American spent 17 years in prison for double and became a millionaire

American spent 17 years in prison for double and became a millionaire A resident of the USA Richard Anthony Jones (Richard Anthony Jones) spent 17 years in prison for a crime that was committed by his DoppelgangeR. According to the news portal of CNN, he will receive compensation in the amount of $ 1.1 million. The man was convicted of aggravated burglary in 1999. Then like him the man snatched mobile phone from woman’s hand at the Mall Parking lot and fled. The robbery victim fought with the offender, fell and broke his knees. It was qualified as causing bodily harm, and so the punishment was more severe. Eyewitnesses described the perpetrator as “light-skinned Latino or African-American” named Rick with long pulled back hair. NewsRelatives as evidence. How to calculate of any human DNA Sam Jones at the time of the crime was at a party on the occasion of

In Khabarovsk has pronounced a sentence to the murderer of a powerlifter

In Khabarovsk has pronounced a sentence to the murderer of a powerlifter KHABAROVSK, Dec 20 — RIA Novosti. Khabarovsk regional court on Thursday declared Anar Allahveranov guilty to murder of world and European champion in powerlifting Andrey Drachev and sentenced him to 18 years imprisonment in a strict regime colony. Earlier it was reported that on 20 August 2017 at a cafe in between Khabarovsk Andrey Bastard and accused Anar Allahveranov was a fight. From the received traumas the athlete died in the hospital. Allahveranov, who is accused of murder from hooligan motives, gave the investigation a month after the incident. State charge has requested for Allahveranov 19 years of imprisonment. The lawyers insisted on a change of qualification of the articles on the article “Deliberate causing of heavy harm to health, entailed on imprudence death of the victim”, the penalty for which is from 7 to 15 years. At

The Manager fell to 800 million

The Manager fell to 800 million Arrested the former head FGUP “RSU of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia”. As it became known “Kommersant”, in Moscow arrested the former head FGUP “RSU of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia” Alexey Smyk, from abuses of power, which, according to the investigators, the police Department has lost more than 830 million rubles., including in the construction of his hospital. The basis for the subsequent arrest of the former Manager was the fact that the place of its permanent residence is Cyprus. Interestingly, a few years ago Mr. Smyk was a witness for the prosecution in the case of ex-head of Ministry of internal Affairs of the Ivanovo region General Alexander Nikitin, who was sentenced for abuse of office committed during the construction of the administration building. Alex Smyk, who was recently unemployed, was arrested by investigators GSU of Investigatory Committee

In Lithuania, the former Chairman of the left party was suspected of espionage in favor of Russia

In Lithuania, the former Chairman of the left party was suspected of espionage in favor of Russia In Lithuania, the former Chairman of the party Algirdas Paleckis was detained on suspicion in espionage in favor of Russia. About it reports the local edition 15 min. With him on the same case, arrested several people, but their names were not disclosed. According to the Lithuanian edition, the politician was detained in October. He faces from 3 to 15 years. The investigation suggests that Paleckis has collaborated with Russia for at least a year. In 2012, Paleckis was tried in Lithuania for denying Soviet aggression, he was acquitted. The Prosecutor General of Lithuania Evaldas, Basilis told reporters that the investigation revealed that the Russian intelligence services to cooperate with some local political parties. Pashalis said that we are not talking about parliamentary parties. The attorney General noted that most were Lithuanians, but

A court in Greece has decided to extradite the accused in the theft of $4 billion Russian France

A court in Greece has decided to extradite the accused in the theft of $4 billion Russian France The Supreme court of Greece rejected the appeal of lawyers on the trial court’s decision on extradition of Russian citizen Alexander winnick, France, where he is accused of identity theft and extortion, reports “RIA Novosti”. The final decision on the results winnik will the Minister of justice of Greece, said lawyer Timothy Musatov. He said that the defense will insist on the postponement of extradition in connection with the condition winnik — Russian already the 24th day on hunger strike. According to the lawyer, Greece would be “nicer” to give winnik in France, not in Russia or in the US, which is seeking his extradition. “I have long made it clear that I am a political prisoner. Justice for me is not working. I hostages are in the Greek system, and use

