In the United States, a tornado damaged “aircraft of the day of judgment”
In Nebraska on an air force base tornado damaged two of the four “planes doomsday” E-4B. In addition, the wind damaged eight aircraft-reconnaissance RC-135.
In the United States in the state of Nebraska on the basis of Offat ten aircraft of the U.S. air force, including two so-called “doomsday plane” E-4B, was damaged by a tornado. This was stated by the representative of the United States air force, reports CNN.
According to him, the incident occurred last week, June 16, but it has become known on Saturday, June 24.
As noted by the representative of the military, the damage will not prevent the E-4B to perform its mission in the event of destruction of ground control points.
In addition, the tornado was damaged eight reconnaissance aircraft RC-135. The wind knocked down trees and damaged buildings based on the U.S. air force.
According to the representative of military aircraft “judgment day” is one of the main command centers for the President, Secretary of defense and the joint chiefs. E-4B is protected from electromagnetic waves and is equipped with modern systems and means of communication. They are prepared for when ground of the governance structure will not be able to carry out their functions.
The aircraft is protected from the effects of a nuclear explosion. On Board can be over a hundred people. One of the four “doomsday planes” are always ready to fly and can climb within a few minutes.
Only on the basis of Offat four aircraft “judgment day”. One of them was outside the base during a tornado.
At the end of December 2016, the incoming CEO of the Russian company “rosteh” United instrument Corporation (OPK), Alexander Yakunin said that Russia will have developed a “doomsday plane” of the third generation. The development is scheduled to begin in 2017. He noted that defense industry handed over to the customer “the first aerial strategic management point of second generation Il-80M”, which is currently commissioned and participated in the first exercise.
Yakunin explained that the aircraft has successfully fulfilled the tasks within the framework of the maneuvers. According to him, the aircraft can take on Board your Supreme command staff of the Russian armed forces and military calculation, which consists of the officers of the General staff and technical specialists.