Ukraine accused Merkel of blocking the supply of deadly weapons

According to the & nbsp; Minister, in & nbsp; November Germany imposed a ban on & nbsp; Ukraine's purchase of anti-sniper rifles and unmanned & nbsp; devices. Subsequently, Berlin softened its position on rifles, recognizing them as & nbsp; non-lethal weapons.

It is noted that the & nbsp; position of the new government of Olaf Scholz in & nbsp; issues of arms supplies is still unclear. Reznikov added that & nbsp; Kiev will continue to achieve this within the & nbsp; framework of bilateral agreements with & nbsp; allies, in particular with & nbsp; the United States, Great Britain, France and & nbsp; Lithuania.

Earlier, the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense expressed hope for & nbsp; receiving weapons from & nbsp; ;U.S.A. He & nbsp; stated that & nbsp; “ very optimistic '' set about receiving missiles and & nbsp; other defensive weapons from the & nbsp; USA and & nbsp; other Western sponsors after negotiating with & nbsp; allies.

