In Australia the authorities have threatened to close the electronic music festival after deaths of two visitors

In Australia the authorities have threatened to close the electronic music festival after deaths of two visitors The Prime Minister of the Australian state of New South Wales Gladys Berejiklian threatened to permanently close the music festival Defqon.1 after one night it died two people. On 16 September, writes the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH). Upstairs “I don’t want this event ever took place in Sydney or New South Wales. We will do everything possible to close the festival,” said Berejiklian. 21-year-old woman from Melbourne and 23-year-old man from Sydney, lost consciousness during the festival. They were hospitalized, but soon after they died. In addition, the festival, was hospitalized three more people — two of them are in critical condition. All of them presumably the od is not yet established substance. According to police, during the festival for medical assistance to about 700 people. Law enforcement officers also detained on the

ABC: the number of victims of the storm “Florence” in the United States has increased to 11

ABC: the number of victims of the storm “Florence” in the United States has increased to 11 NEW YORK, September 16. /TASS/ — Earlier it was reported about eight victims. Upstairs Now in Berlin: Berlin: +10° 87% 764 mm Hg. article 1 m/s The victims of the hurricane “Florence”, weakened to a tropical storm, was 11 people in North Carolina and South Carolina. This was reported on Saturday, broadcaster ABC. Among the new victims are referred to a mother and child who were run over the collapsed tree in Wilmington (North Carolina), and 81-year-old man, unsuccessfully fallen during the collection of items for evacuation in Wayne County (NC). Previously reported eight victims. According to the National center for monitoring hurricanes, “Florence” is located 95 km West from Myrtle beach (South Carolina) and moves to the West at a speed of 0.9 m/s, the wind speed has not changed and reaches

In USA, the man died after a shark attack

In USA, the man died after a shark attack In the U.S. state of Massachusetts on the Cape cod shark attacked the man. About it reports The Washington Post. Upstairs According to the newspaper, after the attack the man was hospitalized. As noted, the victim died in the hospital. The publication stresses that this is the first fatal shark attack on a human in Massachusetts in the last 80 years. Earlier it was reported that in the Egyptian resort of Marsa al Alam in the result of a shark attack killed a tourist from the Czech Republic. See also: To beat the shark on the nose? How to escape when meeting a predator The American dived into the sea with sharks for the beautiful photos

In Kiev attacked the judge investigating the murders on the Maidan

In Kiev attacked the judge investigating the murders on the Maidan In Kiev attacked the Sviatoshynsky district court judge Sergei Dyachuk, which deals with the case of murders on the Maidan. About it reported in a press-service of the Council of judges of Ukraine. Upstairs According to preliminary data, to detain the attacker failed. Dyachuk was delivered in one of Kiev clinics. Attack the judge relates to their professional activities, writes “Interfax-Ukraine”. In April 2018 in Ukraine on suspicion in murder of two employees of special forces of MIA of Ukraine “Berkut” was arrested a resident of Lviv Ivan Bell. He previously stated that in February 2014, during the protests on the Maidan were personally fired on the soldiers. Maidan Nezalezhnosti was occupied by supporters of European integration November 21, 2013, immediately after the statement of the government Mykola Azarov to suspend the signing of the Association agreement with the

Former chief of staff trump has agreed to plead guilty

Former chief of staff trump has agreed to plead guilty By Paul Manafort, who headed the campaign headquarters of Donald trump, has agreed to plead guilty, according to Bloomberg. This will allow Manafort to avoid a second criminal trial against him, the Agency said. Upstairs The politician will stand trial in Washington on Friday at 11.00 local time (18.00 GMT). At the meeting of Manafort have to confess to conspiracy against the United States, as well as in conspiring to obstruct justice by influencing witnesses. Manafort also agreed to the alienation of their property, which will cover damages. The Agency notes that it is not yet known whether Manafort to cooperate with spectaculorum USA Robert Muller in the case of alleged Russian interference in the election of the American President. Manafort, who led the campaign trump from March to August 2016, is involved in two criminal cases. In addition to

