots (COHIBA) are signs of tampering, according to their report, the experts of the movement “Voice.” They found non-standard for printing these devices print. The Central election Commission (CEC) is ready to discuss the report of the “Voices” only after reading them. The cancellation of the results of the second round of elections of the head of the Primorsky territory on September 16 influenced the course of the new campaign, according to the movement “Voice”: “the Procedure for the nomination and overcome the “municipal filter” were forced to re-take candidates who have already passed it”. The filter is not passed by the independent candidate Andrey Ishchenko, who on September 9 and September 16 participated in the elections as a candidate of the Communist

The police confirmed that it had received information about a possible terrorist threat in Barcelona

The police confirmed that it had received information about a possible terrorist threat in Barcelona MADRID, December 24. /TASS/. The Catalan police (the mossos d d Esquadra) confirmed that it had received information about a possible terrorist threat in Barcelona. About it the correspondent of TASS reported on Monday, a regional law enforcement agencies. Some Spanish media had reported that the mossos d d Esquadra looking for a man who could be planning attacks in Barcelona during the Christmas holidays. “Through international channels, we received a notice about a potential terrorist threat,” said police. When the police did not comment on what additional security measures are taken in connection with the received information. In the mossos d d Esquadra added that the study obtained information. Earlier, the state Department via Twitter urged to exercise “extreme caution” in the area of La Rambla in Barcelona during the Christmas holidays. “Terrorists can

Trump has complained that before Christmas sits in the White house all alone

Trump has complained that before Christmas sits in the White house all alone WASHINGTON, 24 Dec — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump complained on Twitter that sits in front of a Christmas alone at the White house, waiting for when the Democrats come back and arrange the money to build a wall on the border with Mexico. The US Federal government partially stopped work on December 22 due to the fact that the Congress did not manage to agree on a new budget. Trump intends to sign the budget if he will not include funding for a wall on the border with Mexico, the Democrats are not willing to support the document such expenses. The President decided not to go to his Villa in Florida for Christmas and stay in Washington to when the budget will be adopted immediately to sign it. “I’m all alone