“Miss Tatarstan” died in the attack

“Miss Tatarstan” died in the attack KAZAN, may 29 — RIA Novosti. Department of the MIA of Russia in Kazan is conducting official investigation on the application of a local resident, “Miss Tatarstan-2006” Victoria Bulantseva, accusing police officers in the attack on her, said RIA Novosti the representative of the police Department. As she told Bulanceva in the video, published on social networks, may 23 in the evening she was attacked by the police when she went with her mother on a walk. Close to home they were attacked by three young men who tried to snatch the girl’s phone and bag, twisting the arm. Only when the cries for help gathered passers-by, one of the young people showed the identity of law enforcement officer and explained the reason for the detention that Bulanceva allegedly is in possession of illegal substances. The girl was taken to the police Department where

Royal affair

Royal affair Tretyakov gallery rescues damaged by vandal picture Repin. The state Tretyakov gallery has released details of the incident, which was damaged by one of the most famous paintings in the history of Russian painting — “Ivan the terrible and his son Ivan November 16, 1581” by Ilya Repin. At a press conference held in the historical building of the Tretyakov gallery in Lavrushinsky lane, the Director of the Museum presented a report on the incident, injuries and the future of canvas. The briefing was opened by the Director of the Tretyakov gallery Zelfira Tregulova, set forth in detail the course of events that occurred the evening of 25 may. According to her, the attacker was in the hall of Repin alone, his behavior before the time of the attack was inadequate and did not attract much attention. After asking the matrons to leave the gallery, vandal slowly headed

In Transbaikalia found missing from the radar helicopter crew alive

In Transbaikalia found missing from the radar helicopter crew alive CHITA, may 29 — RIA Novosti. In Transbaikalia the missing helicopter was found, people alive, reported RIA Novosti a source in the emergency services of the region. “The helicopter that went missing in Transbaikalia found the people alive. It disappeared from radar, because it caught fire. Currently, square searches sent to rescue services,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The helicopter with three people on Board, leased from the regional office DOSAAF Sokhondinskii reserve Kyrinskiy district conducted aerial surveillance, and taking things. It needs to be to get in touch at 14.00 (8.00 GMT). As explained in the Ministry, the ship was with cargo for the construction of a viewing platform to observe wildlife as part of the ongoing reserve monitoring program.

Three people were killed in the shooting in Liege in Belgium

Three people were killed in the shooting in Liege in Belgium Moscow. May 29. INTERFAX.RU — the Shooting occurred in the Belgian city of Liege, with the result that three people died, two were injured, said on Tuesday the website of the newspaper France Soir. According to her, the victims were two policemen and one passerby. An unidentified gunman opened fire around 10:30 local time (11:30 Moscow time) in the city centre. Then he tried to escape, taking hostage a woman, but was shot dead by police, told reporters at the police station of Liege. The website of the newspaper La Libre Belgique reports that the gunman in police the man shouted “Allah Akbar”.

Israel attacked the “barrage of missiles” from Gaza

Israel attacked the “barrage of missiles” from Gaza The IDF announced the successful reflection of a missile attack. On the morning of may 29 at southern Israel from the Gaza strip were issued a “barrage of missiles”. This was reported by the press service of the defense Army of Israel through his microblog on Twitter. The military said the interception of multiple missile defense systems. The siren worked in the neighbouring Gaza strip, southern Israel, warning local residents of possible rocket attacks, said the army press-service. “For the last few minutes the sirens were heard in the Eshkol regional Council, Sha’ar Hanegev regional Council and Sdot Negev. The circumstances are being investigated”, — is spoken in the message.

The briber will not return the money sent to bribe — the armed forces

The briber will not return the money sent to bribe — the armed forces MOSCOW, may 29 — RAPSI. The briber will not return the money sent to bribe, and the smugglers will not be able to get back illegally exported property, according to the draft Plenum of the Supreme court on the question of confiscation. “To explain to the courts that the property be confiscated and cannot be returned to the person who is its owner, unless that person participated in the Commission of a crime (for example, the owner of contraband involved in the illegal movement). In cases of crimes of corruption money, valuables and other property, transferred in the form of a bribe or the commercial bribe item will be confiscated and cannot be returned to the briber or the person who committed commercial bribery, including in cases where they are exempted from criminal liability on the

The interior Ministry came a non-insurance case

The interior Ministry came a non-insurance case Own security Department is dealing with the authors of the contract for the insurance of the police. As it became known””, the main Directorate own safety (Goosby) MIA began checking the circumstances of the conclusion of the contract with the company “Central insurance company” (CSO), which is in 2018 insurer life and health 788 thousand employees of the Ministry. The amount of the contract amounted to more than 13.7 billion rubles, however, on may 28, the company had its license revoked. The loss of the Ministry of internal Affairs-cooperation with CSO can be about 250 million rubles. the situation is on control at the management office. According to “Kommersant”, the basis for deprivation of the license of CSO was to identify a regulator of fact made by the management of the insurance company in the accounting documents knowingly false information. Note that the

Doctor Skrobala said that did not believe in their recovery

Doctor Skrobala said that did not believe in their recovery LONDON, may 29. /TASS/. The attending physician ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, who suffered in the result of poisoning in the English Salisbury, not counting on the fact that his patients will be able to survive. On Tuesday the Agency reported the Press Association, which published excerpts from a program broadcast Corporation bi-Bi-si Newsnight, the protagonists of which became the doctors of district hospital, Salisbury, involved in the treatment Skrobala. Newsnight will be broadcast on may 29. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “When we first learned that it was a paralytic agent, we thought they will not survive. We’d tried all our methods of treatment,” the doctor said intensive therapy Stephen Jukes, patients who were Skrypali. “We have provided the best clinical care. However, there was every indication that they will not survive,” he added. Head of ICU Duncan Murray also

Moscow court in absentia arrested the member of Parliament for incitement to terrorism

Moscow court in absentia arrested the member of Parliament for incitement to terrorism MOSCOW, may 28 — RIA Novosti. Basmanny court of Moscow arrested in absentia former Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada Deputy Anton Gerashchenko, told RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the court Juno Tsarev. The meeting in the case of Gerashchenko took place on may 22. Member of Parliament accused of public appeals to terrorism, its justification and propaganda on the Internet. The court’s decision will remain in effect for two months from the date of extradition or detention Gerashchenko in Russia. In 2015, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on Gerashchenko for the post in Facebook. In it he urged everyone to disclose known information about Russian soldiers who are fighting in Syria against militants of the “Islamic state”*. In his opinion, this is necessary in order to “ISIS and their counterparts in Russia could

Bastrykin has linked the increase in domestic violence with the decriminalization of beating

Bastrykin has linked the increase in domestic violence with the decriminalization of beating The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin reported to the increasing cases of domestic violence due to the decriminalization of this type of offense. “Two years ago, we strongly opposed the decriminalization of domestic violence, translating it into an administrative violation. As in water looked: sharply increased domestic violence, including against children”, — quotes TASS of Mr. Bastrykin, who spoke at the Congress of commissioners for children’s rights. The statistical data he had not. The law on decriminalization battery was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February of last year. The law translated for the first time inflicted assault against close relatives from the category of criminal offences to administrative offences. According to the judicial Department of the Supreme court of the Russian Federation, in 2017 in the Russian courts received 161 thousand