Former Deputy Minister of culture did not return to the first sentence

Former Deputy Minister of culture did not return to the first sentence Rejected the prosecution’s request to increase the punishment Gregory Pirumov. The Presidium of the Supreme court (SC) of the Russian Federation rejected the proposal of the Prosecutor General, demanding the appointment of more rigid sentence to the former Deputy Minister of culture Gregory Pirumov convicted last year in the so-called restorers. Then for embezzlement of budgetary funds allocated for restoration of objects of cultural heritage, amounting to more than RUB 100 million, the former official received a sentence that allowed him immediately after the verdict to be released. The Supervisory Agency demanded this to cancel the verdict and send the case for retrial, but understanding the sun have not found. However, now Grigory Pirumov is again in jail on new charges of embezzlement during the reconstruction of the objects of the Hermitage. The Presidium of the Supreme court

The cause of death of the son of the leader of ISIS called strike Russian HQs

The cause of death of the son of the leader of ISIS called strike Russian HQs Moscow. July 5. INTERFAX.RU the Source of the Iraqi TV channel “Rudaw” in the Iraqi intelligence services said Thursday that, according to him, the son of the leader of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi — Huzaifa al-Badri was killed on 2 July during a strike of Russian VKS terrorist positions in HOMS province. The report States that the Russian air force on 2 July launched three missiles at terrorist hideouts in the mountains of HOMS. In the shelter at the moment of impact was about 30 commanders of the IG, and the guards of al-Badri. Previously members of the IG have reported on the Internet about the death of his son al-Baghdadi during clashes with government forces of Iraq and the Russian VKS near the province of HOMS.

The mother of a disabled child did not want to sell diazepam, the lawyer said

The mother of a disabled child did not want to sell diazepam, the lawyer said MOSCOW, 5 Jul — RIA Novosti. The mother of a child with a disability Catherine Connoway, accused in the sale of potent tranquilizer diazepam prescription, there was no intent on the sale, she never tried to earn on its sale, said to RIA Novosti her lawyer, Yury Manukyan. Previously on the website there was a petition demanding to close the criminal case concerning mother of six-year-old boy suffering from cerebral palsy. As stated in the petition, Muscovite bought on an online forum diazepam in microclyster, which is not registered in Russia. Later in the children’s hospice, the woman was advised to obtain free through the clinic diazepam ampoules. The remaining five mikroklizm Muscovite tried to resell on the same forum, but was detained by the police. Against her brought the case. “If you follow

Vladimir Uglev commented on the new poisoning “Rookie” near Salisbury

Vladimir Uglev commented on the new poisoning “Rookie” near Salisbury The British authorities claim that the couple from Amesbury suffered from the toxic substance from the group “Beginner”. The case is being investigated in conjunction with poisoning Skrobala. Sometimes conspiracy theorists are right: a couple in Amesbury still poisoned “Beginner” — at least, so say the British authorities. The incident will be engaged in anti-terrorist police in Britain, the case is being investigated in conjunction with Skrobala poisoning, which occurred four months ago. “The probability that these two events may be related, undoubtedly, is one of the areas of our investigation”, — reported in Scotland Yard. July 4 has information about that town near Salisbury, was found a man and a middle-aged woman unconscious. The police said that the victims were “poisoned by an unknown substance” — most likely, poor quality drugs, but conducted additional testing. Press has divided into

From Krasnoyarsk colony escaped prisoner for the fourth week

From Krasnoyarsk colony escaped prisoner for the fourth week KRASNOYARSK, 5 Jul — RIA Novosti. The fourth inmate for the week escaped from a Krasnoyarsk prison, according to the press service of the Federal penitentiary service in Krasnoyarsk Krai. “Employees GUFSIN Rossii po krasnoyarskomu KRAYU looking for a convict in a penal colony. Fourth of July in the CP-33 DEC-38 (city Minusinsk) during daily inspection found the absence Borodulin Maxim Viktorovich, born in 1988, convicted under part 2 of article 161 (robbery), part 2 of article 162 (robbery) of the criminal code to six years of imprisonment”, — is spoken in the message. The Ministry said that currently, operative-search activities. For information about the fugitive promise of reward. Earlier it was reported that from IR-16 Mindere village in the Krasnoyarsk region on 30 June, the escape of three prisoners. Two fugitives convicted of theft five years, one for four years

Scotland Yard said that the victims in Amesbury was poisoned Novice

Scotland Yard said that the victims in Amesbury was poisoned Novice When the police are unable to confirm that in cases of poisoning in Amesbury and Salisbury used the poison from the same source. TASS, 5 July. Victims in the British town of Amesbury people were poisoned as a Novice, says Scotland Yard. There said that I can confirm that in cases of poisoning in Amesbury and Salisbury used a “Newcomer” from the same source. Scotland Yard also said that while there was no indication that poisoned in Amesbury people have a connection with Kripalani.

“Yandex” indexes files Google.Docs with passwords and personal data

“Yandex” indexes files Google.Docs with passwords and personal data Not protected by the privacy settings of the documents was in the public domain in the network. Russian search engine “Yandex” has started to index files with Google. Docs are not protected by privacy settings. The message on it appeared on July 4 in several Internet forums and Telegram channels. Search “Yandex” currently do under certain queries gives links to documents hosted on Google.Docs. Netizens pay attention to what free turned out to be numerous documents with usernames and passwords, credit card and other confidential information.

First Deputy Prime Minister took the last

First Deputy Prime Minister took the last In Dagestan, starts a new anti-corruption investigation. First Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan Ramazan Aliyev on Wednesday was detained by the FSB, suspecting him of excess of powers of office. The KGB came for the official, when the acting head of Dagestan Vladimir Vasilyev announced his release from office. While President Aliyev is suspected minor offense, but given that he had previously held the positions of chief of the financial Supervisory authority and the head of the administration of the former head of the Republic Ramazan Abdulatipov, the investigation promises to be loud. About the arrest of the first Deputy Prime Minister Ramazan Aliyev was announced during a selector meeting with heads of municipal areas and city districts, which Vladimir Vasilyev held in videoconference. The conversation was about the problem of water supply in Buynaksk and the Buynaksk district. Mr. Vasiliev recalled that

Yaroshenko spoke about torture in American prison

Yaroshenko spoke about torture in American prison MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko, who is serving a 20-year term in the United States, wrote to the Commissioner for human rights in Russia Tatiana Moskalkova a letter in which he told about torture and harm to his health. “I would love to hold a real trial with scoring only happening at that time with me and around me, and not how the “democratic, open, fair” trial in the USA, where I was forbidden to name and mention of my kidnapping, torture and other serious things that are available in the “case”, but for a number of reasons trying to conceal by the US authorities from the public”, — says Yaroshenko in the letter provided by RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the Ombudsman. Yaroshenko in the letter indicates that he was kidnapped on the orders of the US authorities