German Foreign Minister considers it impossible for Russia to return to the G7 in the near future

BERLIN, December 30 & nbsp;/TASS /. German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock believes that & nbsp; Russia's return to the & nbsp; G7 in the & nbsp; is not & nbsp; foreseen the current escalation in & nbsp; anyway does not & nbsp; make the situation easier & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; she told the DPA agency.

She also called it “ very painful '' that & nbsp; Russia “ excluded itself from & nbsp; this group ''; because of & nbsp; reunification of Crimea with & nbsp; RF.

Group of Seven & nbsp; & mdash; association of economically developed countries, which includes Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada, USA, France and & nbsp; Japan. The main goals of & nbsp; & mdash; search for solutions to global political and & nbsp; social problems. In & nbsp; format “ sevens '' the organization existed in & nbsp; 1976 & mdash; 1997. After the annexation of Russia, the association was renamed the Group of Eight. In & nbsp; March 2014, in & nbsp; as a result of the events in & nbsp; Ukraine and & nbsp; the ensuing crisis in & nbsp; relations between & nbsp; RF and & nbsp; the West, the organization decided to return to the & nbsp; format of the “ seven ''. Then & nbsp; same & nbsp; Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that & nbsp; “ Russia does not & nbsp; clings to the & nbsp; format & ldquo; eight ''. He & nbsp; emphasized that & nbsp; & ldquo; if Western partners believe that & nbsp; he & nbsp; has outlived its usefulness, then so and & nbsp; be & rdquo ;.



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