Putin announced work on a law to enshrine the concept of torture in the Criminal Code

The Federation Council & nbsp; has already begun work on & nbsp; amending & nbsp; legislation that enshrines the very concept of corpus delicti & ldquo; torture … Such work & nbsp; is already underway, in & nbsp; anyway, the issue in & nbsp; Federation Council has been raised and & nbsp; & nbsp; they are working on this & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the president.

Commenting on Merkacheva's question about & nbsp; the situation with & nbsp; disclosure of data on & nbsp; torture in & nbsp; colonies & nbsp; and, often lack of punishment for those who used torture, Putin said that & nbsp; The Central Office of the Investigative Committee is conducting a preliminary investigation.

“ The question, of course, is very important, I followed & nbsp; what is & nbsp; going on, for & nbsp; this information, you need to carefully figure it out in & nbsp; The central office of the Investigative Committee is conducting a preliminary investigation on the & nbsp; issues that have become known and & nbsp; which are being considered in the & nbsp; framework of the initiated criminal cases. Here, I agree with & nbsp; you need systemic measures that & nbsp; would change the situation & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the president.

Torture in the colonies became known in the beginning of October. The human rights project Gulagu.net posted on the & nbsp; network materials with & nbsp; scenes of violence in & nbsp; against prisoners in & nbsp; tuberculosis prison hospital in & nbsp; Saratov region. Soon Gulagu.net reported on the & nbsp; receipt of a video with & nbsp; torture in four more colonies. The archive was provided to human rights defenders by the programmer Sergei Savelyev, who was serving time in & nbsp; Saratov region and & nbsp; served cameras and & nbsp; video recorders in & nbsp; OTB-1.

On November 16 & nbsp; Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov said that & nbsp; happened in & nbsp; 12 criminal cases were initiated under & nbsp; articles on & nbsp; rape, extortion and & nbsp; abuse of office. Some individuals & nbsp; have already been charged.

On November 25 & nbsp; Putin dismissed the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Alexander Kalashnikov, and & nbsp; appointed Deputy Interior Minister Arkady Gostev to this post. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that & nbsp; Kalashnikov himself submitted a report on his & nbsp; resignation.

