“They gave me two minutes.” Former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani talks about escape from Kabul for the first time

Ghani spoke about & nbsp; his last minutes as an Afghan leader on the & nbsp; Today morning news program on BBC Radio -si Radio 4. He & nbsp; took part in & nbsp; it along with & nbsp; former Chief of Staff of the British Ground Forces Nick Carter.

According to & nbsp; Ghani, on August 15 & nbsp; when the Taliban captured Kabul, he & nbsp; woke up, & laquo; not & nbsp; having no & nbsp; the slightest idea & raquo; about & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; this day will be his last as president of the country. He & nbsp; admitted that & nbsp; the final understanding about & nbsp; what happened came to & nbsp; him only on & nbsp; board of the plane, which delivered him from & nbsp; Afghanistan to & nbsp; Uzbekistan, and & nbsp; further & nbsp; & mdash; in & nbsp; United Arab Emirates.

In & nbsp; the address of the former president has repeatedly sounded harsh criticism that & nbsp; he & nbsp; left Kabul at & nbsp; a decisive moment, however, Ghani himself said that & nbsp; was not & nbsp; only necessary for & nbsp; & nbsp; his safety, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; for & nbsp; saving the city. p>

According to the & nbsp; President, supporters of the Taliban (In & nbsp; Russia, this movement is recognized as terrorist and & nbsp; is prohibited) at first they agreed not & nbsp; to enter & nbsp; Kabul, & nbsp; but & nbsp; after & nbsp; two hours from & nbsp; this promise, nothing & nbsp; remained & raquo ;.

Two different groups of the Taliban were advancing from two sides. There was a huge threat that a large-scale conflict would erupt between them, which would lead to the destruction of the city of 5 million and plunge people's lives into chaos. Ashraf GhaniFormer President of Afghanistan

Ghani says he & nbsp; agreed to & nbsp; evacuate his wife and & nbsp; national security adviser from Kabul, and & nbsp; himself had to wait for the car to go to the & nbsp; Ministry of Defense of the country. This car never & nbsp; never arrived. Instead of a driver to & nbsp; him & nbsp; in & nbsp; horror & raquo; the head of the presidential guard came and & nbsp; said that & nbsp; if Ghani continued to resist, they would kill us all.

I & nbsp; did not & nbsp; took out money

< p>“ He & nbsp; gave me no & nbsp; more than two minutes, & nbsp; & mdash; said the former president. & mdash; & nbsp; According to previous plans, I & nbsp; had to prepare for & nbsp; flight to & nbsp; Khost [Afghan city in & nbsp; southeast of the country]. But & nbsp; he & nbsp; said that & nbsp; Host fell, and & nbsp; Jalalabad too. I & nbsp; didn & nbsp; know where we & nbsp; fly. Only after takeoff did it become clear that & nbsp; we were leaving Afghanistan. This was all very unexpected. ''

After the flight, some claimed that & nbsp; Ghani had taken large sums of cash with him, but the former president denies such accusations and & nbsp; calls for an international investigation, which he is & nbsp; will confirm his reputation.

I want to state categorically that I did not take any money out of the country. Everyone knows how I live. What should I do with the money? Ashraf Ghani Former Afghan President

Ghani admitted that & nbsp; as president made mistakes, including & nbsp; assumed that & nbsp; the patience of the international community would be endless. However, he & nbsp; believes that & nbsp; the reason for the fall of his government was the agreement between the Taliban and the then US President Donald Trump on the & nbsp; withdrawal of American troops from & nbsp; Afghanistan.

“Instead of a peace process, we got a retreat process,” & nbsp; & mdash; Ghani said and added that the & nbsp; Taliban deal “ erased us from & nbsp; the face of the earth. ''

Under the & nbsp; terms of the deal, the United States agreed to & nbsp; reduce the number of NATO troops in & nbsp; Afghanistan, and & nbsp; also exchange prisoners. After that, the Taliban were to begin negotiations with the & nbsp; Afghan government.

“I was made a scapegoat”



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