In India he died one of the oldest elephants in the world

In India he died one of the oldest elephants in the world MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Asian elephant, is considered one of the oldest representatives of their kind, died at the age of 88 years on Tuesday, in the state of Kerala in South West India, writes the newspaper Hindu. According to the newspaper, a female Asian elephant named Dakshayani (Dakshayani) died on Tuesday in Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala. She was the oldest captive elephant that belonged to the Council of Devaswom of Travancore in Kerala. It tried to include in the list of Guinness world records, but attempts were not successful. The publication notes that the forestry Department was officially established in 2007, that the age of the elephant at that time was 76 years old. In July 2016 the Council Devaswom officially awarded her the title of “Gajah Muthassi” (grandmother elephants). On this occasion,

The TFR began checking the investigators in the North Caucasus because of the case Arshakovich

The TFR began checking the investigators in the North Caucasus because of the case Arshakovich The investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) opened a disciplinary investigation against private employees working in the office of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (KCR). This is stated in the message Department. In particular, the Committee checks the first Deputy head of Kazbek and Bulatov, Deputy head of Arsene Ezawa, the report States. It is connected with the investigation of the criminal case against Senator Rauf Arashukov and his father Raul Arashukov who is an Advisor to the General Director “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz”, it said. On the eve of Bulatov has submitted a letter of resignation, said TFR. At the end of January of the Senator from KCR Arashukova detained in the conference room of the Federation Council, for that there came the Chairman of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin and Prosecutor General Yury Chaika. The consequence considers that the

The Moscow city court upheld the arrest of Senator Arashukova

The Moscow city court upheld the arrest of Senator Arashukova The Moscow city court rejected the appeal for the arrest of the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Arashukov Rauf, who is accused of murder and participation in a criminal Association, February 7 from the courtroom, the correspondent of RTVI. Arashukova after the arrest, was arrested for two months, and the court decision remains in force. At a meeting in Moscow city court Arashukov complained that he was forced to serve his arrest in the same cell with a convicted for 18 years on charges of terrorism. In his opinion, such treatment with incumbent “outrageous”. He said that during the arrest never met with a lawyer and have not received any transfer. The Prosecutor in response to complaints the Senator said that now he “became closer to the people”. Arashukov also said that he knew in advance about the impending detention in the

Yuri Chaika has heard of Abraham Russo

Yuri Chaika has heard of Abraham Russo Approved the prosecution in the case about the kidnapping of a singer. As it became known “Kommersant”, the Prosecutor General’s office approved the indictment in the resonant criminal case about the kidnapping in 2004 of the singer Avraam Russo. Order the case came to court, it took the personal intervention of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Alexander Bastrykin and Prosecutor General Yury Chaika. In late January, the prosecutors returned to the TFR six volumes of the criminal case on the abduction and beating in 2004 of the singer Avraam Russo. The Supervisory authority they were handed over to investigators at the end of December 2018. The corresponding decree was signed by Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor grin, explaining his procedural irregularities in the case file. After reviewing the refusal decision, the Chairman of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin did not agree

The Prosecutor General’s office found new assets of Colonel Zakharchenko on 484 million rubles

The Prosecutor General’s office found new assets of Colonel Zakharchenko on 484 million rubles MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Prosecutor General’s office sent to court a new claim for the forfeiture to the state of property of Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, said the official representative of the Supervisory Department Alexander Smoking on the Internet channel of the Ministry “Ether”. This time prosecutors found the Colonel 484 million rubles. Dmitry Zakharchenko, who oversaw the interior Ministry in combating crimes in the fuel and energy complex, was detained in September 2016 on charges of receiving a bribe in seven millions roubles. Later he was charged with several counts of bribery. A huge impact this case has received after it became known that in the apartment of the Colonel’s sister found a warehouse with almost nine billion rubles in different currencies. The origin of the money “fighter against corruption” could not explain.

