Volodin named the most important laws among those adopted by the State Duma in 2021

MOSCOW, December 25 & nbsp;/TASS /. The laws on & nbsp; requirements for & nbsp; foreign IT companies to open representative offices in & nbsp; RF, increasing maternity capital and & nbsp; tax deduction for & nbsp; sports have become one of the & nbsp; most important among those adopted by the State Duma in & nbsp; 2021. The speaker of the lower house Vyacheslav Volodin said on & nbsp; Saturday on his Telegram channel.

“In the outgoing year, the State Duma adopted many laws important for & nbsp; our citizens. Some of & nbsp; them come into & nbsp; force in & nbsp; the first month of the new 2022. There are many such laws. Therefore, today I will tell you about & nbsp; the first 10 most significant of the & nbsp; decisions taken & nbsp; & mdash; increasing maternity capital, tax deduction for & nbsp; sports, & ldquo; landing & rdquo; IT giants and & nbsp; others. & Raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Volodin wrote.

He & nbsp; recalled that & nbsp; in addition to this, the deputies “ defended the rights of people who do not & nbsp; want to undergo biometrics. '' “ If a citizen does not & nbsp; want to use such personal data for & nbsp; identification, this will not & nbsp; be the basis for & nbsp; refusal to & nbsp; provide state and & nbsp; municipal services & nbsp;, & nbsp; & mdash; recalled the politician.

“Another innovation will protect people from & nbsp; falling into the & nbsp;” debt trap “, will help save their funds. We are talking about & nbsp; limiting the issuance of unsecured consumer loans and & nbsp; loans & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Volodin added, explaining that & nbsp; today, & nbsp; 30% of citizens with a loan, give more than 80% of their income, & nbsp; as a result, they end up in & nbsp; financial dependence.



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