Israel launched strikes on Syrian territory

Israel launched strikes on Syrian territory DAMASCUS, 12 Jul — RIA Novosti. Aircraft of the Israeli air force fired missiles at several objects of the Syrian army in the border province of Quneitra, reports the Syrian national Agency SANA. “The hostile Israeli planes launched several missiles in the direction of a number of objects the army in the settlement of Hadera and tel-Krum of Jabba in Quneitra. Material damage”, — is spoken in the message. According to the Agency, the air defense system of Syria repelled the attacks. On Sunday, Syrian media reported that Israel attacked the air base “Tifor” (T-4) in the province of HOMS. The Israeli army reports of air strikes on the T-4 did not comment.

Turcan accused in the transfer of Moldova data on Russian energy companies

Turcan accused in the transfer of Moldova data on Russian energy companies MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. The investigation accuses former member of the Board of “inter RAO” Karina Tsurkan in the transfer of security services of Moldova data on the Russian energy companies, said her lawyer, Ivan Pavlov. According to the lawyer on his page in Facebook on Wednesday, July 11, he finally managed to visit the Turcan in “Lefortovo and to see the documents outlining her charges. “Specifically Karina blame the fact that it is August 16, 2004 became an agent, engaged in confidential cooperation with… the Moldovan secret service. April 21, 2015… received an electronic version of the “draft document of the energy Ministry on certain aspects of the actions of the Russian energy companies on the channel of international cooperation.” And 29 September 2015 (not clear where, how and under what circumstances) gave the document

Argentina abolished the reward for information about a missing submarine

Argentina abolished the reward for information about a missing submarine MEXICO city, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. Argentina’s government on Wednesday abolished the remuneration, announced in the winter for information on the whereabouts of the missing submarine the Navy “San Juan”. “The announced measure failed to achieve this goal,” — said in a decree published in the official Argentine edition of the Boletin Oficial. In February the government announced the payment of 98 million pesos (approximately $ 3.5 million at current exchange rates) for information that will help to find the missing in November last year the submarine. The money was to get someone who can provide information and useful information that will lead to the establishment of the exact location of the missing submarine. “San Juan” stopped communicating 15 Nov 2017 during the transition from the naval base Ushuaia to Mar del Plata. At the time of last communication

Belarusians more than 70 years, traveled to the mined bridge

Belarusians more than 70 years, traveled to the mined bridge In Belarus when carrying out repair work on railway bridge specialists found a tab of two dozen kilograms of TNT. About it reports the edition “people’s news Vitebsk”. The explosives were found on the bridge over the river Adrov near the village of Terentieva Orsha district, Vitebsk region. Repairmen found the TNT on one end of the structure after dismantling of rails, sleepers and part of the ballast section. The engineers learned from the mound 54 TNT bombs of the great Patriotic war, each weighing 400 grams. The total weight of the charge was 21.6 kilograms. Belarusians more than 70 years, traveled to the mined bridge In Belarus when carrying out repair work on railway bridge specialists found a tab of two dozen kilograms of TNT. The explosives were found on the bridge over the river Adrov, NEA… —

The government has demanded to stop the theft of gas

The government has demanded to stop the theft of gas Debts for natural gas in the North Caucasus increased by 13 billion roubles. The debt problem in the sphere of fuel and energy complex (FEC) in the North Caucasus needs coordinated actions of the heads of energy companies, regional leaders and law enforcement. It will also require personnel decisions and punish the guilty. This was announced during the meeting of the government Commission on the socio-economic development of the North Caucasian Federal district (NCFD) under the chairmanship of Dmitry Medvedev. Last year in the North Caucasus was paid less than 85% of consumed gas, the total debt increased by 13 billion roubles. Debts for electricity also increased by more than 3.5 billion rubles. — Defaults are largely caused by the absence of proper metering of supplied energy and system of work with consumers. Gas and electric network in the Caucasus

The Ministry of culture gave a picture of Savrasova, which tried to export from Russia

The Ministry of culture gave a picture of Savrasova, which tried to export from Russia St. PETERSBURG, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. St. Petersburg bailiffs performed by a court and handed over to the Ministry of culture painting by Alexei Savrasov’s “Winter landscape” and a drawing of Olga Lagoda-Shishkina for a total amount of 1.4 million rubles, which tried to export from Russia the citizen of China, the press service of the Ministry. “Under the supervision of a bailiff confiscated property in the form of paintings, which the citizen of China tried to illegally export from the Russian Federation addressed to the state property”, — stated in the message. According to the press service, the 66-year-old man tried to take away from Russia the picture of A. K. Savrasov’s “Winter landscape” and a drawing O. A. Lagoda-Shishkina in March 2017. The total value of works of art valued at almost

Arrested a second suspect in the murder of rapper XXXTentacion

Arrested a second suspect in the murder of rapper XXXTentacion In Florida arrested a second suspect in the murder of rapper XXXTentacion (real name Casey Onfroy), the Associated Press reports. The police said that arrested 22-year-old Michael Boatright. He was arrested a week ago in the case concerning drug trafficking. While a lawyer at the young man there. The murder is also suspected detainee informed 22-year-old Dedric Williams, who, according to his lawyer, intends to plead not guilty. The investigation believes that the motive for the murder of 20-year-old rapper was a robbery. See also: Came the posthumous clip XXXTentacion The main tracks of the murdered 20-year-old rapper XXXTentacion

Dagestani Minister found a cartel

Dagestani Minister found a cartel Thanks to him, the suppliers of medical equipment and drugs have earned 7 bn. In Dagestan revealed the first of a cartel on the market of medical equipment and medicines. The income of the members of the cartel, according to experts of Antimonopoly service have exceeded 7 billion rubles. Experts of the Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS) of Russia and Roszdravnadzor sent to Dagestan, began work in late June. Revealed the conspiracy was the first result of their work in the Republic. Violations on the market of medical equipment and medicines found by the experts who reviewed the work of the Ministry. According to data published today by the FAS in respect of the Ministry of health of Dagestan and limited liability companies “Medlemskab”, “Regionary”, “Dermatensia and “Globalmedtekh” filed an antitrust case on the grounds of violations of paragraph 2 h of article 11 and paragraph

The Thai Navy said details of the operation to rescue the children from the cave

The Thai Navy said details of the operation to rescue the children from the cave Twelve teenagers from Thai Junior football team and their coach were locked in semikilometrovaya the cave Tham Luang due to flash floods. They were found only after 10 days. The rescue operation lasted three days, all the kids and the coach brought to the surface. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий BANGKOK, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. One of the main reasons the urgency of the evacuation of children from a flooded cave in Thailand was a drop in the level of oxygen in the cave, said at a press briefing on the closing of the joint staff of the rescue operations in Chiang Rai province, the commander of the troops of a special purpose Voyenno-naval forces of Thailand rear Admiral Apakan, Chongcao: “When we were preparing the evacuation and had discussed various options, it was in the first days

The accident with George Clooney caught on video

The accident with George Clooney caught on video MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. Surveillance camera photographed the moment of collision of the moped, at the wheel which was the actor George Clooney, with the Mercedes on the island of Sardinia, according to Corriere della Sera. The actor hit his head on the car and ended up in hospital with injuries of the pelvis and knee injuries and arms. From more serious injuries he was saved by a helmet. During the download an error has occurred. The accident occurred on the eve of the day when Clooney went to the site of the filming of “catch 22”, where he acts as Director and actor.