Ukrainian court arrested shares in “daughters” of VEB, Sberbank and VTB

Ukrainian court arrested shares in “daughters” of VEB, Sberbank and VTB KYIV, September 12 — RIA Novosti. The appellate court of Kiev arrested shares in Prominvestbank (“daughter” VEB), Sberbank (a subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia) and “VTB Bank” (“daughter” of the Russian VTB) at the suit of the enterprises of businessman Igor Kolomoisky. The document published in the Unified registry of court decisions. Upstairs Kolomoysky’s company was required to recognize and execute the decision of arbitration court of the Hague dated the second of may, in the case of the recovery from Russia of compensation for lost real estate in Crimea. Among the plaintiffs — CHAO “AEROBUD”, “Privation”, “Prevalent”, “Everest estate”, LLC “Broadcasting company “Giz”, LLC “Krym development”, LLC “AMC “capital Finance”, LLC “AMC “Fiscal vector”. Only a suit filed by 19 companies. The court also banned joint stock company “Raiffeisen Bank Aval is conducting any operations on account of

ISS commander denies involvement of astronauts to perish “Union”

ISS commander denies involvement of astronauts to perish “Union” The astronauts of the International space station (ISS) could not have willfully damaged the ship “Soyuz MS-09,” said American astronaut, commander of ISS crew Andrew Feustel ABC television. The head of state Corporation “Rosatom” Dmitry Rogozin said earlier that the hull of a ship intentionally damaged by the drill. Upstairs The astronaut said that the ISS crew promptly responded to the incident. “We have taken all measures necessary within the framework of the emergency response, set the location of the holes (in the hull of a ship.— “B”) and patched it,” said Andrew Feustel. After Troubleshooting, the astronauts returned to complete his work on the ISS, he added. NewsCosmonaut Procopius showed how to patch a hole on the ISS Interview with cosmonaut came on the eve of September 11. Later, “Kommersant” became known that the Commission of Roskosmos investigating the incident

Relative Skrobala said he knows who the Petrov and Bashirov

Relative Skrobala said he knows who the Petrov and Bashirov Moscow. September 12. INTERFAX.RU a Relative of Yulia and Sergei Skripal Victoria knows who such Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov, whom the UK suspects in the poisoning of the former officer GRU and his daughters. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “Through my sources I know that it is the ordinary people. The work of Petrov not even connected with the civil service,” said Victoria Skripal “Interfax”. According to her, “of course, they and their families are in total disbelief, shocked by what is happening”. That whole story about the involvement of Petrov and Bashirova is fake, I knew from the first day. In addition, if Ruslan is still similar to the passport photo (which was published by Scotland Yard), DOE “not even close” your picture. Moreover, according to my sources, the real Alexander Petrov was not at that time in the UK.Victoria Skripal Russian

Alexander Petrov promised to comment on the case Skrobala

Alexander Petrov promised to comment on the case Skrobala The British justice system a suspect in the poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala in the UK Alexander Petrov in a telephone conversation with the correspondent of “Russia 24” has promised next week to give a detailed review press. Thus he responded to the call of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the two defendants in the case “himself to tell”. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий During the plenary session at the Eastern economic forum the head of state said Alexander Petrov, and Ruslan Bashirov whom the Prosecutor’s office of Britain is accused of attempted murder Skrobala, are civilians, and “there is nothing particularly criminal, no.” “I would like to ask them that they heard us today. Let them get somewhere, here’s to you, the media. I hope that they will appear of themselves will tell you,” Putin said. Petrov, earlier already said that

In France arrested the vegans, who are suspected in the attacks on the butcher shop

In France arrested the vegans, who are suspected in the attacks on the butcher shop In the French city of Lille, police arrested six activists-vegans on suspicion of assault on a fish and meat shop. On 12 September, AFP reported. Upstairs Attack on butcher shop in Lille occurred in may. Then, from may to August, the city had a few such cases: activists attacked shops, stores and restaurants. . The vandalism occurred not only at Lille, but also in the communes of Toulouse, Villeneuve-d’ascq, Wambrechies, tells AFP. After the vandals left graffiti “Stop species discrimination.” Newsa Former vegan, she lost 54 pounds by eating raw meat The Prosecutor’s office noted that the six detainees refused to testify. The Agency reported that one of the detainees, a 21-year-old girl, has gathered enough evidence of involvement in the attack on meat and fish stalls, as well as for a fast food restaurant.

