In the Baltic States plan to create a channel in the Russian language, said in Latvia


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The question of the creation of a single public channel in the Russian language in the Baltic States for a long time is not in the agenda of the Ministry of culture of Latvia, said on air of the Latvian radio Baltkom head of media policy Department of the Ministry of culture Robert Putnis.

“We have before our eyes the example of Estonia, where they created a similar channel in the Russian language ETV+, but he did not give the expected results. Therefore, we do not quite understand whether it makes sense for us to try to work with the Russian in the same way, through such a channel. A lot of opinions on this subject, and they all differ from each other,” said Putnis.

According to him, talks about the creation of the channel was in 2014, but then they subsided.

“In February, changed the composition of the Council for electronic media (NEPLP). I can say one thing — since the beginning of 2014 question about creating a channel in Russian does not rise. On this question there are no proposals no longer supplied,” — said Putnis.

In 2014 the Ministers of culture of the Baltic States discussed the idea of creating a single public TV channel in Russian for the fight against “Russian propaganda.” In Estonia was created the ETV+ in Latvia, the idea has not received proper approval.

