Ildar Dading
Activist Ildar Dading appealed the court decision to pay him 2.2 million roubles as compensation for unlawful criminal prosecution. About it “Interfax” was told by his lawyer Alexey lipcer.
Dading intends to seek recovery of five million rubles from the state Treasury for the damage caused him moral damages.
Before this decision, according to the Agency, was appealed by the Ministry of Finance, sued in court.
The compensation was announced by the Railway court on may 31. Dading became the first person brought to criminal liability for multiple participation in uncoordinated protests (article 212.1 of the criminal code). For this activist, in December 2015, was sentenced to three years imprisonment. A year Dading complained about the beatings in the correctional colony, however, the check have not confirmed this information.
In February 2017 case Dading was reviewed by the Supreme court on the orders of the constitutional court. The Prosecutor sided with the defense, admitting that at the time of initiation of the case not in force two decrees on administrative violations underlying the charges. The activist was released, for it recognized the right to rehabilitation.