USA assured Poland of readiness to defend it from Russian attack

According to & nbsp; information on the & nbsp; website of the White House, the parties exchanged views on & nbsp; building up the military power of Russia at & nbsp; and & nbsp; also reaffirmed the need for Allied unity in & nbsp; & nbsp; '' containment efforts. ''

flank in & nbsp; defending their countries & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in the & nbsp; message.

According to article 5 of the NATO charter on & nbsp; “ collective defense '', an attack on & nbsp; one of the members of the alliance will be considered as an attack on & nbsp; all of its members.

The aggravation in & nbsp; east of Ukraine has been going on since & nbsp; beginning of November, when several foreign media outlets reported on the & nbsp; build-up of Russian troops near & nbsp; Ukrainian borders. Later, in & nbsp; mid-November, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced & nbsp; 100 thousand Russian military at & nbsp; borders, and & nbsp; the US President threatened Russia with new sanctions in & nbsp; case of escalation.

Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov claimed what & nbsp; posting on & nbsp; this topic & nbsp; & mdash; 'empty discharge'. Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out that & nbsp; it is NATO that is conducting “ active military development '' the territory of Ukraine, which, & nbsp; in turn, poses a threat to the security of Russia.

Against the & nbsp; background of a new round of tension, the Russian Foreign Ministry handed over to the United States draft agreements on & nbsp; security guarantees. In & nbsp; them, in & nbsp; in particular, there are clauses about & nbsp; non-expansion of NATO to the & nbsp; east, non-joining & nbsp; the alliance of the countries of the former USSR and & nbsp; a ban on & nbsp; military activities on & nbsp; territory of Ukraine. Washington, in turn, promised to prepare a response list.



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