In the US, an influential group of senators has drafted a bill to resolve the crisis in Venezuela

In the US, an influential group of senators has drafted a bill to resolve the crisis in Venezuela

An influential group of senators from both parties will submit to the Congress a massive bill on measures to resolve the Venezuelan crisis, including sanctions against fighters with democracy, reports Reuters with reference to sources among the assistants to the senators. Also, these congressmen call on President Donald trump to make infrastructure in the US could not pass under the control of “Rosneft”.

In 2016, the Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA used it owned a 49.9% stake in the U.S. Citgo Holding Inc. to ensure obligations to Rosneft. In January 2017, it became known that ConocoPhillips filed in the court of the state of Delaware a lawsuit against PDVSA, challenging the legitimacy of this transaction. From the claim it follows that the asset was collateral for the loan from the Russian company in the amount of $1.5 billion, reported Bloomberg. In March, PDVSA reported receiving $1,985 billion advance payment for the supply of oil and oil products as part of the transaction, the collateral for which are 49.9% of Citgo. April 10, a group of senators from both major parties in the letter to the Minister of Finance Steven Mnuchin expressed concern that critical infrastructure in the country who controls Citgo may be under the control of “Rosneft”. In total, according to Reuters, Rosneft loaned PDVSA $4 billion to $5 billion.

Measures to combat the crisis in Venezuela, set out in the bill are grouped into 11 thematic sections, Agency sources said. The sanctions proposed in the address implicated in corruption Venezuelans or those who flout the rules of democracy.

There is a proposal to allocate $10 million for humanitarian assistance to the population, to oblige the US state Department to take on the coordination of efforts of regional countries to resolve the crisis. From U.S. intelligence agencies proposed to require reports on the involvement of Venezuelan officials in corruption or drug trafficking. Sources in the Senate emphasize that the bill United States is not proposed to deal with the crisis alone, and to do it in cooperation with other countries of America, and offered to work with the causes of the crisis and to support respect for human rights.

Recently, representatives of the United States isn’t actively commenting on the situation in Venezuela, the President of which explains the deep economic crisis in the country, the machinations of Washington, which is behind local opposition, reminds Reuters. The most influential among the authors of the current bill are democratic Senator Ben Cardin and Republican Senator Marco Rubio. The presence among the developers of the Senator-Republican “number 2” John Cornin and democracy “room 2” dick Durbin, and Senator John McCain increases the chances of the amendments to the adoption, the Agency added.

