The Federation Council spoke about the provocation of Ukraine in the Kerch Strait

The actions of the Ukrainian vessel Donbass, which approached the & nbsp; Kerch Strait, were not a clear provocation & npbs; which fortunately ; poured into & nbsp; something & nbsp; more serious, says Federation Council Senator Sergei Tsekov. In a & nbsp; conversation with & nbsp; “ '' he & nbsp; added that & nbsp; Ukraine closely monitored the reaction of Russia and & nbsp; decided not to attempt to pass through the & nbsp; strait.

Control ship 'Donbass' The Ukrainian Navy approached the & nbsp; Kerch Strait, ignoring Russia's demands for a & nbsp; course change. On the afternoon of December 9 & nbsp; the Russian coast guard ship called on Ukrainian sailors to comply with Russian laws, to & nbsp; that & nbsp; they replied that & nbsp; were not & nbsp; going to navigate the ship through the & nbsp; Kerch Strait.

Someone's in & nbsp; Ukraine, obviously, itching to, and & nbsp; they decided to follow & nbsp; in the footsteps of the former President of the country Petro Poroshenko with & nbsp; his passage through & nbsp; Kerch Strait. They themselves closely monitored the situation, saw that & nbsp; was happening with & nbsp; our side, the reaction of the Federal Security Service, and & nbsp; finally made the right decision: they stopped and & nbsp; no longer tried & nbsp; tried to make an attempt to pass through the & nbsp; Strait. Sergei Tsekov

The politician noted that & nbsp; this is a provocation in view of & nbsp; the fact that & nbsp; Ukrainian ships have the right to pass through the & nbsp; strait. For & nbsp; this you only need to submit an application and & nbsp; agree on the time. But & nbsp; the country decided to ignore this rule.

“ All ships pass through the & nbsp; Kerch Strait by & nbsp; agreement, this is normal practice, time and maneuvers are agreed. The point is & nbsp; is that & nbsp; this is a very difficult strait, & nbsp; it has a shallow depth, along with & nbsp; that there is quite intensive traffic of various vessels: trade, fishing. And & nbsp; they all wait in the & nbsp; queue for permission to & nbsp; pass. Hopefully, in the & nbsp; future, if this situation repeats itself, Ukraine will simply leave a request & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the senator.

He & nbsp; also recalled that & nbsp; at & nbsp; at the & nbsp; time when the provocation was committed, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy conducted telephone conversations with & nbsp; US President Joe Biden. The politician remarked that & nbsp; may be & nbsp; there is some kind of & nbsp; connection, but & nbsp; neither & nbsp; nor & nbsp; cannot be proven.

