In the United States decided to fight for sanctions against RUSAL

In the United States decided to fight for sanctions against RUSAL In the U.S. Congress will be submitted a new resolution which will not allow the Ministry of justice to lift sanctions against companies RUSAL, En+ and “EvroSibEnergo” the Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska. This was announced by the Congressman-Democrat Stanny Hoyer, reports Bloomberg. He indicated that he understands the decision of the Ministry of justice, aimed to reassure the world aluminum market, however, the solution raises questions. In addition, according to him, the speech of the Minister of Finance Steven Mnuchin in front of Congress last week “raised more questions than answers”. TASS reports that Hoyer has already made in the house of representatives a resolution to abolish the decision about the lifting of sanctions. He pointed out that Congress should be able to thoroughly check any kind of settlement on Deripaska. Hoyer added that when asked Mnuchin to postpone

The US demanded Russia to destroy missile 9М729

The US demanded Russia to destroy missile 9М729 MOSCOW, January 15 — RIA Novosti. During the meeting on the INF Treaty in Switzerland, the US demanded to destroy the Russian missile 9М729 (SSC-8). This is stated in the statement of U.S. Undersecretary of state for arms control and international security Andrea Thompson, common us permanent mission at the UN in Geneva. “Our message was clear: Russia should destroy their not corresponding to the contract missile system”, — stated in the message. Thompson noted that the meeting in Geneva called Washington’s “disappointment”, since “Russia’s continued material breaches of the contract and not willing to explain how she plans to return to its full and verifiable compliance.” The Position Of Russia In turn, Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that the United States came to the meeting on the INF Treaty with a pre-prepared summary. According to him, Washington has no

Erdogan approved the withdrawal of American troops from Syria

Erdogan approved the withdrawal of American troops from Syria Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers proper withdrawal of American troops from Syria, as Washington has no serious interest in ending the conflict. “The US withdrawal from Syria is a step in the right direction, because the Syrian crisis can only be resolved by those countries in which the healing of wounds Syria will benefit, and their groove — harm”, — the politician wrote in the column “b”. In his opinion, the decision on the withdrawal of troops was supposed to help end the Syrian crisis. Mr. Erdogan added that opponents of the withdrawal were trying to exert pressure on US President Donald trump, stating that after the departure of the Americans, “Turkey will destroy the Kurds”. Such claims he said “bezosnovnymi”, but he stressed that Ankara will not allow “the existence of any elements that pose a threat to national

In the security Council spoke about the missile, which Russia is accused of violating the INF Treaty

In the security Council spoke about the missile, which Russia is accused of violating the INF Treaty MOSCOW, January 15 — RIA Novosti. The missile range 9М729 where the United States accused Russia of violating the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty), the test did not exceed 476 km at the allowable 500, said Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev. “According to Americans, Russia is violating the terms of the Contract. Violations they associate with allegedly pursued by Russia tests missile with range over 500 kilometers. They mean our new rocket 9М729 with improved performance, range which in tests did not exceed 476 miles, what the American side was informed and could make,” said Patrushev in an interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. He reminded that according to the Contract each of the parties should not have a ballistic missile ground-based medium-range missiles (between 1,000

The German intelligence service took ADH under Federal oversight

The German intelligence service took ADH under Federal oversight Federal service for protection of Constitution of Germany took under the supervision of the far-right party “Alternative for Germany” (ADH) because of the statements of its members. This writes the Tagesspiegel, citing a report of the Ministry. ADG were under the primary oversight of the service. Counterintelligence check statements by members of the party on the far-right rhetoric and the study of when of ADG with extremists. For supervision over the party to use special tracking equipment and services undercover agents will not. Two more organizations that are part of the party, taken under the supervision as “suspicious”. This refers to the “Youth alternative” and “Wing” (Der Flugel). The statements of participants also will check on extremism. The newsIn Germany have arrested a suspect in the publication of data of politicians As noted by the Tagesspiegel, the supervision of the party

