The government of Moscow region has told about spending on technical education

The government of Moscow region is spent annually to support technical educational institutions around 110 million euros, said Deputy Chairman of Moscow region government, Minister of investment and innovation region Denis Butsaev. His words leads RIAMA Thursday, June 22.

“We have a large number of so-called special technical educational institutions. Those schools that prepare special professional staff,” said Butsaev at a conference in Nuremberg, where the delegation of the Moscow region will present their investment potential.

21 Jun Butsaev said that Moscow region is the leader in most of the macroeconomic indicators in Russia — industry, trade, standard of living.

On the same day, Contact the Director of the Bureau of small and medium businesses in the Eastern Committee of German economy Jens Bollmann at the end of the business tomorrow with the participation of Russia noted the investment potential of the Moscow region. According to him, many German companies operate in the region.

In the beginning of the month it was reported that Mosoblasti took ninth place in the National rating of investment climate of Russian regions, compiled by the Agency for strategic initiatives (ASI).

