About Vyatka kvass and “when will you get married?”: 7 most unusual questions at Putin's press conference

When will you & nbsp; get married?

Personal questions addressed to the president have become traditional at & nbsp; press conferences. Putin was asked about & nbsp; health, & nbsp; his pets, & nbsp; childhood and & nbsp; parents. In & nbsp; 2018, the journalist of the Life portal asked when Vladimir Putin would finally marry after his first marriage ended and & nbsp; to & nbsp; com. The President assured that & nbsp; he & nbsp; as a decent person will do it someday.

Slave to & nbsp; galleys

Few people & nbsp; remember, but & nbsp; remained in the heads of many Putin's phrase “ I & nbsp; plowed like a slave in & nbsp; galleys '' also & nbsp; was pronounced at & nbsp; one of the & nbsp; press conferences in & nbsp; back in 2008. Then the & nbsp; format of the event was somewhat different (the president answered in a & nbsp; small studio), and & nbsp; the range of issues was narrower. With & nbsp; answering & nbsp; one of & nbsp; them & nbsp; & mdash; about & nbsp; his further work at the & nbsp; post after two four-year terms & nbsp; & mdash; and & nbsp; this became a catch phrase.

Intimate video with & nbsp; Dzyuba

In & nbsp; 2020, the press conference was held in a & nbsp; remote format: the journalists sat in the & nbsp; hall, and the & nbsp; president broadcast from the & nbsp; screen. Correspondent of the TV channel “ Match & nbsp; TV '' asked a question about the & nbsp; resonant situation around & nbsp; merged into & nbsp; An intimate video network with & nbsp; football player of the Russian national team Artyom Dzyuba: & nbsp; Should & nbsp; whether & nbsp; such a situation to influence & nbsp; professional activity is not & nbsp; only an athlete & nbsp; ? '' Vladimir Putin did not answer & nbsp; only to the & nbsp; question on the & nbsp; essence, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; admitted that & nbsp; did not & nbsp; watched the video itself, in & nbsp; unlike & nbsp; journalist of the Match & nbsp; TV channel. = ” 100% “height =” 360 “src =” https://www.youtube.com/embed/qZBIZq1sZuU “title =” YouTube video player “frameborder =” 0 “allow =” accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted- media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture “allowfullscreen>

How not to & nbsp; use profanity?

In & nbsp; volume & nbsp; the same & nbsp; 2020 in & nbsp; the singer and & nbsp; showman Sergey Shnurov acted as a journalist. He presented at the RTVI press conference. His first question was just from the & nbsp; TV channel & nbsp; & mdash; on & nbsp; why Russian hackers did not & nbsp; helped Donald Trump to be elected for the & nbsp; second time to the & nbsp; presidency of the United States. And & nbsp; here the second question was more curious. Shnurov asked how a Russian person shouldn't use profanity. On & nbsp; this is the president cited an example from the & nbsp; Soviet film “ Gentlemen of Fortune '' and & nbsp; thanked the newly-minted journalist for & nbsp; that & nbsp; that & nbsp; didn & nbsp; use this vocabulary in & nbsp; during the press conference.

“After meeting with & nbsp; you, & nbsp; my personal life changed”

Curiosities were not & nbsp; only because of & nbsp; non-standard questions at & nbsp; press conferences of the president, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; with & nbsp; their & nbsp; wording, so many journalists were remembered for a long time by viewers and & nbsp; colleagues. In & nbsp; 2013, an employee of the newspaper “ Interlocutor '' Elena Melchinovskaya, in the course of the question, managed to win back corporate events, hint that & nbsp; they have no money for & nbsp; tell the president that & nbsp; & nbsp; she had a personal life after meeting with & nbsp; Putin, ask for a personal interview, invite the head of state to & nbsp; anniversary of the newspaper, and & nbsp; also ask how print publications live in today's difficult conditions.

Citizen president for life

Famous in & nbsp; 2012 on & nbsp; all over the country, the editor-in-chief of the People's Veche from & nbsp; Vladivostok Maria Solovienko, who answered & nbsp; Putin's request “ Sit down, Masha '' the phrase “ Thank you, Vova '', after & nbsp; a year she behaved not & nbsp; less non-standard. First, she turned to the & nbsp; head of state: “ Citizen President for Life of the Russian Federation '', then she began to quote “ Chuk and & nbsp; Geka '', asking the audience not & nbsp; to laugh and & nbsp; not & nbsp; to applaud, because “ this is a very serious question, '' and & nbsp; then asked & nbsp; Putin for 20 & nbsp; million rubles to provide the tomograph purchased for & nbsp; the edge with the necessary equipment, and & nbsp; finally, interrupting the president, & nbsp; & mdash; nationalize natural resources and & nbsp; get rid of & nbsp; the oligarchic layer.



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