Who will represent Russia at the forum in Davos

Who will represent Russia at the forum in Davos The list of participants who fell under the sanctions of the US business. Russia at the world economic forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland will present more than 50 people, reported on the website of the organizing Committee of the event. For the list of participants are in the program, which received accreditation to forum journalists. It is divided into two — the representatives of business and non-business organizations (governments, public, NGOs, educational institutions, etc.). To represent the business in the Russian delegation will, for example, the owner of “Renova” Viktor Vekselberg, shareholder and the President of “LUKOIL” Vagit Alekperov, co-owner of USM Holdings Alisher Usmanov, the main owner of AFK “Sistema” Vladimir Yevtushenkov, Chairman of the Board of UK “RUSNANO” Anatoly Chubais, CEO of RDIF, Kirill Dmitriev, the President of VTB Andrey Kostin and Sberbank’s German Gref. In addition, Davos will

Russia accused in the implementation of Butenai in USA

Russia accused in the implementation of Butenai in USA The Russian Maria Butina, accused the US of involvement in the conspiracy business in favor of a foreign state, was introduced into the American establishment, with the approval of the Kremlin. This is stated in the report of the American special services, which read the publication the Daily Beast. During the download an error has occurred. It is noted that the report was published in 2018, however, its existence and content were not previously reported. The document refers took place in 2015, well before the us presidential elections of 2016. The report shows that oversaw the implementation of Butynol former Senator and ex-Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia Alexander Torshin, supporting the National rifle Association (NSA) of the United States. On his contacts with this organization and he informed the Kremlin. He also urged Russian officials to take part

Siluanov said the unexpected reaction of the Russians on pension reform

Siluanov said the unexpected reaction of the Russians on pension reform The reaction to the increase in the retirement age came as a surprise to the governments of Russia, said first Deputy Prime Minister Anton Siluanov in an interview to “Kommersant”. He called the consideration of the changes in pension legislation the most difficult in government in 2018. At the same time, according to Mr. Siluanov, he is still convinced that reform was needed. According to him, the reform was perceived “ambiguous” employed persons of pensionable age. “For them gradually postponed the period of retirement and the period when it is possible, continuing to work and receive a salary and pension. Today, most people after reaching retirement age continues his career. But it is clear that when as the only income, there is only one pension, her height is an important task of the state,” he said. In the fall

Venezuela raised the minimum wage by 300%

Venezuela raised the minimum wage by 300% Moscow. January 15. INTERFAX.RU — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced Monday to raise the minimum wage (SMIC) in the country by 300%. As a result, it will increase to 18 thousand bolivars (about $6,52) with 4.5 thousand bolivars, according to Al Jazeera. For 2018, the minimum wage was raised five times. Maduro also promised to stabilize the country’s economy, the size of which has halved over the last five years of recession. Inflation in Venezuela in recent times is about 2 million percent. The inhabitants of the country are experiencing a shortage of food and medicine, which led to the departure from the country of 3 million people over the past three years. “This is not the first case when the President Maduro announces changes, says Venezuelan analyst Ramon Pinango. Unfortunately, these changes usually lead to an acceleration of inflation. We already know

Dmitry Peskov: I Never went to Facebook, was not in the “Classmates”

Dmitry Peskov: I Never went to Facebook, was not in the “Classmates” Press Secretary of the President of Russia in an exclusive interview with “AIF” — about the finances of Vladimir Putin, sanctions, and social networks. In the edition of “AIF” has been the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Questions to him and the journalists and readers of Newspapers have accumulated a lot, which is not surprising: Vladimir Putin was and remains the main newsmaker of the country. AIPPI publishes the first part of the conversation, which was so great that I had to split it into two materials. “AiF”: — Dmitry Sergeyevich, and you can just about the money? If the President gets a pension, if so, what kind? And how can he pay this money? Dmitry Peskov: I will remind you: when you have entered the first sanctions, for some reason the Americans decided