Scientists in the US have found that Smoking increases the risk of thrombosis

Scientists in the US have found that Smoking increases the risk of thrombosis

Scientists in the US found that Smoking weakens the gene responsible for the protection of blood vessels, which in turn increases the risk of blood clots.

As the authors of the study in an article in the journal Circulation, blood clots make blood vessels less elastic, and it can cause heart disease.

These findings are based on genetic material 140 thousand people.

One of the authors of the report associate Professor of the Danish Saleheen from the University of Pennsylvania, called the study one of the first steps to figuring out, as the impact on the gene can lead to coronary heart disease.

As reported by the world health organization, tobacco use is one of the main risk factors for the development of a number of chronic diseases, including cancer, lung disease and cardiovascular disease.

According to who, Smoking is the cause of 1.6 million deaths per year worldwide

Last year scientists from the Sanger Institute and the Los Alamos national laboratory in the United States obnarodovany data according to which one pack of cigarettes a day leads to the formation of 150 mutations in every cell of the lungs annually, 97 mutations in the cells of the larynx and vocal apparatus, 23 mutations in the oral cavity and 18 in the bladder, six in the liver.

