The media learned about in Britain raised the fighters to intercept Russian aircraft

The media learned about in Britain raised the fighters to intercept Russian aircraft

Two fighter Typhoon Royal air force were scrambled to intercept Russian planes that allegedly approached the airspace of the United Kingdom. On Saturday, may 27, reports the Daily Mail.

According to the newspaper, the incident occurred in Scotland. The fighters were up from a military base in Lossiemouth to intercept two aircraft from Russia.

In the Russian defense Ministry, in turn, said that may 27 long-range bombers Tu-22M3 carried out planned flights over neutral waters of the Barents and Norwegian seas in accordance with international rules. The borders of other States at the same have not been violated, TASS reported.

“The pilots of distant aircraft in accordance with the training plan regularly performs flights over neutral waters of the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Black sea, the Pacific ocean,” — said the press service.

In may 2016 British Typhoon fighter jets twice was raised on alert to intercept Russian planes near the borders with Estonia and the Baltic sea. In February of the same year, a similar incident occurred in the East of England.

Do you distinguish the markings of the Russian air force from, for example, the air force of Serbia or Australia?

