A tribute to tradition: how Shinzo Abe will fulfill his oath to his father

A tribute to tradition: how Shinzo Abe will fulfill his oath to his father Will there be enough Shinzo Abe’s courage to return the Kuril Islands. On 21 January arrived in Moscow Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. For an extremely long period of time the 64-year-old politician showed himself a worthy leader and, as you might expect, got fans and opponents at home. “Газета.Ru” — about what Abe love and hate in Japan. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was born in a famous family of politicians and is at the head of the Japanese government for the fourth time. For the first time Abe headed the Cabinet of Ministers in 2006, when he was 52 years old. So Abe went down in history of the country not only as a hereditary politician, the longest tenure since the end of world war II, but

The Senator from California Kamala Harris announced her intention to run for U.S. President

The Senator from California Kamala Harris announced her intention to run for U.S. President TASS, January 21. Democratic Senator from California Kamala Harris announced Monday the intention to take part in the fight for the U.S. presidency in 2020. “I’m running for President. Let’s do this together,” she wrote in her Twitter. Among other likely contenders for the US presidency experts call the Senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren, a former Congressman Beto O’rourke Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders who was a rival to former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton for the nomination of the candidate from Democratic party on presidential election of 2016, the Senator from new Jersey Cory Booker, the Senator from Minnesota Amy Klobuchar. The first meeting of party activists in the context of a future presidential campaign will be held in Iowa in early February, 2020. The Democratic Convention, which will be officially nominated a candidate for

Volodin spoke about the imbalance of powers in the Constitution

Volodin spoke about the imbalance of powers in the Constitution MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Constitution today is no proper balance of branches of power, said the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. He noted that he sees Parliament as the legislative branch of government to play a key role in the analysis of the effectiveness of the Constitution. “That is, the Parliament is obliged to implement the request of citizens for the observance and full implementation of their constitutional rights, to ensure representation of the relevant interests of citizens and parliamentary control”, — said Volodin. According to him, it is necessary to expand the powers of the state Duma on control of human performance. The speaker believes that this will eliminate the shortcomings of the Constitution, which is the bias in favor of the Executive branch. He stated that his position was echoed by the President

The state Duma Committee supported the draft laws on the prohibition of fakes and insult of state symbols online

The state Duma Committee supported the draft laws on the prohibition of fakes and insult of state symbols online The Committee on information technology, information and communication recommended for consideration in the first reading the draft laws on the prohibition of the publication of fakes and abuse of state symbols on the Internet, the correspondent of RNS with a meeting of the Committee. “On the first bill — one against, one abstained,” he summed up the results of voting on the bill on fakes the head of the Committee Leonid Levin. “Also — one against, one abstained,” he added about the bill osokorbleny. Levin recalled that the Committee had previously promised to wait for the conclusion of the government on both bills. “It was reported. Moreover, it is conceptually supported both bills,” said Levin. He added that the Committee had comments to both bills, which are to be worked out.

Alexis Rodzianko assessed the probability of making a “hell” of U.S. sanctions against Russia

Alexis Rodzianko assessed the probability of making a “hell” of U.S. sanctions against Russia In the US election campaign started, and the theme of Russia has not disappeared. Enter whether against Moscow “hell” sanctions, refuse the Europe from the “Nord stream — 2” and whether to wait for the outcome of our country the American companies, said in an interview “Газете.Ru” the President of the American chamber of Commerce in Russia, Alexis Rodzianko. Sanctions can be entered and you can cancel — A year ago you said that “sanctions — it’s hysterical”. How would you now describe the sanctions applied against Russia, including from the United States? Now, in this moment, no tantrums. Although this subject is not lost, and she finds new ways of expression. For example, the consideration of a decision of the US Executive on the removal of sanctions against companies En+ and RUSAL in connection with

The EU imposed sanctions against the leadership and employees of the GRU due to poisoning Skrobala

