In China have arrested a woman who adopted 118 children

In China have arrested a woman who adopted 118 children BEIJING, may 7 — RIA Novosti. The city of Guan with Hebei province sent under arrest on suspicion of committing criminal offences a woman who was famous all over the country that spent millions on the adoption of 118 children, and decided to close her private children’s home, local media reported. Li Lijun, called a millionaire, began to adopt children in 1996 and founded her private animal shelter “Village of love” in 2007. Media reported that the woman adopted 118 orphans. Her activities were widely reported in the media, so it became famous all over the country. According to the police, the newspaper Global Times, becoming popular, the owner of the orphanage started to use charity for personal gain, has received large sums of money from the budget, as well as from philanthropists. Police said she is suspected of using

Familiar Tomashevskogo told about the death of the Director in Germany

Familiar Tomashevskogo told about the death of the Director in Germany MOSCOW, may 7 — RIA Novosti. Actor and theatre Director Yuri Tomoshevsky, about whose death became known on Sunday, died in an accident in Germany, told “Fifth channel” of his friend, art historian Isaak Kushnir. “I called his daughter. Some tragic ridiculous drop… Will be an autopsy done. Cremation will be in Germany,” said Kushnir, adding that the ashes of the Director, most likely, will bring in Russia on 16 may. Previously on the website of the Center Mikhail Shemyakin was published the message about the death of Tomashevskogo on 62-m to year of life. Tomoshevsky worked as an actor at the Bolshoi drama theater named after Gorky (from 1992 — the BDT named after Tovstonogov), was one of the founders of the theater “Shelter comedian”, the chief Director of the State Philharmonic society of St. Petersburg for children

An erupting volcano in Hawaii has destroyed five homes

An erupting volcano in Hawaii has destroyed five homes Moscow. May 6. INTERFAX.RU IN the eruption of the Kilauea volcano located on the Big island (Hawaii), lava destroyed five houses, informs on Saturday Agency Associated Press with reference to local authorities. BREAKING: #Kilauea #volcano erupted again in the last 48 hours in Leilani Estates, Hawaii. Lava has been reported widely over the island. #ExtremeWeather #hawaiivolcano video; @MilekaLincoln — WEATHER/ METEO WORLD (@StormchaserUKEU) 5 may 2018. In connection with the eruption were evacuated from their homes around 1.7 thousand people. Thursday in the vicinity of the volcano was opened eight cracks, each with a length of several hundred meters. All of them are located in rural areas; in the midst of natural disaster was Leilani village-estates. Two of them are actively spewing lava, steam coming from the remaining vapor and gas. Locals warn about the dangerous increase in the level

In the Hague a man with a knife attacked passers-by

In the Hague a man with a knife attacked passers-by In the centre of the Hague a man with a knife attacked passers-by, according to De Telegraaf, citing the police. The attack occurred in a cafe not far from the Hague University. The man wounded one man with a knife inside a cafe, then went out into the street and wounded two more. The victims were taken to the hospital. Police shot the attacker in the leg, after which he was detained. According to the publication, the perpetrators of the attack the man was already known to the police due to his suspicious behavior. Earlier it was reported that armed with a knife man attacked a school in the Chinese province of Shaanxi. The accident killed nine people.

In the United States have lost weapons-grade plutonium

In the United States have lost weapons-grade plutonium The employees of the State University of Idaho, the US has lost a piece of weapons-grade plutonium, which was in their custody. MOSCOW, 5 may — RIA Novosti. It is reported by Live Science, citing a statement by the nuclear regulatory Commission. Last accounting of radioactive substances was conducted at the University in 2004. Then 14 adenohromovykh pieces of plutonium-239 Packed in protective cases for subsequent burial. After that, the record of plutonium removed from the database, which the University shall maintain for the nuclear regulatory Commission. Then where did the piece is unknown — in the report it doesn’t appear. At the moment there is no information about whether he was disposed of. The press-Secretary of the nuclear regulatory Commission USA Victor Dricks admitted that he could not confirm that the lost plutonium poses no threat, however, suggested that the cause

