The electoral system in the United States was able to crack the 11-year-old student

The electoral system in the United States was able to crack the 11-year-old student American student Bruera Emmett (Emmett Brewer) managed to hack an exact copy of the website of the electoral system in the United States and to change the election results in Florida. It is reported by the PBS television service. The organizers of the annual DEFCON hacker Convention offered 11-year-old Brewery and other participants of the conference hack 13 pages relating to the national voting system. The organizers gave the young hackers 10 minutes to ensure that they have access to exact copies of sites for electoral systems. The event was attended by 50 children aged from eight to 16 years. The boy managed to cope with the task in just a few minutes, he changed data in a section with voting results by SQL-injection. A similar trick has been repeated and 30 other participants, but it

Morgan Stanley refused to buy the last item Stockmann in Russia

Morgan Stanley refused to buy the last item Stockmann in Russia American Fund Morgan Stanley refused to purchase the shopping center “Nevsky center” in St. Petersburg, told “Vedomosti” two partners of the company and two consultants who worked with this object. Another consultant said that the formal talks are continuing, but it is very unlikely that this deal was closed. The decision to refrain from transactions made in connection with new us sanctions against Russia, says one of the interlocutors of the newspaper. Request to Morgan Stanley remained unanswered. The representative of Colliers International (broker, which sells “Nevsky center”) and Anna Bjarland, head of the communications Department of the Finnish Stockmann Group (the owner of the object), declined to comment. “Nevsky center” (a total area of 103 thousand sq m) is located at the intersection of Nevsky Prospekt and Vosstaniya street. The object after the reconstruction (which Stockmann Group spent

Driver killed in Africa journalists imprisoned

Driver killed in Africa journalists imprisoned Investigators of the Central African Republic (CAR) reported that the driver of the killed Russians Orhan Jemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko is in prison. It is made, including, for reasons of his safety, said to RIA Novosti at the Russian Embassy in the Central African Republic. “He is in jail at the gendarmerie in Bangui. Investigators said he was held as a witness. Contains in custody, including to ensure, on the one hand, its availability — in the case of investigative actions, and on the other to its security also to respect”, — quotes Agency the words of the representative of the Russian Embassy. According to him, the Russian investigators have not yet arrived in the country, and the date of their arrival is still unknown. Journalist Orkhan Jemal, Director Alexander Rastorguev and operator Kirill Radchenko died in the Central African Republic 30

Two people fell into a crevasse on the slopes of Elbrus

Two people fell into a crevasse on the slopes of Elbrus On the slopes of mount Elbrus in Kabardino-Balkaria has fallen into a crevasse of the mountain two tourists. To help the victims have been rescuers. “During the descent from the mountains in the fog has gone away and fell into a crevasse two people on a snowmobile. Emergency happened on the slope of mount Elbrus at an altitude of about 4.2 thousand meters above sea level, near the refuge of the Eleven” — said TASS duty officer of the Elbrus high-mountainous POISKOVO-saving group of the Ministry of emergency Adema question. At the scene left a group of rescuers composed of 10 people. In addition, it took another person in the same area. According to preliminary data, his throat swelling. As noted on the website of the emergencies Ministry, the incident occurred was with the rescue group of tourists from

A suspect in the arson of the wooden Church of the XVIII century teen arrested for 30 days

A suspect in the arson of the wooden Church of the XVIII century teen arrested for 30 days 15-year-old, a suspect in the arson of the wooden Church of the Dormition of the XVIII century in Karelia, detained for 30 days, reports TASS, citing the Republican Department of the TFR. He is placed in a temporary detention centre for juvenile. The teenager appointed judicial psihologo-psychiatric examination to determine sanity. Source TASS in law enforcement bodies asserts that the teenager has a mental disorder: their actions, he explained the desire to become famous. When will be the examination, not specified. During the download an error has occurred. The source of “RIA Novosti” said the teenager admitted his guilt. 42-meter assumption of the blessed virgin Mary was built in 1774 on the territory of Kondopoga. The temple was an object of cultural heritage of Federal importance. He almost completely burned down on

Ostrich attacked the employee of the Penza zoo

Ostrich attacked the employee of the Penza zoo PENZA, August 13. /TASS/. Attack of the ostrich on cleans aviary zoo worker of Penza, which is imprinted on published a video in social networks, due to the fact that the man had violated official instructions for the care of the bird. This was reported to journalists by the chief veterinarian of the Penza zoo Andriy Solodkov. Earlier in social networks was published video, which shows how the ostrich attacks the employee of the zoo who have come to the aviary to a bird. The ostrich tramples man and throws him from side to side. During the download an error has occurred. “The employee violated official instructions, he was not supposed to enter one in the cage,” said Solodkov. According to the instructions in the aviary with ostriches must enter two men, one of whom must be a kind of shield, exceeding

Why Jakarta is sinking, one of the most densely populated cities in the world?

Why Jakarta is sinking, one of the most densely populated cities in the world? In the Indonesian capital Jakarta, lives more than 10 million people. This metropolis is one of the fastest sinking cities in the world. If you do not take action, by 2050, the entire areas of Jakarta will be submerged, the researchers believe. But it may be too late to do something? Jakarta was built on swampy soils, near the town — Java sea, through the capital flow as 13 rivers. Not surprisingly, in Jakarta floods often occur. The situation is getting worse every year. The city actually disappear from the face of the earth. By 2050, 95% of North Jakarta will be under water.Heri Andreas Bandung Institute of technology North Jakarta is in fact already sinking. The water level has risen 2 feet over the last 10 years and in some districts of the metropolis continues

As a result of rigid landing of Mi-8 in Tajikistan killed three Russians

As a result of rigid landing of Mi-8 in Tajikistan killed three Russians DUSHANBE, August 13 — RIA Novosti. Three climbers, the citizens of Russia, as well as two crew members were killed in hard landing of Mi-8 helicopter in the mountains of Tajikistan, told RIA Novosti the Committee of emergency situations of the Republic. “Three Russian climbers and two members of the crew, citizens of Tajikistan, were killed in hard landing on 29 July in the East of Tajikistan,” — said in the Committee.

“He brought my girls”

“He brought my girls” Why the three sisters had killed the father-tyrant. Explains their mother. The story sisters Khachaturian shook the country: three girls for many years suffered domestic abuse from my own father. July 27 a 57-year-old Mikhail Khachaturian was found dead near his apartment in the house on altufevsky highway: the cause of death was multiple stab wounds to the neck and chest. Girls almost immediately confessed to the crime, now they are arrested. The investigation is imputed to them a severe accusation was “murder committed by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion”. Sisters Khachaturian faces 25 years in prison — the maximum punishment to women in Russia. However, the defence insists that the murder committed by the girls was a necessary self-defence. “” talked with the relatives of the accused and find out what dark secrets for years hid the family Khachaturian. “Threatened to kill

Forest fires come from the North-West

Forest fires come from the North-West Due to the heat wave the fire occurs in areas where it was not long ago. The size of the existing forest fires on the territory of Russia amounts to more than 1.9 million ha. As in the past year, mostly this summer is burning Yakutia, according to the latest data of the information system of the Federal forestry Agency, the region accounts for more than 1.4 million hectares of burnt area. However, in 2018 due to abnormal weather conditions, natural fire recorded in North-West Federal district. Experts note that major forest fires has not been in these territories for several years. According to them, due to climatic changes, fire will increasingly occur in areas where fires did not exist before. According to the latest data of the information system of remote monitoring of forest fires (remote monitoring-FFA), the largest area of existing natural