Genoa airport security has changed the rules for pesto

Genoa airport security has changed the rules for pesto

The airport of the Italian city of Genoa changed security rules restricting carrying liquids on Board the plane and allowed passengers to take hand Luggage of up to 500 grams pesto.

For the transportation of pesto will have to pay 50 cents as a donation to the charity Fund, which helps sick children to receive medical services abroad. All other liquids are still covered by the ban on transportation in hand Luggage in containers larger than 100 milliliters.

At the airport of Genoa explained that he decided to weaken safety rules due to the fact that passengers had to throw out jars with pesto at security checkpoints.

Pesto is an Italian sauce based on Basil, cheese, nuts and olive oil. The birthplace of pesto is Genoa. International rules for air travel security banned bringing liquids on Board in hand Luggage liquids in containers over 100 milliliters. An exception is made for goods bought in the duty free area after customs inspection.

