The provision of information from the USRN may be limited

It is necessary to strengthen the protection of personal data contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), according to members of the Federation Council. Now you can order a statement about & nbsp; any real estate, where indicated in & nbsp; including the surname, name and & nbsp; patronymic of its owner. This is in demand, for example, in & nbsp; transactions with & nbsp; real estate & nbsp; & mdash; the buyer can verify that the & nbsp; item really belongs to the seller. However, this increases the risks of fraud and & nbsp; loss of property, the members of the Federation Council noted at the & nbsp; meeting where the activities of Rosreestr were discussed.

“ Now everyone can get information about & nbsp; everyone by paying the established funds and & nbsp; even without & nbsp; notification copyright holder. And & nbsp; use this information & nbsp; & mdash; such statistics, unfortunately & nbsp; & mdash; for & nbsp; committing fraudulent transactions & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; agreed the head of Rosreestr Oleg Skufinsky.

International experience shows that & nbsp; there is a general trend towards & nbsp; personal data protection, he added. The procedure for providing such information in & nbsp; different countries. Somewhere & nbsp; to get information about the & nbsp; owner is possible only with the & nbsp; consent of the owner. In & nbsp; other countries, the applicant must justify the receipt of such information and & nbsp; indicate the & nbsp; essential need for their & nbsp; provision. “ The question is serious, it requires deep study and & nbsp; study. Rosreestr is ready to discuss this issue, study and & nbsp; work together & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Skufinsky emphasized.

The committees of the Federation Council will study the situation, and if necessary, amendments to the & nbsp; legislation will be prepared.

