The Duma adopted an amendment to create a unified state system of biometric data

“The unified biometric system is a state information system”, & nbsp; & mdash; says the & nbsp; doc. The amendment establishes that & nbsp; the functioning of the biometric system is approved by the government of & nbsp; RF.

According to the amendment, citizens will be able to independently & nbsp; visit state bodies or authorized organizations, place biometric samples in this system using & nbsp; trusted software, and & nbsp; also with & nbsp; the use of a confirmed account in the & nbsp; unified identification system and & nbsp; authentication and & nbsp; data from a & nbsp; chip on & nbsp; & nbsp; passport & nbsp; RF.

In addition, mandatory accreditation is introduced by state bodies using for identification & nbsp; and & nbsp; authentication by means of biometric personal data other state information systems instead of a unified biometric system.

It is also established that such state information systems are obliged to use only vectors obtained from the & nbsp; unified biometric system in the & nbsp; e formation of posted personal data, from which it is impossible to recover the original biometric personal data.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that & nbsp; biometric data should be stored in a & nbsp; unified and & nbsp; protected state data system.



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