Emergency mode is entered in Armyansk in Northern Crimea

Emergency mode is entered in Armyansk in Northern Crimea SIMFEROPOL, 14 Sep — RIA Novosti. A state of emergency will be introduced on Friday in the city of Armyansk and the surrounding villages in the North of Crimea, where previously there was a release due to evaporation of kilocalories chemical plant “Crimean Titan”, said the Deputy head of the Crimean management on protection, monitoring and prevention of emergency situations, Ministry of emergency situations of the Russian Federation Alexei Fridman. Upstairs “Based on the data of the CPS, which we give out more than five Macs, they involve the introduction of the emergency. Now there is excessive concentrations more than five times and there are reasons for the introduction of this regime,” said Friedman told reporters. The regime will operate in Armyansk and the surrounding areas. Friedman explained that no additional restrictions and measures will not be introduced, the introduction of

Hurricane “Florence” is very close to the U.S. coast

Hurricane “Florence” is very close to the U.S. coast Tens of thousands of homes were left without electricity on the East coast of the United States, which came close hurricane “Florence”. Upstairs Hurricane as you move to the mainland weakened to the first category on the Saffir — Simpson scale (out of a possible five, where five is the maximum), now the wind speed in the eye of the hurricane is 150 miles per hour. The danger is not passed However, as warned by meteorologists and local authorities, we cannot say that the danger has passed. A huge amount of rainfall, which carries with it a hurricane, can lead to catastrophic consequences. On Friday morning the hurricane came close to the coast of the States of North and South Carolina. In the coastal cities of the state of sea water flooded some streets. State governments warn that there is the

The plant “Togliattiazot” were searched

The plant “Togliattiazot” were searched Investigators on Thursday raided the plant “Togliattiazot”, has informed on Friday a press-service of the company. Upstairs “The thirteenth of September, 2018 on the territory of JSC Togliattiazot is the largest ammonia producer in Russia — held investigative actions…” — it is told in the message. The press service noted that “Togliatti” is one of the largest employers and taxpayers in Samara region, its managers and employees comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in case of certain issues by cooperating with authorized entities and authorities. To SUCK in the Samara region not comment on the situation. Togliattiazot is the largest Russian producer of ammonia, a producer of mineral fertilizers, methanol and its products. The main owner of “Togliattiazot” is a former President of the company Vladimir Makhlay, the structure of which own 71% of the shares, even of 12.96% owned by Swiss Ameropa,

The sources denied the emergence of a new hole in the hull of a Soyuz

The sources denied the emergence of a new hole in the hull of a Soyuz Astronauts on the ISS have not found new traces of drilling into the hull of the Russian spacecraft “Soyuz MS-09”, a source told “RIA Novosti” in the aerospace industry. Наверх13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Earlier on Friday, September 14, media reported damage in the hull of a Soyuz protivometeoritnoy on the screen for the main hole. As the source explained, it’s the same hole, “and not some new tracks.” “The hole the drill does not pass through — up to open space and passed fully two-millimeter aluminum case household compartment and rested in protivometeoritnoy protection and screen-vacuum insulation, which is at a distance of fifteen inches from it,” — said the Agency interlocutor. On the night of 30 August the ISS had an emergency due to an air leak. When examined in a side compartment of the docked spacecraft

In the Stavropol region inmate mistakenly released

In the Stavropol region inmate mistakenly released In the Stavropol region prison staff mistakenly released a prisoner is released. About it reports regional Department of the Investigative Committee. Upstairs It is reported that in August this year kochubeevsky regional court has satisfied the petition of one of the prisoners to be transferred from colony to colony-settlement. “However, in the preparation of documents, as a result of the negligence of prison officials, the convict was included in the list of persons for whom the court has replaced a preventive punishment in the form of imprisonment for a milder form of punishment — corrective work, with the result that the prisoner had been issued documents of exemption, and it is necessary to continue to serve the sentence of deprivation of liberty, left the correctional institution”, — have told in SK. A criminal case on the fact of improper performance of duties by