White House confirms Biden's next term plans with Harris

US President Joe Biden still intends to run for the & nbsp; next presidential term in & nbsp; paired with & nbsp; Vice President Kamalla Harris. According to CNN, Deputy Press Secretary of the White House Karine Jean-Pierre said about & nbsp;

“ I & nbsp; cannot & nbsp; talk about & nbsp; what conversations the vice president and & nbsp; president have between themselves , I & nbsp; can only say & lt; & hellip; & gt; about & nbsp; that & nbsp; the president himself said: that & nbsp; he & nbsp; plans to participate in & nbsp; presidential elections in & nbsp; 2024. I have nothing more to add to & nbsp; this & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said a spokesman for the presidential administration.

Jean-Pierre commented on Harris's interview with The Wall Street Journal, in which the US Vice President stated that & nbsp; they had not discussed with & nbsp; Biden, plans & nbsp; whether he & nbsp; to run again. Harris explained that it is too early to think about & nbsp; now, since only the first year of Biden's stay in power is nearing the end. To the & nbsp; question, does she assume & nbsp; that & nbsp; Biden will run again in & nbsp; elections, she replied: & quot; I & nbsp; will be very honest: I & nbsp; I & nbsp; do & nbsp; think about & nbsp; this, and & nbsp; we did not & nbsp; ;.

Biden, 78, won the & nbsp; fall 2020 election with & nbsp; Kamalla Harris, a former Senator from California. Biden announced his plans to run for a second term back in March. By the & nbsp; 2024 elections, Biden will be & nbsp; already 81. If he & nbsp; takes part in them and & nbsp; wins, then & nbsp; will update his & nbsp; same & nbsp; record, for the second time becoming the oldest & nbsp; age president of the United States in & nbsp; history. The Washington Post noted that & nbsp; in the & nbsp; Democratic Party, not everyone supports Biden's new nomination due to & nbsp; a noticeable decline in his rating, and & nbsp; also his age.

In the 2024 elections, his potential rival could be an ex -President Donald Trump. He & nbsp; so far & nbsp; has not & nbsp; stated unequivocally that & nbsp; intends to again participate in the & nbsp; elections in & nbsp; as a candidate for the & nbsp; top position, but said that & nbsp; does & nbsp; exclude such a possibility. In & nbsp; July, Trump, speaking about & nbsp; is planning & nbsp; whether he & nbsp; to participate in & nbsp; new presidential elections, said that & nbsp; had already decided, but did not yet & nbsp; disclose his decision. “ I & nbsp; know the answer, but & nbsp; I cannot yet & nbsp; disclose it as it could affect & nbsp; campaign funding and & nbsp; other things. But & nbsp; I definitely know my answer & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; the ex-president said then.



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