Senator Arashukov said about custom-made nature of his detention

Senator Arashukov said about custom-made nature of his detention Senator Rauf Arashukov, who was arrested on suspicion of murder and participation in a criminal Association, said in court that he knew about the investigation against him before the arrest. His lawyer Sergey Shishov has told that on January 28, filed to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation application for participation in investigative actions with his client. “However, about the detention of my client, I learned only from the media and duly notified it was not” — said the lawyer. In addition, the Senator complained that he was kept in a cell with convicted of terrorism. I am a current member of the Federation Council, my camera keep with those convicted of terrorism for 17 years. It is no good. How could this happen? I’m three days from the sleep.Rauf Arashukov quoted by TexnovateDancer, bankrupt the guard: new defendants in

Senator Arashukov told the court that he knew about the planned detention

Senator Arashukov told the court that he knew about the planned detention Moscow. 7 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Arrested for murder and participation in a criminal Association Senator Rauf Arashukov said in the Moscow city court that he knew about the planned in his relation to the investigation, reports “Interfax”. “I’m here for three days already were aware of what they will conduct. If I wanted to run away, I had time for it. For all their RAID — the arrest and so I knew on Sunday,” said Arashukov in the Moscow city court, which deals with the complaint of protection to arrest the Senator. The Senator has appeared in court in the Russian language, although during the arrest claimed to not speak to them and demanded an interpreter. Rauf Arashukov was indignant that in SIZO “Lefortovo” he lived with convicted terrorism: I was in a cell with already convicted for

In Saratov camel pulled stuck in the snow “Field”. Video

In Saratov camel pulled stuck in the snow “Field”. Video In social networks, distributed video with camel shit stuck in the snow “Field”. According to eyewitnesses, the incident occurred on 5 February in the vicinity of Saratov near the Park “Kumysnaya Polyana” and horticultural “Mashinostroitel”. The driver of the domestic car overestimated off-road capabilities of his car and got stuck in deep snow. Unexpectedly, relief came in the form of a two-humped animal, which Saratov are known to usually not found. One camel can easily pull a car with an engine producing 83 horsepower. During the download an error has occurred. It later emerged that a camel owned by a local resident. The animal rolls the kids who came to the Park for a walk. See also: Saratov piled snow. Helps even military equipment

A court in Mordovia is on parole from a colony of retired Colonel Kvachkova

A court in Mordovia is on parole from a colony of retired Colonel Kvachkova Zubovo-Polyansky court in Mordovia was released from prison the former Colonel GRU of Vladimir Kvachkova who was serving a sentence on the 282-th article. About it February 7, according to “the Media” with reference to the lawyer of retired military. The will of Kvachkova expected to release on February 19. He had been in custody since 2010. In December 2010, former Colonel of the GRU was arrested on charges of sedition and promoting terrorism. Three years later the court gave him eight years of a colony of strictly mode. In the colony Kvachkov has recorded a video message in which found signs of incitement of hatred and enmity. The case was brought under the 282nd article of the Criminal code of Russia. In August 2017 the Volga district military court sentenced Kvachkov to one and a

A friend of Butynol accused of U.S. fraud and money laundering

A friend of Butynol accused of U.S. fraud and money laundering WASHINGTON, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. An American citizen, Paul Erickson, who had been a romantic relationship with the detained citizen of the Russian Federation Marie Boutin, is accused of fraud and money laundering, announced the U.S. attorney’s office for South Dakota. Charges Erickson, who is 56, was charged February 5, and on Wednesday, he pleaded not guilty at a preliminary hearing in court. Erickson is charged with 11 criminal episodes, the maximum term for him — up to 20 years in prison on each charge and a fine of up to $ 250 thousand. NewsArrested in the United States Maria Butina partially admitted guilt The indictment States that from 1996 to August 2018 Erickson was engaged in attraction of investors by giving them false promises. Among the projects in which Erickson called to invest a wheelchair, the toilet,