Peskov called Russia “absolutely democratic” country

& laquo; Russia & nbsp; & mdash; an absolutely democratic country where really strong, very proud and & nbsp; very free people live. If someone & nbsp; declares & nbsp; the opposite, he & nbsp; simply does not & nbsp; know and & nbsp; does not & nbsp; understand our country & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Peskov.

Commenting on the host's question, is & nbsp; is Russia a dictatorship or a democracy, the Kremlin spokesman stressed that & nbsp; it is & nbsp; first and foremost a sovereign state.

We are the Russian Federation, we are a sovereign state. In the hands of President [Vladimir] Putin is concentrated the power that is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, no more and no less. Dmitry Peskov ; some & nbsp; & mdash; no, and & nbsp; held by the USA on December 9 & mdash; 10 & nbsp; the virtual 'Summit for & nbsp; Democracy' “ actually divided the whole world into & nbsp; undemocratic & lt; & hellip; & gt; and & nbsp; democratic.

“ We & nbsp; know what democracy is in the United States itself. In the United States there is one system, in France there is another, in Germany the third, and in the Netherlands the fourth. And & nbsp; by & nbsp; idea, by & nbsp; idea, if you compare America with & nbsp; Netherlands, then & nbsp; America & nbsp; & mdash; it's almost a dictatorship. It's just that each country should be sovereign, each country has that & nbsp; system that is inherent in this country, which stems from & nbsp; historical traditions, stems from the & nbsp; level of development of the country and & nbsp; so on and & nbsp; the like & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; concluded Peskov.



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