Deputy Prime Minister Borisov was considered unacceptable to blame the astronauts in the ISS depressurization

Deputy Prime Minister Borisov was considered unacceptable to blame the astronauts in the ISS depressurization Moscow. September 12. INTERFAX.RU — Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said that spreading unfounded information about the involvement of American astronauts to the depressurization of the spacecraft “Soyuz” is extremely dangerous. Upstairs “It is completely unacceptable to cast aspersions on any of our astronauts, nor the American astronauts,” said Borisov reporters on Wednesday, commenting on the publication in the media. The Commission works, and until you complete the investigation, to make such judgements in any case not need to wait for the final outcome of this work and to identify the nature of this hole. It is possible that the cause could be a manufacturing defect — versions, you can draw as many.Yuri Baranowice Prime Minister “The fact remains — the pressure began to fall after several months of stay of the ship in space.

The man stole a credit card and bought pizza for 8 thousand dollars

The man stole a credit card and bought pizza for 8 thousand dollars Card he found in the house of the dead neighbor. Upstairs A resident of Bangor in Northern Ireland stole the credit card of a dead neighbor, and for two years it was paying for the pizza. A 24-year-old man stole his neighbour’s dead bank card and failed to notify anyone of her death for two years. Robert Sharkey, who now lives in… — Police Alerts UK (@PoliceAlertsUk) 12 Sep 2018 About the outrageous history beginning in August 2015, according to British media. 24-year-old Robert Sharkey entered the house of an elderly neighbor and found her dead. Instead of having to call an ambulance or the police, the young man stole credit card women, 50 pounds in cash (about $ 65) and even brought her coffee mug. In two years Sharkey was paying a credit card late.

MIA opened large theft of the cinema Fund

MIA opened large theft of the cinema Fund MOSCOW, 12 Sep — RIA Novosti. Of Fund movie stole the money allocated for the production of several films, told RIA Novosti in the press center of the interior Ministry. Upstairs At the end of August the investigative Department of OMVD the district Dorogomilovo has filed several cases under article “Swindle in especially large size”. In September the case was transferred for further investigation to the police Department on the Western administrative district. The amount stolen, the interior Ministry said. In this case, by particularly large amount is recognized damage one million rubles. According to the source Agency in law enforcement, it is about embezzlement of budget funds allocated for the films “Superdad”, “Bob” and “Dreams Seva”Gorelov. In may, the Ministry of culture asked the attorney General to help prosecute a number of companies that have not returned to the cinema Fund

The number of victims of terrorist attacks in Afghanistan rose to 68 people

The number of victims of terrorist attacks in Afghanistan rose to 68 people MOSCOW, 12 Sep — RIA Novosti. The death toll in the attack during the protests in East Afghanistan has risen to 68, at least 165 were injured, reports the Agency Pajak. Upstairs Previously it was known about the 32 dead and 128 injured. On Tuesday a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device during protests in one district of Nangarhar province in the East of the country. The protesters demanded the resignation of local police chief. Channel 1TV reported that no radical group has claimed responsibility for the explosion. The Taliban* denies any involvement. * A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

The Supreme court overturned a life sentence for serial killer

The Supreme court overturned a life sentence for serial killer NOVOSIBIRSK, 12 Sep — RIA Novosti. The Supreme court overturned the verdict in Novosibirsk regional court to life imprisonment 52-year-old former police officer Eugene Cuplinskas, accused of killing 19 women; the verdict about his guilt remained in force, told RIA Novosti on Wednesday, the Prosecutor of the Department of state prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s office of the Novosibirsk region Anzhelika Egorov. Upstairs “The conviction was overturned and sent for retrial from the stage of discussion of the consequences of the verdict,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The Prosecutor said that the guilty verdict, the jury remained in force, and when it will return to Novosibirsk regional court for consideration by another judge, to be examined only materials that characterize the identity Chaplinskaja, the forensic psychological and psychiatric examination, documents relating to the civil claim and other documents necessary for the