The founder of fishing company “Akros” found dead

The founder of fishing company “Akros” found dead The founder of fishing company “Akros” Valery Vorobiev was found dead in Moscow. It is reported RIA Novosti citing a source in law enforcement bodies of the capital. The incident was reported also “the Fifth channel” and “Ren-TV”. According to them, the incident occurred at one of the houses on the street Marshal Biryuzova in Moscow. According to preliminary data, the sparrows fell from the window of his apartment on the 12th floor. His body was found by passers-by. The businessman’s wife at the time of his death was home and sound asleep, said “Kamchatka-inform”. Vorobyov was 72 years old. Fishing company “Akros” he created in the early 90-ies on the basis of the Kamchatka Management of the fishing fleet, and was its CEO from 1992 to 2011 From 2007 to 2011, Vorob’ev was a Deputy of the regional legislative Assembly. 2011

The Russian Embassy in London spoke about “hard breaking” your site

The Russian Embassy in London spoke about “hard breaking” your site The website of the Russian Embassy in London — December 17, suffered a “hard breaking”. About this diplomatic mission told TASS. According to him, the site was hacked in the afternoon — at 14:48 local time (17:48 MSK). This happened “after the publication of the UK’s involvement in Ukrainian Affairs, as well as critical comment on the job of the BBC to his correspondent to find a Russian trace in protests in France,” noted the Embassy. What the publications in question, the Embassy said. At the time of publication of news it was available. 16 December, “RIA Novosti” published the correspondence of the correspondent of Russian service of BBC Olga Ivshina “with one of the stringers” covering the social media campaign “yellow jackets” in France. The journalist asks questions about the possible impact of Russia’s protests. The official

Attacked school in Perm teenager was convicted almost ten years of a colony

Attacked school in Perm teenager was convicted almost ten years of a colony PERM, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Motovilikhinskiy district court of Perm has sentenced one of the Teens accused in the attack on the school, to 9 years and 8 months in a correctional colony, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. In January, the Perm school № 127 there was a fight with a stabbing, which injured 10 people, among them fourth — grade students and teacher. The suspects in the attack two teenagers were detained after treatment in hospital, they were taken to jail and sent on it is judicial-psychiatric examination. Consideration of criminal case concerning one of the Teens began in late October behind closed doors because the defendant is a minor. The teenager was charged with three crimes. Former 17-year-old student of the school, in particular, was accused of committing with an

In the United States denied a Russian version of the death of the head of the GRU Igor Sergun

In the United States denied a Russian version of the death of the head of the GRU Igor Sergun The chief of the GRU Igor sergun died in Lebanon — this follows from the testimony of the former US presidential Advisor for national security Michael Flynn, which he gave during the interrogation by the FBI. In Russia it was reported that Colonel-General died of a heart attack in a rest home near Moscow. Report confessions Flynn was published by the U.S. Department of justice. “Flynn stated that he called the Ambassador [of Russia in the USA Sergey] Kislyak after death [Igor] of Sarguna in Lebanon in the beginning of last year to Express condolences”, — the report says the Agency. No other details. Flynn was appointed to the post of adviser in January 2017, but soon resigned after the release of information to discuss anti-Russian sanctions holding then a post

In Samara detained the investigator after receiving a 10 million rubles bribes

In Samara detained the investigator after receiving a 10 million rubles bribes SAMARA, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The chief of Department on investigation of crimes in sphere of economy of GSU gumvd across the Samara region Faith Rabinovich was detained after receiving a bribe of 10 million rubles, reported Tuesday RIA Novosti representative of the regional Department of the FSB. “The chief of Department on investigation of crimes in sphere of economy of the GUS GU MVD of Russia in Samara region detained Tuesday at the airport of Samara after receiving 10 million of the 15 million expected,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He said that the money had been transferred through intermediaries from the victim on one of criminal cases for the adoption of the procedural decision to transfer the case to the court. Intermediaries also arrested, said the representative of the FSB.