The EU imposed sanctions against the leadership and employees of the GRU due to poisoning Skrobala The EU Council approved the first sanctions under the new regime on chemical weapons. In the sanctions list included nine individuals, including the head of the Main Directorate of the General staff of the Russian armed forces (former GRU) Igor Kostyukov, as well as his Deputy and two “GRU”. Their names are not given. It is noted that sanctions against them are associated with transport and use of nerve agent in the poisoning of the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the British Salisbury. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The sanctions list also included the Syrian Center for scientific research, which, in the opinion of the EU, responsible for the development of the chemicals and five Syrian officials. The names of fallen under the sanction of the people will be announced later. Recall, the former

Sands: Japan offers Russia to give her two Kuril Islands for the contract

Sands: Japan offers Russia to give her two Kuril Islands for the contract MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. Japan has offered Russia to send her two of the Kuril Islands in the context of discussing a peace Treaty. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Наверх21фотография21фотография21фотография “Any allegations [about the terms of the agreement] is not the conditions relating to the specifics of the application concerning the request of positions, wishes, or reasoning out loud, no more,” he said. In response to the question of how to react to Russian President Vladimir Putin if such offer arrives, a Kremlin spokesman said: “nothing Yet no one has officially offered, so there is some eventual arguments are unlikely to be appropriate, they do not contribute to the success of the negotiations”. Peskov reminded that the end is in addressing the question of a peace Treaty will be

Israel entered into an open confrontation with Iran

Israel entered into an open confrontation with Iran Israel entered into an open confrontation with Iran and is ready to escalation of the conflict if Iran tries to gain a foothold in Syria. This was stated by the Israeli Minister of intelligence and transport Minister Yisrael Katz, the newspaper The Jerusalem Post. According to him, the Israeli air force attack on Iranian facilities departments, “al-Quds” in Syria — a clear message from their commander Qasem Soleimani and the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps. He stressed that Israel is not just immediately claimed responsibility for an airstrike. “Our policy has changed, said Katz, Is an open confrontation with Iran. When we need to be strengthen, we will strengthen”. The Minister also noted that the missiles “ground-ground”, released on Sunday, January 20 at the Golan heights from Syria, was aimed at the ski resort on mount Hermon. This attack was intercepted by the

The Israeli army issued a video of the destruction of the complex “Armour” in Syria

The Israeli army issued a video of the destruction of the complex “Armour” in Syria Moscow. 21 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Israeli army on Monday circulated in social networks video of some missile strikes in on Monday night at the anti-aircraft batteries to Syria. תיעוד מתוך תקיפת חלק מסוללות ההגנה האווירית הסוריות לאחר הלילה שביצעו ירי: pic.twitter.com/E6bhJ9bDw7 — צבא ההגנה לישראל (@idfonline) January 21, 2019 Experts, whose opinions lead the Western media, believe that a strike could get a few assembled in Russia air defense missile-gun complexes “Carapace C-1”. As noted by specializing in the defence publication Defence Blog, on the widespread Israeli military video captures a direct hit by Israeli missiles, one of the “Carapace C-1”. Only 28-second video shows two strikes on military technology. However, in the case of one of the bumps aren’t visible outlines of a target. In the second case, according to experts, the target

Papuans for centuries fought with bows and spears. The machines turned their life into a nightmare

Papuans for centuries fought with bows and spears. The machines turned their life into a nightmare The indigenous tribes of Papua New Guinea, for centuries have lived, traded and fought with each other, subject to ancient customs. When they had conflicts, they solved them, picking up bows and spears. It was not until the arrival of the colonialists and continued after their departure and independence. But in recent years, in remote mountain areas of the country there was a firearm, and traditions of their ancestors has given way to an unprecedented wave of violence. Tribes exterminate each other, sparing women and children, razing to the ground entire villages. As Papuans suffer from barging in civilization and who’s to blame — to understand”.ru”. Mountains covered with jungle, down the fog. Among the greenery from the heights seen a few dozen huts — a village called Stew. “They came at night like