Tolstoy announced a large number of questions to the bill on QR codes

Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy said that & nbsp; the bill on & nbsp; introducing nbsp; nbs in public places & nbs ; lower chamber. “ There are still many questions '', & nbsp; & mdash; he wrote & nbsp; in & nbsp; his Telegram channel.

Tolstoy also commented on information about & nbsp; that & nbsp; from & nbsp; the agenda of the State Duma on December 16 & nbsp; consideration of the bill on & nbsp; introduction of QR codes on & nbsp; transport will be removed. “ Truth is born in dialogue. I am glad that the & nbsp; opinion of the majority of the inhabitants of our country was heard: such decisions cannot be made in a & nbsp; haste and & nbsp; without & nbsp; broad public discussion & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; wrote & nbsp; he.

On & nbsp; the decision of the State Duma not to & nbsp; discuss the bill on & nbsp; QR codes on & nbsp; transport on & nbsp; on & nbsp; night on & nbsp; said the speaker of the lower house Vyacheslav Volodin. He & nbsp; explained this in & nbsp; in particular by the position of the president, who called not to make hasty moves.

According to & nbsp; according to RBC, the bill will not & nbsp; be returned to the & nbsp; government, but & nbsp; will be finalized by the State Duma and the Ministry of Transport & nbsp; with & nbsp; taking into account the position of the business.

