The head of the Ukrainian mission to the European Union Nikolai Tochitskii said that the introduction of a visa-free regime suggests that the myth of the inferiority of Ukraine to the European community dispelled. His words on Sunday, June 11, UNIAN cites.
“It’s really an extraordinary event that breaks all the myths that Ukraine is somewhere in the backyard of Europe. We did it,” said the Ambassador.
He also noted that from a political point of view, the introduction bezveza confirms the fact that Ukraine and the countries-EU members are equal partners.
Informed in the State border service of Ukraine reported that, according to the June 11, bezveza have used 1.3 thousand Ukrainians. It was said that 71 percent of travelers crossed the border through road crossings, another 29 percent traveled by plane.
Visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU entered into force on 11 June. According to the agreement reached between Kyiv and Brussels, the citizens of the country will be able to stay in the member countries of the Schengen area not exceeding 90 days within half a year. Permission to work and study in the EU, the Ukrainians have not received.