Russia condemned the serial hunters pizza

Russia condemned the serial hunters pizza Chelyabinsk court has pronounced a sentence to two inhabitants of the Mound for the serial attacks on pizza delivery, where they were stealing sales and products. On Wednesday, December 12, RIA Novosti reported. Upstairs According to police, the three robbers ordered the pizza and sushi delivered to your house in the Soviet district of Chelyabinsk, and then waited for the couriers on the street and robbed. It clarifies that one of the victims they attacked with pepper spray. NewsIn Australia was declared wanted by the daring thieves of garlic For serial thefts law enforcement officers detained two young men aged 24 and 22 years old. Criminals fully admitted his guilt and compensated the total amount of 11 thousand rubles. They were sentenced under part 2 of article 161 of the criminal code (“Robbery”) and sentenced to three years in colony of General and strict

Employee rostransnadzora fired over wife purchased 66 cars

Employee rostransnadzora fired over wife purchased 66 cars At the request of the Prosecutor General in connection with loss of trust was dismissed by the Deputy head UFAS of Russia across St.-Petersburg, violated the requirement to submit information on income, said in an interview to “Kommersant”, the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika. Upstairs According to him, during the Prosecutor’s check revealed that the wife of the official has purchased 66 cars, although the family income could not support committing these transactions. After that, the Deputy head of the Petersburg management FAS dismissed. The name of the official of Mr Chaika did not name. Details — in interview of the attorney General of “Kommersant” “For us it is important the quality of Supervisory activities”. See also: Why MIA gets the main fighter with extremism In Dagestan corrupt officials found Moscow curators Pozner: the rampant corruption in Russia — due to the lack

Authorities said that when shooting in Strasbourg, two people were killed

Authorities said that when shooting in Strasbourg, two people were killed Moscow. 12 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Victims of the shooting in Strasbourg, according to the latest data, there were two people, and 14 people were injured, reported on Twitter the prefect of the region Grand-est. Upstairs “According to preliminary reports, the victims were 16 people, including two people were killed, nine were seriously injured, five — light,” — said the Prefecture. Earlier it was reported that killed three people, injured 13 people. Also, the Prefecture reports that in Strasbourg on Wednesday banned demonstrations. Closed cultural and sports facilities, in particular, museums and skating rinks. At the same time, the work of schools, lyceums and colleges continues. Shooting in Strasbourg took place on Tuesday evening at the Christmas fair. The identity of the shooter established. According to the interior Minister Christoph Castaner, we are talking about a person who in

In Blagoveshchensk the patient after the surgery, bandaged with tape

In Blagoveshchensk the patient after the surgery, bandaged with tape BLAGOVESHCHENSK, December 12 — RIA Novosti. The patient of the city hospital of Blagoveshchensk after the surgery, bandaged with tape, medpersonal explained that in the surgical Department over a band-aid, writes the news Agency “the”. Upstairs To the editor of “the” asked the daughter of a 63-year-old woman, she told me that after the surgery the stitches her mother was treated, but the dressing on top of the bandages stationery tape. “Says the lady, the nurse explained that the Department ended the band-aid, so I had to use duct tape”, — writes “”. Information resource also posted a picture of the strange bandaging. The Ministry of health of the Amur region, RIA Novosti reported that in this Department “patch on the rest of the missing”, but it’s there in all surgical departments of the hospital. “In all surgical

The court ordered Stormy Daniels to pay the President of the United States the amount of costs

The court ordered Stormy Daniels to pay the President of the United States the amount of costs Moscow. 12 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — a Federal judge on Tuesday ordered a pornographic actress Stomi Daniels to pay to the President of the United States Donald Trump’s legal costs of $292 thousand and one thousand fines in connection with her rejected a claim for defamation, told CNBC. Upstairs “This judgment, along with the previous court ruling to dismiss Stormy Daniels defamation against the President, together constitute a complete victory for the President and complete defeat Stormy Daniels in this matter,” — said the TV channel trump’s attorney Charles harder. As noted, designated by the court, the amount is much less than $800 thousand, which the lawyer trump asked at the beginning of the month. Meanwhile, attorney Daniels Michael Avenatti told the TV station that his client will not have to pay Trump. Stormy