In Nizhny Novgorod the man opened fire when checking the documents

In Nizhny Novgorod the man opened fire when checking the documents Unknown made an armed attack on law enforcement officers to check documents in Nizhny Novgorod, three security officials were injured, the press service of the FSB. MOSCOW, 5 may — RIA Novosti. “Unknown persons carried out an armed attack on law enforcement officers, and then disappeared in the stairwell of an apartment house on street of Academician Pavlova and barricaded in one of apartments”, — stated in the message. It is noted that the apartment was blocked by special forces of the FSB and the police. On offer to lay down their arms offender refused and opened fire on employees of law enforcement bodies. As a result of collision he was neutralized, three police officers were injured. Carried out quickly-investigation investigation. The identity of the bandit set.

In Barcelona have arrested a “most wanted” in UK man

In Barcelona have arrested a “most wanted” in UK man Police arrested in Barcelona 41-year-old Jamie Acura, who was called “most wanted” in UK man. It is reported Bi-bi-si. Jamie Acura is suspected of organizing a large-scale drug shipments. He is originally from London, but he was last seen in this city in February 1996. According to investigators, Jamie Akur in 1993 also participated in the murder of 18 year old Stephen Lawrence in South London. Now the arrested person appear before the court in Madrid, which decides the issue of extradition to the UK.

A criminal case of people fall from the tank, opened in St. Petersburg

A criminal case of people fall from the tank, opened in St. Petersburg The investigation has not yet been able to establish who took people on a tank in the Park. Moscow. May 5. INTERFAX.RU — Main investigation Department of the TFR in St. Petersburg opened a criminal case after the fall from the tank father with two children during recreational skiing in the Park, the press service of the Ministry reported on Friday. The case was brought on signs of the crime provided by part 1 of article 238 of the RF criminal code (rendering services not meeting safety requirements). The incident occurred on 29 April at the Park in the Primorsky district, where anyone could for 300 rubles to ride on the tank “T-60”. “There was a drop (tank) men born in 1985 and 2003 and two minor born in 2008 who received injuries of varying severity. All

Identified new tricks shadow sites for the sale of alcohol in Russia

Identified new tricks shadow sites for the sale of alcohol in Russia MOSCOW, 5 may — RIA Novosti. Scammers have started to employ new loopholes for illegal Internet sales of alcohol in Russia, creating classified websites with multiple levels of access to them, reported RIA Novosti Director of the Department of intellectual property protection, Group-IB Andrew Basargin. Earlier the company said that by the end of 2017, it was revealed more than 3 thousand of illegal Internet shops selling alcohol and more than 100 shops selling counterfeit alcohol wholesale. Evaluation of Group-IB, the minimum income of such stores could amount to 1.7 billion rubles. Basargin noted that abnormal changes in the number of such resources is not observed. “It is obvious that scammers now are more focused on trying to stay afloat. So, a large part of their efforts aimed at preserving its client base and resource health. This is

Decommissioned Russian missiles was useful to Ukraine

Decommissioned Russian missiles was useful to Ukraine A leader of the military polygon convicted of fraud when disposing of aircraft armament. As it became known””, during the machinations of the aviation guided missiles will appear in court Oleg Pronin, the former CEO of one of the largest landfills in Russia. The defense Ministry has paid for the disposal of its missiles, hoping to receive money for the scrap taken from them and sold metals. Instead, the engines of the missiles were in Ukraine. A criminal case of Oleg Pronin, removed from office of Director General of Federal state enterprise “State governmental scientific-testing area of aircraft systems” (FKP Gknipas), consider Voskresensky city court of Moscow region. The main investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (GSU SKR) Moscow region, accusing him of complicity in two large frauds (part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code), and also in plunder