About 700 thousand people came to the action “Immortal regiment” in Saint Petersburg

About 700 thousand people came to the action “Immortal regiment” in Saint Petersburg

The route of the event ran along Nevsky Prospekt to Palace square.

In the action of memory “Immortal regiment” in Saint Petersburg was attended by about 700 thousand people, said the Committee on law, order and security of the city government.

“The event was attended by 700 thousand people”, — said the interlocutor of “Interfax”.

The action started at 14.00, its route lay almost along Nevsky Prospekt from the Suvorovsky Prospekt to Palace square.

A column of people passed on the route after the parade of vintage cars in wartime. People were singing the songs of the military years, with portraits of fathers and grandfathers, participants of war and veterans of rear. The March ended at the Palace square, where immediately after the gala concert began. At 22.00 the Petersburg sky was decorated with fireworks from the walls of the fortress.

In St. Petersburg is now home to about 1.4 thousand invalids of the great Patriotic war. All those events have a bearing of approximately 130 thousand residents.