DPA: an attack in Strasbourg was deported from Germany to France in 2017

DPA: an attack in Strasbourg was deported from Germany to France in 2017 BERLIN, December 12. /TASS/. Sheriff S. who opened fire at a Christmas fair in Strasbourg, was sentenced in Germany for stealing and was in prison until 2017 had not been deported to France. This was reported to the environment Agency DPA, citing its own sources. Upstairs According to his information, to imprisonment 29-the summer citizen of France sentenced the court in Singen in the South-West of Germany. On Tuesday evening, Sheriff S. opened fire at a Christmas fair in the city centre. Three people were killed and 13 injured. This man should have been arrested earlier in the day on suspicion of involvement in the attempted murder and the robberies. Information about the aggressor was in the files of the Main Directorate of internal security.

The number of wounded in a shooting in Strasbourg has increased to 13

The number of wounded in a shooting in Strasbourg has increased to 13 PARIS, 12 Dec. /TASS/. The number of wounded in a shooting at the Christmas market in Strasbourg has increased to 13. Upstairs On Wednesday according to Agence France-Presse, with reference to the Prefecture. According to the Agency, three people were killed and 13 injured, including eight seriously injured. In a communique, the Prefecture also noted that searches of the suspect are continuing. Earlier the interior Minister of France Christophe Castaner reported 12 wounded.

CFO of Huawei released on bail of $7.5 million

CFO of Huawei released on bail of $7.5 million A canadian court took the decision to bail the financial Director of Huawei Technologies man, Banjo, according to Bloomberg. To expect a court decision on extradition to the USA, she will be under house arrest in his mansion in Vancouver. Banjo, cried in court after the ruling. Upstairs The Deposit amounted to 10 million canadian dollars, equivalent to $7.5 million It made Banjo husband and four of her former colleagues. According to the court, the amount was paid in cash. The surety will lose their money if Vanjo try to escape. Wenzhou, was arrested in Vancouver on 1 December at the request of U.S. authorities. She is accused of the organization transactions with Iran to bypass the us sanctions. To imagine Canada, the extradition case, Banjo, backed by the necessary evidence, the US has 60 days. The next court session with

The Federal air transport Agency told about the falsification of “Pearl river” of tickets

The Federal air transport Agency told about the falsification of “Pearl river” of tickets Tour operator “Pearl river” falsified e-ticket customers traveling from Moscow to Haikou (China) flight airline Fly Pegas. About TASS said the representative of Rosaviation Sergey Izvolsky 12 Dec. Upstairs According to him, the tickets were sold in the composition of the packages, including on November 23. To return to Moscow tourists was 8 December flights Fly Pegas. Thus in Rosaviation airlines on December 11 announced that ceased to fly to Haikou from 26 November. Thus, “Pearl river” gave its customers the itinerary receipt of electronic ticket information. “Flights in December in Haikou or Haikou with the airline was not planned. The company misled tourists, has violated the law on tourist activity and sent tourists to the island of Hainan obviously without a return ticket,” said Izvolsky. According to the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in

The number of those killed in the shooting in Strasbourg has risen to four

The number of those killed in the shooting in Strasbourg has risen to four The number of those killed in the shooting in Strasbourg was increased to four. It is reported BFMTV. Upstairs Earlier in a communiqué from the prefect of the region Grand-est announced about two dead and 11 wounded, seven of whom in serious condition, according to the Agency TASS. The attacker opened fire near the Christmas market in the centre of Strasbourg on the evening of 11 December. Authorities have classified the incident as a terrorist attack, the investigation leads the anti-terrorist unit of the Paris Prosecutor’s office. To detain the shooter is still failed, he was wounded during a shootout with the police in one of the quarters of Strasbourg. The historical part of the city is cordoned off, at the place of there arrived the military. The identity of the attacker installed — that person