North Korea said the right to mercilessly punish the Americans
North Korean authorities have every right to ruthlessly punish American citizens detained in the country. This was stated by the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea, the content material reports Reuters. According to KCNA, soon will be released the reasons for the detention of two citizens of the United States.
According to KCNA, the American media are trying to present the arrest of two US citizens in North Korea as an invitation to a kind of “trading”, but this is pure ignorance. It clarifies the Agency, in the near future will be released the reasons for the detention of Americans.
Kim HAK Sleep, working at the Pyongyang University of science and technology, was detained on Saturday, may 6, on suspicion of involvement in “hostile acts” against the state. He is one of four Americans in detention in North Korea at the moment.
Before that, in late April, was detained Kim sang Dok, which were related to the same school.
Earlier, North Korean court were convicted of anti-state crimes 22-year-old student of Otto Wambier and 62-year-old missionary Kim Dong-Chul. Wambier was arrested in January 2016 and sentenced to 15 years hard labor for attempting to steal a propaganda poster.
Two months later, Kim Dong-Chul was sentenced to 10 years hard labor for subversive activities. None of them appeared in public after the verdict.